Allen Parr – https://youtu.be/gOvy0WDKA-E?si=Z47fxUx5G95A5-ia Get my shirts, tumblers, and more here: …



  1. Ask Gino jennings Devin and see what he says, I am not judging but the outcome will be much different, to the preachers I just heard talking on your show

  2. GOD loves everyone the same. He is no respecter of persons. I think many people misinterpret the Bible about marking the body versus tattoos. They are not the same thing. Example, we are not suppose to take the MARK of the beast; that is a prohibited marking of the body.

  3. Do you think Christ would get a tattoo or even a sleeve? Yes or no?
    The body is the temple of the soul. We are to take care of it. Tatooing carries health risks, so are you taking care of the temple when you try to enhance your vanity with tattoos? (Which, trust me, it does not.)
    The incisions made by the tattoo needle cause the immune system to send cells called macrophages to the area to help close the wound and destroy foreign invaders. These macrophages can transport larger ink particles to the lymph nodes, glands that filter harmful substances.

    Tiny ink particles called nanoparticles can penetrate through the skin layers and enter the bloodstream. Carbon black, the most common ink used in tattoos, is most often associated with higher levels of nanoparticles.

    In one study, researchers tattooed the backs of mice. Within 42 days, 32% of the ink from the tattoo had been leached away from the tattoo site.

    A 2017 analysis found potentially toxic dyes and metals in the lymph nodes of deceased individuals who had had tattoos.4

    The lymph nodes are a vital part of the immune system. A build-up of toxic particles there may weaken immunity, hurting the body’s ability to ward off infections and illnesses of all kinds.

    Potential Risk of Cancer

    Recent studies have shown that metal nanoparticles have the potential to cause DNA damage.

    A 2019 study of breast cancer cells in animal models showed that exposure to these nanoparticles led to accelerated tumor growth and a greatly increased ability for cancer to metastasize (spread).

    A 2018 review of the medical literature found at least 64 reported cases of tattoo-associated skin cancer in humans.

    We are to become like our Lord so that we reflect Him in this earth. “What Would Jesus Do?” I simply cannot imagine my Lord, who is my example, having tattoos on His body. The only scars on His body are the ones put there by evil men that crucified Him. They were not-self inflicted, but because of our sins, He willingly went to the cross and died. They put nails in His hands and pierced His side. He hung on that cross and bled and died so that you and I can be forgiven of our sins; He died taking the punishment for our sins, was buried and was raised from the dead so we can have eternal life in Heaven with Him. Overcomers will put away anything that leads to bigger compromises.

  4. I have no tattoos worshipping the dead or any pagan beliefs. I have only one tattoo that worships the dead, that tattoo is a picture of a statue of Jesus Wept. The state is facing where the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Have you gotten a traditional Samoans tattoo 'au ta ? If you do I can respect that because how those look painful as hell. I won’t get this tattoo Revelation 19:16 And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

  5. And this is why you do not follow any man get filled with the Holy Spirit of God through water baptism in the Holy Spirit will teach you all things in truth in accordance with the spirit of the living God these guys are a fork tongue deceivers compromisers and not to be look up to if these guys considered and sells his preachers I feel sorry for the congregation that sits underneath them

  6. We do things based on how we feel and try to justify it with logic.
    We as Christians are not supposed to defile the temple, our bodies.
    That includes tats, people with tattoos are going with the trend of society and society is leading them to hell.
    We must stay completely unbiased, even if it pertains to ourselves.

  7. If you had tattoos before you were saved, than you are fine. You are born again and no longer do that. But if you are a Christian and gets tattoos on your body, you are a hypocrate, ignoring God's word. The Bible is clear about that. Then again, the Bible says women should cover their head when they pray, but most of them don't. What matters most is the intend of the heart. God is after our hearts.

  8. No everybody is not getting tattoos. This practice is part of the end times that is going on just before Jesus returns. And is preparing people for the mark of the Beast or Antichrist.

