Want to gain muscle as a teen? (WATCH THIS)

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35 thoughts on “Want to gain muscle as a teen? (WATCH THIS)


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  2. I haven’t hit puberty at 14 and I’m progress overloading really fast even after working out for 13 months and am scared that when I hit puberty I won’t be able to overload no more because we all have an limit and without it we would all be doing 1000 pounds for hypertrophy

  3. Wish i knew this as a youngster. I hammered away my entire teens doing calisthenics. Every day doing hundreds of push ups, bodyweight squats, sit ups, planks, pull ups, etc… built a little muscle, got really good moving my body weight, but once i finally tried weights, it was a huge game changer in overall size and strength. Still do crunches, dips, and chin ups, but i dont really waste time with calisthenics anymore.

  4. Sean, i love your channel, but not everything is building muscle, some people want to be more athletic and in the era of social media when everybody is sedentary, doing a bit of cardio can be very useful and it won’t hurt.

  5. I think it’s also important to remember you don’t HAVE to lift. Cardio is important and calisthenics is great for you. Even better depending on what you are shooting for

  6. Sure you don't have to limit yourself to these routines but they aren't that bad as a gateway, lifting is a rabbithole and not to mention expensive.

    In fitness if someone can get consistent with body weight workouts it's actually really good

  7. Go bk!! Also what’s wrong with what they are doing?? Seems like a good way to train if you don’t have weights and most don’t and they didn’t say to lose fat they said to gain strength no?

  8. Thanks for the analysis! 🔍 Need some advice: 🙏 I found these words 😅. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). What is this? 🤔

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