Weirdo Tried to Kidnap a Child from a Car at Walmart, Gets Arrested Instead

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42 thoughts on “Weirdo Tried to Kidnap a Child from a Car at Walmart, Gets Arrested Instead

  1. Now, wait a second. If you have enough crap in your car for an entire man to hide under, it's time to clean out your damn car! (I'm less than a minute in, so no I haven't seen any footage of the car yet, I'm commenting in response to the narrator's description at the beginning). Also, why is your car unlocked at somewhere as shady as a damn Walmart?? Not trying to victim shame, but come on, mom. How did you manage to get your child into her car seat and not notice a whole man in your car?? I can't even imagine having that much crap in my vehicle.

  2. Who cares if the dude has any heat in the car they are putting him in. I wish law enforcement didn’t feel like they have to be so nice to this criminal. He almost took someone child!! This guy needs to be locked up for a very long time.

  3. Those rare times when you wish law enforcement would be jumpy on the trigger. I don't think anybody would've objected. Ridiculousness. Always the same clinical born sociopath by way of genetic precursor for an underdeveloped amygdala in utero resulting in sociopathic tendencies.

    Literally, always the same "people" …evil.

  4. NO he IS NOT mentally ill. Ill say it again, mentally ill do not commit heinous acts..As the daughter of a behavioral health expert we're taught right from wrong at an early age..He knows he's not mentally ill because he was able to give a false name..HE'S FING EVIL..

  5. Why would you leave a toddler in a truck alone ??? Mom and grandma both should be charged with child neglect ! But the police never even asked why they left this helpless child alone. Mom goes in labor at seen ,having another child to possibly leave alone..

  6. I miss the nineties, before body cams, when this dude woulda been treated like the trash he is. Instead we have to coddle this scary loser, who was healthy enough mins before, to hide, then forcibly attempt to take a child…disgusting 🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. Good lesson to lock your vehicle doors, always, and if your door locks are not working, skip the Walmart trip and get them fixed first to prevent weird creepy people from getting in!

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