  9. Tattoos are a reflection of our degenerate society. Celebrities, Pro Athletes, Rappers, Musicians, Movies, Media, and Worldly Christians have made this a cultural norm.
    It’s really defamation of the image of God, no different than body piercing, mutilating and transgender. What’s modest about it. It’s glorifying yourself and marring the image of God.

  10. Not legalistic or judgemental, but I don't quite agree though many truths and examples were given. Trimming beards, shaving heads, cloth mixture, context, no mention of piercings, or meat eating. I have 3 old tats btw. My reasons? The Word says "be ye holy for I am holy" in 1 Peter. Though specifically its talking about our communication, the application is an example of the purity we ought to show the world by being different or appearing to be set apart. Drinking is not prohibited, but there are reasons and biblical examples why you ought not to. Smoking is not mentioned in the bible, but why should we not do it. Because it's a sin? Because it's not healthy? Because it's destroying the temple? Because its a nasty dirty habit that has you in bondage, its a source of shame, that doesn't scream christian? I'm an ex drinker and smoker and am not being pious, but does your walk scream christian or worldy. Do people see a godly person, or a person that is ok with dancing bachata at the club, or hanging at concerts listening to and partaking in the festivities? People don't get kicked out of malls for being tatted with scripture verses, or, are told cover it up. But, wear a christian hat, tshirt, pray, or read your Word? That is offensive. Imagine Jesus going to a tattoo parlor and getting SAVIOR in caps on his chest, the disciples as one sleeve, Moses parting the red sea as another sleeve, Only begotten on his neck, and a teardrop by his eye to signify how He feels because of those who will never accept him, or a cross on his backing with satan being pierced on the bottom. Makes sense? How about those you may never reach or may stumble, because tradition has taught them that God is holy and pure, and based on what they see, you look like the world. How about the ties tats have with the occult, or the ink they use? Love you DG, you are doing good work, and none of us (2 hands up) are perfect. Context is king, absolutely, but in light of the whole of scripture, it is incumbent on us that we represent Christ in the best possible light, not for us, but for lost souls. As a peculiar person, I choose to be that different, normal, bible carrying, non people pleasing person, who doesn't associate with anything that may stumble anyone.

  11. it's ironic …Christians followers of christ are the name given by the Romans… the enemies of jesus.. not once jesus or in the bible have the. word Christianity in it…

    not only tats ….most dont comply w the laws that jesus talked abt …he's circumsized you are not… jesus never ate por… but most of Christians are swine eaters …. but hey you are what you eat and don't have any sculpture or idols … but here you are having a cross In the home….

  12. It's really amazing how Christians justify doing something sooooooo worldly by the Bible. It's really SICKENING to think soooo many of us respond like the world. We twist the Word of God based on our worldly desire. God has strictly said in His Word, we (Christians), are to come out from among them and be separate. For He is Holy and we are to be Holy too. Do I have a tattoo? NO!! Do I ever plan on getting one? NO!! Living HOLY MEANS EVERYTHING to me ….

  13. All of the meat we eat from the store is drained of blood at the slaughterhouse. The fluid that is left that some people call blood is interstitial fluid from the meat itself. If the last of that fluid is removed, the meat is jerky.

  14. Remember your body is the temple of God so why go and paint spray paint a church spray paint walls or tattoo your body because it looks trashy and that's why in these days you see a lot of people getting tattoos Satan is at work manipulating even the smallest of things

  15. I can speak directly to The Bible's objection to tattoo's…. It is because MANY Tattoo artist fill in Tattoo's with pagan symbolism that many are not aware of . The most common is the spiral symbol for CHAOS . How can you defeat and be free of satan and his magicks when you have HIS pagan symbols on your body . It's like yelling to demons " Come and Get it " ! I assure you your life can be ruined and demonized by tattoo's . I remember being absolutely shocked by the group in the early Iraq war using witchcraft names as their names of their paramilitary groups even our soldiers were freaked out by these private soldiers who were absolutely BRUTAL . PK

  16. As most tattooed Christians feel the need to justify getting a tattoo and labeling it, “Christian tattoo“. Tattoos appear to have an addictive quality, instead of getting one tattoo most people get many or cover their bodies in tattoos. When I have to justify my actions, then I really need to examine my motives. The reason why I do not like tattooing is because it involves the blood. Please don’t take this as judgmental just how I’ve lived my life. Blessings!

