Why Multiplayer Games Aren’t “Fun” Anymore

Every multiplayer game is dying because of gaming’s war on terror. WATCH MORE ZENKAI GOOSE …


42 thoughts on “Why Multiplayer Games Aren’t “Fun” Anymore

  1. People got soft. That's the real problem. Libtards basically took a game like cod for example. You can commit war crimes and murder each other but get a 2 week com ban for saying damn. And they focus on that issue more then cheaters

  2. I may be older now adays but was for a long time ranked top 10 in the world in black ops and MW3…recently getting back into a few games after a decade plus away from gaming, even COD and Valorant are just Zzzzzzzz's in the chats or as far as team work goes. There is ZERO sense of community, zero teamwork. Next to no reasonable chat that even goes along with the gameplay. Not to mention THE NUMBER of children that sit at home 24/7 and SWEAT these games to try and be the best. The MILLIONS, almost every 2nd player using cheats and aim bots.
    Gaming is legitimately dead as we once knew it. We used to play games and get GOOD. To the point it was second nature. No sweating to death for wins, no sitting for 24hrs a day in front of the identical game, no mods or hacks, just pure GOOD SKILL. The children that play fps games now aday arguably for the most part, have zero skill.
    RIP gaming. Yall kiddos will never know what the golden days were like and thats sad.

  3. Its the players. People have changed. No one talks to anyone anymore. Ive been playing CS since 1.6 and now, you can't even get anyone to call positioning, let alone have a little fun banter. I work with young people who panic about talking to customers on the phone.

  4. i personally think it’s because we’re in that middle ground of generations where on third of people are 40 years old and cant play games or are teens and have other things to do pr are 9 years old and too embarrassed to talk in game chat. give it some time and trash talking will be back

  5. Proximity chat in Cod 4 Modern Warfare was legendary. The eavesdrop perk created many fun experiences playing search and destroy while people on both teams had the perk active.

  6. I prefer keeping text chat off unless necessary, and I'm very hesitant about voice chat. Despite the fact that it's 2024 there are still many who fail to understand that yes, females actually do game. It's led to a wide variety of interactions.

  7. For myself I can say, I have a wife and kids now, anytime I finally get online to play shooters, Im headphones on and being quiet. Or only communicating enough to tell my teammates enemy positions, not like the old days where id be talking and having a grand ol time in the lobbys. I assume a lot of guys are in the same position as me, and I have large house with an office I play in, I still wake my wife up if I start getting after it lol

  8. I stress this all the time. Games are wack bc no1 likes to use their headsets to socialize. Its ridiculous. Paying $300 headsets to only use it for 1-3 ppl to talk to while gaming & not any1 else. Ppl suck.

  9. Good video and you're 100% correct. I was an OG Xbox Live gamer on the OG system. My games of choice were Rainbow Six 3, the Ghost Recons – including all the sequels and .5's (kinda like an expansion pack, but a whole new campaign and minor tweaks to the gameplay *see Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow, Ghost Recon Island Thunder, and Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike) and of course Halo 1 and 2 (yes, you can make Halo 1 go online via xbconnect). Most people were in chat – the quality was sketchy, but it worked for the most part. If you weren't in chat, the room host would likely boot you. You could talk in pregame and to your own team in game depending on what mode you were playing (most people played Team Survival – 8v8 Red vs Green teams). There was no proximity chat though. Also, DLC a was free map and a 3 map pack that cost you around $1. You didn't get the impression Ubisoft was milking you for money and it was more of a thank you to the fans who enjoyed their game. I feel the 360 generation's voice chat went a little too crazy without proper moderation and it turned a lot of people off of using a mic. Today it's even scarcer due to the horror stories of the past which is ironic because moderation is stronger than ever now. I don't think voice chat will ever come back as developers now implement button macros that you don't even a mic to communicate.

  10. Isn’t obvious? Die hard players the toxicity that they bring especially those that cheat knowing fully their account will get blocked and they just create a new one or devs allowing it to happen as in some scenarios its their friends? Thats why i quit ark survival evolved spent hundreds of hours to upgrade your base defence just so they can wipe it under mesh in seconds. Same with shooters ive played apex legends till more and more hackers started to show up players which move with super speed and aim bot? Thats why multiplayer is dying coz there are toxic players who
    Will abuse you with cheats just for fun of it. Specially in games
    Like ark or rust damn crazy good games but player base just not controlled enough for hacks or glitches.

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