Wanna Increase ‘Stiffness’? Gingko Biloba Could do The Trick #shorts

Wanna Increase ‘Stiffness’? Gingko Biloba Could do The Trick Follow Dr. Rachael Ross ⬇️ ✓ Facebook: …


43 thoughts on “Wanna Increase ‘Stiffness’? Gingko Biloba Could do The Trick #shorts

  1. She not lying. Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow throughout the body. Before sex you will have a better erection, when you are tired this will give you an energy boost, after a few weeks you will have better mental clarity. I take a multivitamin, ginkgo biloba and fish oil once a day

  2. ok, now as guys, if the dose is 40 to 80 milligrams or something, you do realize we are going to be tempted to take a couple ounces a day….its just how we are….. please recommend a safe dose range of this product that gives the new blood vessel effects. ….or else you just might see men out chopping down ginkgo trees and dragging them home caveman style….

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