Why I Mostly Just Watch Old Movies & TV Shows

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46 thoughts on “Why I Mostly Just Watch Old Movies & TV Shows

  1. I love this concept. If I may be so bold as to recommend a few of my favorites throughout the decades…

    The Three Musketeers (1973)
    A Night at the Opera (1935)
    The Hunt For Red October (1990)
    Legend (1985)
    Charade (1963)

    If you've already done these, I apologize 😂

  2. I dont think that mentioning different people is a bad thing. All Star Trek was about diversity. But of course movies need to make a good scripts, and not like Wonder Woman for example.

    I personally watch Babylon 5 for the first time. Almost completed)) And overall this is a good show, even today.

    But modern tv and movies can give us more complicated stories.

    If you rewatch Batman 1989 you will be surprised how slow and sometimes boring it is) Not even close as you remembered)

  3. I think that the Truman Show came out around the same time as that first film you mentioned, and it’s one of my absolute favorites. Jim Carey has depth.

    I’ll have to give that one a watch, thanks for highlighting it!

  4. All the tv shows I’m into currently came out in early 80s to early 90s. I was joking with my brothers, when I saw a trailer recently for a new M Shymalan movie, and the character was driving with her smartphone by her side, I was a little confused. My brain was wondering, “what’s that smartphone doing in a movie, those don’t belong there.” I think the most modern show I’ve seen is probably 30 Rock or How I Met Your Mother. I think they had early iPhones near the end of their runs.

    In almost every category of filmmaking—writing, acting, special effects, soundtrack, directing, etc.—they just don’t make them good anymore. The standards in the industry are free-falling. Even if they could make decent films, I can’t stand the reboot culture or the childish superhero nonsense. (And I like a lot of the earlier Batman films, and the 90s animated show, which though for kids was more mature and very well made.)

  5. And it's not just seeing the classics above modern paraphernalia, but appreciating them within their "limitations." I'll take Harakiri as an example, it has a remake, but I was definitely able to enjoy the original a lot even though I wasn't used to black and white on the screen.
    There is no doubt that we are what we consume in the long run, and I really appreciate that you have decided not to settle for modern entertainment and look back at the increasingly forgotten classics, it is something that I try to do too.

  6. I too watch some of the same & some over and over for the lack of anything good anymore. PS just a thought Communism Marxism Socialism Fascism or as we say now Content sensitivities. There is nothing sensitive about the ISMS

  7. Idkay but i feel like i'm the only one whos pretty fine with most modern stuff leaving so little to be desired. It just give me more reason and time to watch/play the material i missed these years .

  8. Saw this happening about 20 years ago, accelerated pace 10 yrs ago. Between "digital cloud storage" and streaming to eliminate physical possession, and later the wokism we suffer, I am glad I started hoarding physical media: I am proud of my thousands of books, CDs, DVDs, audio cassettes, VHS tapes, etc. Not worth anything to steal. Cannot be altered. Absent a fire these will last the rest of my life.

  9. Yes ,yes , and yes!!! Please do one on the wonder years tv show. The feels of that show man. There is just something so American . If a show could have ever captured the pure heart of growing uo in the best time in America it was that show.

  10. Funny fact about the gambling den and Casablanca.
    Casa – house
    Blanca – white
    Soanish reverses english speech order, so directly translates to White House…the rich people's gambling den. Anyways…on with your video!❤

  11. Re-watch "Northern Exposure"; Rob Morrow playing Joel Fleischman is better than I remembered. I appreciate Elaine Miles's character Marilyn Whirlwind even more now for her silent appraisal of everything.

  12. Casablanca? Really? I mean, I love that film as much as anyone else. What bothers me is that while some younger people SAY that the appreciate classic cinema, they never show any evidence that they've watched any movies from the 30s or the 40s beyond a handful of titles.

  13. Inspirational: Chariots of fire, Warrior, 127 hours, Tree of life
    Drama: Breaker Morant, Amour, Boyhood
    Gritty: Eastern Promises, Godfather 1/2, Sicario, Traffic
    Light hearted: Gigi, Seven brides for 7 brothers,
    Suspense: Night of the hunter, Out of the past, LA Confidential
    Philosophical: the thin red line

  14. Hey, I'm new to the channel. I agree with this video 100%. I enjoy going through old lists of oscar nominees or just browsing imdb and finding old movies to watch that i missed years back. There are good filmmakers these days, but few and far between. Totally random, go watch the older films of Brian de Palma, or checkout Christopher Reeve and Michael Caine in Deathtrap. A hidden gem!

  15. Go for it! Please do

    We lost the clear divides between high budget silver screen movies, B class small release and made-for-tv ages ago, primarily because of streaming platforms. Now that the streaming platforms are cash heavy enough, they are regurgitating what seems like 100s of movies and episodic shows every year. Once upon a time, the main choices were clear and you would occasionally bump into a diamond in the rough because you saw something at the rental store or a friend recommended something obscure from a film festival. These days the diamonds aren't buried in a hill, they are buried in a mountain of poorly written, poorly cast, rushed, message focused or eye crossingly cliched productions.

    So to cut myself short and simply reaffirm, yes please. Give us a look back starting before, say, the 2010s. I am confident that you will find movies to present your thoughts on that I missed and would thoroughly enjoy. Not to mention movies that, like so many people in the comments are observing, are likely to have so much more meaning and heart because their stories came first.

  16. Hey Dave, I enjoy watching these videos you've been making because they remind me so much of what I once loved and point me towards that which I've missed out on but can enjoy for the first time. Please keep it up!

  17. I just watch the old stuff, not all of it is good I thought that Connan (1984) was very 'meh' but most of it is heads and shoulders above what we've got today, heck even Enterprise is better than STD.

  18. It seems I am late to the party on this thread. I agree, you will always have the old stuff and I have quite a bit or access to it. If some of todays stuff is good I watch it, if not then I don't. Re-watching a good movie (or TV show) is like a glass of fine wine. It may taste like the last time but it is still enjoyable.

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