When Blowing Up Your Enemy’s Car Goes Wrong

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33 thoughts on “When Blowing Up Your Enemy’s Car Goes Wrong

  1. The audacity to keep his side of the story, that he's not thst guy.
    On and on that he's not him.
    That he's innocent…
    With the evidence in front of his eyes.
    Straight up lying azzhole.
    Justice was served swiftly.

  2. Considering how much crime tv real and fictional ive watched, i just can never get over how sloppy these people are, like who leaves evidince sitting by the car, and just sits around the corner from the crime scene, do ur thing, high tail it out, wear a mask and coat, wear gloves, dispose of evidence in 12 differnt dumpsters, lay low, how is that so hard lol

  3. Dude if he would have left he probably would have gotten away with it. I’m glad he got caught, but dang why would you stay there like that if you did that 🤦‍♂️

  4. He says he got off a flight and drove for a while but was tired and had to take a nap. That's fine, but where is his luggage from the flight?! Not even a single backpack?! Too suspicious!

  5. Idk he just sat in his car and didn't leave the area. For those that don't know, he met this lady and she scammed him of some money. So, he wasn't just out causing damage for no reason, but it cost him.

  6. This guy is scary. He does something that could have lead to deaths, shows no remorse, continues to lie even though it's obvious the cops have linked him to the crime, he has no regard for other people or how they feel, and he is getting excitement by sticking around to observe the damaged caused.

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