Woman Makes Things 10x Worse After Fleeing

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30 thoughts on “Woman Makes Things 10x Worse After Fleeing

  1. I don't get the mindset people have that it's the cops fault that they're going to jail. The cops didn't make you not pay your previous fines or shoplift this day. Grow the F up already and take accountability for your own actions

  2. I like the cops in both, but the second one stands out to me.
    Hitting the brakes, parking the car, and immediately taking the keys was the smartest play imaginable cuz honestly I wouldn't've thought of that, but it was necessary to mitigate damages.
    (also idk how she thought she was gonna get away like that, that is absolutely silly)

  3. Good thing there’s this thing called a JOB!!!!! I can’t stand lazy people who refuse to work then play the victim because they CHOSE to do it illegally versus the legal way… Hope she does every bit of that 116 days!

  4. Years ago I was driving on a street that I thought was 45 mph but it was 40. A cop was standing on the side of the road and pointed at me to pull over. The second he pointed to pull over I looked down and saw I was going 51mph. When he asked if I knew how fast I was going I said yes, 51mph. I was honest and nice and he was nice and only wrote me up for 5mph over the speed limit instead of the 11mph over I was going. Being nice goes a long way and complying is the key. Now if you have a warrant then it was only a matter of time so man up and don't make it worse for yourself.🙏🏻

  5. Second Incident: "Please let me call my kids!" over a dozen times, followed by "I don't know the number to call my kids!" Hmm… I'm sensing a certain level of mental confusion on the part of the suspect. This is likely the first time she's been caught for this and her brain is skipping tracks trying to handle the stress. "I've only been doing this a couple of weeks!". Less than a month and she's already got 100 days on her rap sheet. Girl, take this as advice from an Internet Stranger. You're not cut out for a life of crime. Go on Food Stamps and Assisted Living and do it NOW.

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