What Are The Pros and Cons of Different Nitric Oxide Supplements?
Let’s talk more about the different N.O. supplements and why you should take one over the other! Here’s my favorite Nitric Oxide …
Let’s talk more about the different N.O. supplements and why you should take one over the other! Here’s my favorite Nitric Oxide …
Can you take it if you’re blood pressure medicine like Stantons
Can you take it if you’re blood pressure medicine like Stantons
Ats you a real doctor?
Very good Doctor Rite here 👍🏾
Too . . . much . . . yappy . . . babble. 90 seconds of useful info, ten minutes of babble.
Is it advisable to take nitric oxide supplements when I'm already on Lisinopril for blood pressure regulation?
I need it to be gulten free .
What is the best nitrate supplements?
Ty so much Dr. for all if this great informatilon.
How can we order those smoothies?
Thank You
God I am becoming addicted to this doctor. The fact that she's a woman ,who is passionate about men's health,makes this must watch programing😅
Send me the link ill order some
Nitrate based supplements link dr?
High quality sausage to up your nitrate levels…
Make sure to keep your vit c levels up also…
Can I make my own beet powder for smoothies or food additive??
What do you think about Spirulina?
What is considered "high" for beet root extracts?
Hi Dr Rachael. Great information as usual. Thank you,Thank you. However I simply love beets boiled sliced warm with a dash of butter. M m m m delicious!
Can u take it in your 20s
Figure I'll stick to cooking whole foods for myself and the wild birds I share it with. Home grown is best in my opinion.
Can you recommend a good supplement? I am 54 years of age and looking for a safe and good nitric oxide.
I have too low blood pressure/heartbeat as a lifetime athlete, like all of my friends… I can't push the blood pressure/heartbeats down more that is dangerous… I am happy if I have over 60 heartbeats per minute every morning… All of my friends have the same problem…
Can't we take Nitric Oxide direct then?
Dr. Rachel nitric oxide yes
Excellent video but I have some questions I'm 56. I've had a few heart attacks and a bypass surgery. Mr Happy don't want to stand up and I'm not taking the little blue pill what would you suggest to do to help get him to stand at attention thank you very much
Grade 1 arginine mutates all forms of herpes
Cittruline spell check
The golden body
Of the decades
59 by 31
Vvvvvv stacked
No weights
Pound my own organic beets
Pulling A full 10😳🔥💯🦴💪👑💋🎉
great video! the nitric oxide saliva test strips can be bought and used so that the actual level of NO being achieved from various foods can be easily tested at home
Beet/spinach smoothie does it for me
What are some good supplements to take?
Dr , 2 x kidney stone survivor here does Citruleen have high oxolates?
Is there any cancer risk of taking Nitric Oxide Supplements ?
My blood pressure is great but I'm afraid nitrates might lower it too much. What do you think? I'm an athlete and jogger along with a keto diet so I don't have any processed food which lowered my blood pressure. Use to be around 130/85 now it's 105/65. When I eat lots of garlic and take fish oil and dark chocolate it can drop to 99/60 but usually it stays around 105 or a little higher. Curious if no2 products or citrulline or arginine will lower it too much?
HI DR RACHEAL WHAT ABOUT WATERMELON SUPPLEMENTS WITH MALTDEXTRIN in it is this dangerous ??? thanks for your reply fan Dennis Bullock
Please, your opinion in taking beet root tablets sublingualy just minutes before beginning workout. Can the same methold will be applied with L-Arginine tablets or L-Taurine tablets?
I took one of these supplements at the gym and I felt a tingling in my skin from my head all the way to my toes. The supplement is Extrifit Agreez. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Anything to be concerned about?
What about magnesium?????
Why did you quit selling the Berkeley life product it worked really well for me??
I’ve watch at least 30 videos on nitric oxide and not one mention the importance of deep stretching! Stretching is the most important thing one can do for the body. It elongates muscles causing massive blood flow, more oxygen intake and increases lung capacity without high intensity exercise.
I was looking for the "transcripts" section for your videos. But you don't have that option. Will you be including that any time soon?
Hi Dr, I am finishing the last bit of pre reqs prior to starting my career in medicine. I just love your approach and appreciate you mentioning how you corrected your way of treating patients by realizing a patient should not just stay on a medication if in fact we can find a healthier solution!
What are your thoughts on Dr Nathan Bryan’s NO supplements ?
Can anyone share where can I find L citruline? I looked at my CVS and Walmart! Just found l arginine in Walmart
I heard great things about L citruline! Couldn’t find it in our Walmart and CVS! I bought L arginine instead! So far no going in with my erectien I took Cialis stay away .! I lost my vision! I’m left with limited prefer