‘WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD’: Jordanian national involved in attempted Quantico breach

Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., argues the only way to change the new ‘dangerous’ world is to change the leadership in the White …


50 thoughts on “‘WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD’: Jordanian national involved in attempted Quantico breach

  1. China distributes fentanyl, infiltrated parts to assemble a nuclear suitcase. Programmers and engineers from the Chinese army also entered. The textiles are full of toxins, the food is contaminated and full of antibiotics, the irrigation with contaminated water from any source…they won't tell you.

  2. It's evident they're being smuggled into the country, from countries that are aligned to each other but not with the usa. It's not a humanitarian crisis when a revolution is being manufactured and it always begins with a demographic change. This level of dependency on government is communism. We can no longer accept immigrants from anywhere. It's not physical borders that are going but the alliances and organizations that run beneath the top tier of politics. We're not a country of immigrants nor was the country founded on immigration and the consequence of bringing too many cultures into one enclave. True diversity is having multiple nations across the globe. Forcing unity will backlash. Communism is not the solution. That's power and authority for one individual. One group of elite individuals. It's not meant for the common good of all.

  3. The government is encouraging terrorists’ attacks. How much more obvious does it have to be when the front door is wide open for them to come in. And when it happens, people will say, “I would’ve never thought this would happen in the U.S.”

  4. Well biden intentionally & illegally imported 500,000 foreign militants army to invade from within & for potential voters; yet biden has no problem killing off future voters & taxpayers via abortion

  5. I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that people could possibly believe this Biden Border Crisis was caused by Trump when he was ridiculed relentlessly about building a wall!!???

  6. WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!! BY the time TRUMP gets elected, how many people will be harmed by these possible terrorists that even AN ILLEGAL person from TURKEY just warned about!! LMAAAAOOOOOFFF!!! JOKE!!! THIS COUNTRY is a JOKE!! BIDEN IS AN INCEL!! THE WORST!! PRESIDENT EVER!! 🙄🙄😒😠😠

  7. 20 million illegals within 3.5 years.. While the Clowns in charge live in Ivory Tower's….They have destroyed everything, have no goal, or even a plan. Except Division, Division, more Government less Freedom's or taxes going to fund freaking places like Sweet Baby by Homeland. To many hands in the cookie jars, its OVERBLOATED, Destroyed the NEXT YOUNGEST GENERATIONS THEY HAVE DESTROYED ALL THAT WAS.

  8. The healthcare system in England is swamped with illegal immigrants. The schools are swamped with their kids. Saving the world sounds good but its a pipe dream. It cant be done.

  9. Don't forget the Irish and Ireland they're being overrun by foreigners as well the Irish people feel like that they're being neglected because the Irish government and their policies isn't doing enough to help the Irish people and in Ireland they're having so many foreigners come around it's overwhelming their country so you forgot Ireland they're having their own issues with foreigners crossing their borders and taken away from the Irish people so don't forget Ireland and I'm 40% Irish so there you go and I'm American God bless

  10. Yes this guy just confirmed a dream I had in 2021 thank you Jesus I had a dream in 2021 where I saw Jesus Christ standing in front of one of my neighbor's doors there were two angels he had in chains I believe they were possibly fallen and he had them in his hands the chains and these Angels were kneeled down and Jesus was standing there and I opened the door and I yelled out in the dream and I said Joe Biden and his administration needs to be removed from office you know basically because of what they're doing to the American people and in the dream Jesus had his arms crossed and he nodded in agreement with me and that in my dream Joe Biden was doing weird things like I saw a light bulb explode and he was making complete destruction and in the dream I demanded to Joe Biden in my dream in 2021 I said clean up the mess you made he said he know he said he refused and we were left the American people in the dream to clean up the mess that he left that man in this video just confirmed my dream from 2021 about the administration thank you Jesus for you God bless you all and I don't care who sees it because I'm sharing truth here God blessGod is not happy with America's government or America right now America needs to repent especially in the White House God bless

  11. Need to support our president for the next four years. REMEMBER the last time? VOTE
    The Democrats and the media are desperate the bloodbath of lies proves that.

  12. Only God is great, America seduced by satan’s influence has never been great. Babylon has fallen.
    Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior is the only greatness and love we need. Christians seduced by politics clearly need to read the Holy Bible instead of playing into the hands of wickedness in high places. Spend more time developing intimacy with God than supporting evil men and your fleshes lust. Or spend external life in hell through Gods wrath-the only thing one should fear-ever.
    Do you not know everything on this earth will be consumed by fire soon. Put your sight on heavenly rewards, nothing obtained from satan’s deception is worth eternal damnation.

  13. Listen we need to start being more honest with ourselves we're not dealing with a normal president we are dealing with a corrupt compromise president whose family has already been proven to be taking money from foreign enemies of the United States. The Biden Administration is compromised and so is the entire Biden family.

  14. LOL!!! New group in the White House. That same group did nothing to secure the border when they controlled the House and Senate. What makes you think they will do something this time? Same thing with spending… Under the Trump Presidency, Congress spent like drunken sailors on shore leave for the weekend. And that same group did not pass legislation to secure our borders. I don't see anything changing. We can elect Trump, but the same idiots in the House and Senate will continue to do nothing to fix anything if it will damage their reelection. Biden has made things worse, but to think the Republicans will do more than "blah, blah, blah" is just a fairy tale.

  15. The DEMOCRATS AND RHINOS, the FBI, CIA, DOD, DOJ, NIA, the rest of the three letter communist employees have created this mess and their home addresses should be published so that these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS can move into their HOMES…. Why should Americans move them into our homes when Americans NEVER WANTED OPEN BORDERS??? AGAIN, the fix is in!

  16. I lost over $80k when everything started to tank.
    Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Maria Davis

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