  17. On the one hand you are correct. Scripture in context is key. Just like we don't follow a lot of the OT laws and traditions, I still don't see having a needle repeated stabbed into your skin, containing ink, drawing blood, to permanently mark an inscription on your flesh, glorifies God. In fact, if we are not even supposed to make idols out of Heaven (Exodus 20:4-5), then I would err on the side of not doing it.

  18. How does adding tattoos glorify God? not the adding tattoos to glorify ? That's the question you need to ask yourself "by me tattooing myself does it glorify God or does it bring glory to me..?" What is the definition of the word glory in regards to the Bible..? answer that first and be honest with yourself…

  19. Leviticus is in the old testament we all live under grace our flesh will not enter into heaven. If you feel condemned not to.get a tattoo don't get one but don't judge those that do, it is a one on one relationship with Jesus

  20. I appreciate your video brother! I have no tattoos, but don’t look down on those who do. Genuine Christianity is really about who you love (our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ) and walking the walk. Thank you for what you do. Your boldness for Christ is commendable!! Keep it up.

  21. I have a lot of tattoos, they all mean something and have a story behind them. I get them to remind me of what I've experienced and of the people I've lost. I've felt like these laws were for the people prior to Jesus, therefore i never thought my tattoos were sinful

  22. SHALOM DEVIN… I think of all the speakers you spoke the MOST PROFOUND TRUTH OF GOD!!! I admit I was about to skip the video because I don’t like people making excuses or changing any word of the Holy Scripture .
    However, GODS WORD OF FORGIVENESS CAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!! And I gave this video a like!

  23. You so called Christians is broadcasting your lies and god will have the ultimate judgement for you. Y’all out to be ashamed of yourself, lying on the Bible.

  24. Fake Christian’s. Changing the Bible to fit your sins. God said take care of you’re body because it’s your temple. No tattoos and no carving of your head and face.

  25. The way I see it is that temples and churches (more so the Apostolic ones than the Protestant ones) are large, beautifully designed, ornate and decorated with painted windows, amazing architecture and gold etc. So why shouldn't we be allowed to do the same with our own bodies? After all, our bodies are temples for the holy spirit which works through us. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.)

    In saying that, I believe we should have no fear in decorating our bodies with tattoos as our bodies are temples of the spirit of God much like the Churches we decorate are the houses of God.

  26. Psuedo Christian's suck! The verse wasn't for, explicitly, getting tattoos; it was for if you do this, in worship of a false god, the dead, etc.

    That's the problem with the world! It's pseudo Christian's, that ruin the world! You psuedo Christian's dont know the word, you're just religious!

    There is a vast difference between, religion and a, TRUE, relationship with God!

    That's why, psuedo Christian's; the world hates Christianity and GOD because they don't understand him because of, YOU! YOU, are a bad example! The problem is, YOU, not the rest of the world! People, NEED, God, whether they know it or not… Fake Christians, you're in the way and you're being used!

    For this reason and many other's, is why God says he will judge the church, the harshest! Because you flase prophet's, should know better, but you don't… Because you're religious!

    I ain't no preacher and i ain't religious, but my message to people who are searching for God; go find him for yourself and don't rely on man because man suck!

    Don't go to church because you'll find people who will find a way, to make you leave and stay a sceptic because they are religious demons! Take yourself to a secluded place, like a forest and look for him, yourself!


  28. If you don't want kids to imitate you , Cover your tattoos ( I's not rocket science , cover them escpecially when you can) . No you like every fake wannabe christians who follows they own personal delusions , and false prophet .
    Ohhh Jesus forgave the prostitute Jezabel . So I guess prostitution is ok for a christian as long as this christian reference Jezabel …

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