Why Boxing Weight Classes Matter 💥

Attempting to take down a heavyweight TeamHayabusa IG: frankboxingcoach #boxing #boxingtraining #sparring.


50 thoughts on “Why Boxing Weight Classes Matter 💥

  1. Yeah and it's a huge difference between man and women even same weight. It's one of the reasons why I quit every martial art I've tried. Instead of training, the dudes almost kill me, but they don't have to train against a giant out of steel. For them it's like I would train in a womens only group with a bunch of children inbetween.

  2. You put the wrong measurements…you put height instead of weight…trust me Mike Tyson’s in his prime was 5’10 and would have knocked that 6’7 guy out cold 😂

  3. It's not just weight classes. It's the fact that she's a woman. As men, we were created to protect our families, work and sometimes go to war. Women aren't naturally built for this.

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