Woman’s Attitude Leads to Felony Charges

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41 thoughts on “Woman’s Attitude Leads to Felony Charges

  1. Is there anything in US law that prevents the police from just having people blow into a breathalyzer? "Roadsides" looks like a waste of time. In Norway they'll just randomly conduct breathalyzer tests, and if you refuse you'll be dragged down to the police station and a doctor will take a blood sample, whether you like it or not. Seems a lot simpler for everyone involved.

  2. The woman does not have to answer her questions about where she is coming from. That does not make her "feisty", she declined to answer her question & she repeated the question multiple times. The suspect got annoyed. Thats it.

    Not defending the drunk lady but she has the right to decline to answer questions & that doesn't make her "aggressive'.

  3. Never do an FST in front of the susps veh with passengers left inside. Have an officer stand by with passengers left in the veh. If Susp becomes aggressive just hook them up and transport to the station for FST. If Susp is kept out of view of passengers in veh then you have no witnesses if you have a UOF.

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