Particular fun for me to spot, starting about 19:30, the soldier who starts to show up in the background; gets up in front of the wagon and begs a "dose," etc: actor named John or Johnny Cliff. He turns up many times in the old westerns as not quite in the front billing, but always good. In "Wanted, Dead or Alive" episode "Drop to Drink," I have always wondered why he wasn't outlaw #1 instead of the smaller role: maybe because he was grittier! He has a moment as a disgruntled soldier in "Fort Dobbs" that I like to think isn't on the cutting room floor just because he was so good as the disgruntled soldier! I've kind of made it a game; keeping an eye out for Johnny Cliff!
I remember this film from my youth. They were singing about tapioca, and I detest tapioca. 😁 Good Western, though. Van Johnson and Richard Boone. Class.
Something for everyone in this western…have seen this about three times and still enjoyed it. Liked the actor's who played the main parts, thanks for posting 🙂
Bagus filmnya
Good. And. Fine. Movie. 🎉🎉🎉💢💥💫👍👌
A good western movie.. entertaining…
What did America give to the World ? The Western !
One of the best Cowboys movies of all time!!!. I give it a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10…. The movie was that good!!!!
Particular fun for me to spot, starting about 19:30, the soldier who starts to show up in the background; gets up in front of the wagon and begs a "dose," etc: actor named John or Johnny Cliff. He turns up many times in the old westerns as not quite in the front billing, but always good. In "Wanted, Dead or Alive" episode "Drop to Drink," I have always wondered why he wasn't outlaw #1 instead of the smaller role: maybe because he was grittier! He has a moment as a disgruntled soldier in "Fort Dobbs" that I like to think isn't on the cutting room floor just because he was so good as the disgruntled soldier! I've kind of made it a game; keeping an eye out for Johnny Cliff!
Well, it was beyond hokey. Even Richard Boone couldn't save it. 😊😊👎
Awoonao en castellano hablado 😡😈🇨🇱
Yeah, good film! Enjoyed that!
Great old Movie With boone
Prijevod na LATINICI ,,,ako može ? HVALAAAAA.
🇹🇭" Thailand love 🐰✌️🌪️💸"
Very interesting movie…thanx for uploading dear
very nice
Nice ❤❤
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Richard Boone! For me, he will always be the “Last Dinosaur”.
Western movies is one of my favorite movie specially Clint Eastwood etc.. thank you very much..
Il n'y a pas beaucoup de western en version française dommage
I remember this film from my youth. They were singing about tapioca, and I detest tapioca. 😁 Good Western, though. Van Johnson and Richard Boone. Class.
Something for everyone in this western…have seen this about three times and still enjoyed it. Liked the actor's who played the main parts, thanks for posting 🙂
Good movie thanks 👍👍👍👍👍👍