Why Boxing Weight Classes Matter 💥
Attempting to take down a heavyweight TeamHayabusa IG: frankboxingcoach #boxing #boxingtraining #sparring.
Attempting to take down a heavyweight TeamHayabusa IG: frankboxingcoach #boxing #boxingtraining #sparring.
i mean sure class yes but like….ur a girl lol
Without gloves now
Dudes hand is the size of her head
Squeak toy sounds included
Yeah and it's a huge difference between man and women even same weight. It's one of the reasons why I quit every martial art I've tried. Instead of training, the dudes almost kill me, but they don't have to train against a giant out of steel. For them it's like I would train in a womens only group with a bunch of children inbetween.
Did i hear so hamster making noise
Why not hit ball
Even my chihuahua can make a better bark😹😂💀
I'm waiting for his turn
Weight classes exist for a reason. If a small person really wants the best self-protection, get your concealed carry and train. Everything else is pixie dust.
Women 😆😆
It's not the height difference. It's the weight difference.
You are like 50kg lighter than him, he can't even feel you.
You put the wrong measurements…you put height instead of weight…trust me Mike Tyson’s in his prime was 5’10 and would have knocked that 6’7 guy out cold 😂
It's not just weight classes. It's the fact that she's a woman. As men, we were created to protect our families, work and sometimes go to war. Women aren't naturally built for this.
A guy in her weight class would take the same
Only those who make women look strong in the comments😂
ok well lower that punch about 6" baby girl and he'd be out 😊
Hmmm i wonder what would happen if he punched back. 🤔
small female vs big man, if thats tank hitting his body i guarantee he curl
Now reverse the plot
Now is my turn
This is why men should not be allowed in women sports.
And then I remembered I’m a woman fighting a heavyweight
Not about weightclasses its about sexe.
Of course you thought you could… Typical delusional woman.
Guy looks like pyramid head
That's why someone invented swords and then guns
Sounded like a toy poodle 🐩 and when you watch it’s like a toy poodle going up against a Labrador
Well, she probably could, but she'd have to go below the belt to do so…
Even just a guy who's 5, 7 she cannot even knock him down either do damage I am sorry okay ladys.. Boyz man are built different
Me the entire vid
6 7
6 7
6 7
Was waiting for him to give her the Spopavich afterward
Time to swap the roles for gender equality
Is that really what she thought? If so, why??
Love to see him once the camera goes off, lucky he didn't take one of those in the side 😅
YOU COULD! Just drop your punch 6-12 inches lower.
Me anytime I face anyone 3+ inches taller them me:
frothing at the mouth for the double leg takedown
“I mean yea it hurt.”
Sounds like a Jack Russell 😂😂
So dumb
Now switch 😂
Mark Callaway in training before he becane the Undertaker 😂
Dude put a dude against a dude obv I girl will not hurt a 6,7😫 heavyweight
Just few inches lower could do,
Now his turn😎
What's the meaning of 5'5"&6'7"
chill everyone… she's just his wife helping him with his digestion
aim a little lower & she will drop him.
Is there a chihuahua in this video?