What Happened to Halo?
This is the Halo franchise in a nutshell. ENJOYED THE VIDEO? WATCH THESE NEXT How 343 Industries KILLED The …
This is the Halo franchise in a nutshell. ENJOYED THE VIDEO? WATCH THESE NEXT How 343 Industries KILLED The …
The Tragic History of 343 Industries (Full Documentary)
Halo Reach is one of them gaming moments like Sonic 2 and 3. It's perfection followed by years disappointment.
Halo died after Reach
20:22 The forge system needs to be their main focus . That's literally what set halo apart from other games.
And if I could go on a side tangent… I think Overwatch 1 and Halo 3 were more similar than some people might.
It's the fact they aren't 1 shot kill games (yeah, they can happen with snipes or ultamites but they aren't the majority of the gameplay).
They are both a little more of a methodical play style which is why they are both my favorite fps games.
I enjoyed Overwatch more for the competitive play but Halo 3 for the forge system and custom games. Although, I enjoyed the competitive play in Halo 2 & 3 as well.
I first played halo back in 2004 I was 7 years old, I use to be a playstation gamer until my step dad's friend got me to play haloCE on his OG xbox I instantly fell in love with the game, during the second mission when you step out of the escape pod and saw the enviroment around me I knew I was being treated to something special this is gaming franchise that made me beg my mum to swap my ps2 and games in game exchange for a xbox with haloCE, halo2 and a copy of fable. Halo is my favourite gaming franchise of all time, I have novels, different copies of the games I spent hours researching it's lore. 343 broke mine and many fans hearts, no it's not all their faults but they are blood sucking vampires who like to bleed us dry for our money.
Halo4 was great. Halo5 dropped the ball and was when things took a turn for the worse.
Halo has always been a party game. Not a competitive game. It is competitive sure but at its core its always been a party game.
Playing Co op halo 2 and 3 is some of my fondest memories.
Since sgt Johnson and noble 6 died I kinda just didn't play for a couple of years
Has anyone even studied halo lore???
I think an important part that 343 is missing that you didn’t touch upon is the value proposition. Bungie’s Halo games were consistently some of the most content-rich experiences you could get for a full priced game. Xbox Live wasn’t ready when CE hit, but Bungie left in CE’s multiplayer anyway with a huge amount of options for custom games even if a lot of it probably wasn’t suited for four player split screen. People wanted to play so much that people bootstrapped solutions for online play. (I believe XLink Kai owes its existence to CE.) Then Halo 2 comes along and blows Halo 1 out of the water with a larger sandbox, more modes, more custom options, more options to customize your Spartan or Elite, and online play that has since defined matchmaking for online games. (Remember, most online games of the day used server browsers.) Then Halo 3 makes 2 look like a bad deal by adding in Forge, Theater, more game modes, more Spartan and Elite customization options, more custom game options, the file share system, and easy integration with the 360’s social features for parties and private chat. And then Reach topped that with the usual additional modes, a more robust Forge, and the deepest customization in the series to that point. ODST was the dodgiest, only offering the new campaign, Firefight, and the included map pack for players who already owned Halo 3. Even then, the fact it packed in the whole H3 multiplayer experience on the second disk, along with all the bells and whistles you expect from that, made it a really excellent deal for players who did not yet own Halo 3.
To give 343 their fair shake, Halo 4 did give quite a bit of value with its game modes and some of the richest customization in the entire franchise, but the lack of balance in the multiplayer killed the player population and undercut that value. MCC would have been one of the most insane bang-for-your-buck compilations of all time had it worked on launch. And then we get to Halo 5 and Infinite, both of which launched woefully bereft of content barely warranting the price for entry (yes, Infinite’s multiplayer is free, but the campaign is full price), AND they had the balls to ask for money on top of that for shit that was already in them at launch. Both games already were cut up and sold piecemeal before they were even fucking finished, asking us to wait patiently for features and modes that had already been in prior games at launch.
This is probably one of the biggest issues with 343’s games, especially recently. It doesn’t matter how good the rest of the game is. If the base experience doesn’t have enough variety to keep players from getting bored, then players will just move on. They won’t wait months and months just to finally have Infection back in the game; they’ll either play Infection on the previous game or just play another game that has more content.
It all got CoD-ified
What Happened to Destiny? would also be a great video
lol no way we talk about Halo and the word Bungie is never mentioned. That word and the community and players behind it is the real story here. This one’s misses the mark.
😂😂😂😂 Euro-Americans always ruin every thing 😂😂😂 From vid games to movies 😂😂😂
Halo was the reason I was an Xbox guy for so long. It was clear after Halo 4 that things weren’t the same. I ended up switching to PlayStation.
Reach was the beginning of the downfall, it introduced COD like mechanics into Halo and ruined the run and gun style of gameplay that was about smart movement.
Microsoft ruins everything it touches
Didnt 343 consist of primarily females?
Halo CE was the gateway drug of gaming for me, I still vividly remember christmas day when my dad handed me the controller to try it out and had my little mind completely blown by the experience.
Bro the edit in ur video when chief says, "Spartans never die, they're just missing in action" and showed the old player count i had chills go up my spine.
Die hard Halo fan. Watching the just complete fall off over the years has been awful. It’s amazing how you can hop into MCC and play Halo 2 or 3 for 30 minutes and have way more fun than any recent title.
Bring back the lobbies!!