Wanna Increase ‘Stiffness’? Gingko Biloba Could do The Trick #shorts
Wanna Increase ‘Stiffness’? Gingko Biloba Could do The Trick Follow Dr. Rachael Ross ⬇️ ✓ Facebook: …
Wanna Increase ‘Stiffness’? Gingko Biloba Could do The Trick Follow Dr. Rachael Ross ⬇️ ✓ Facebook: …
Im using gingko for 1 year i feel my whole health is much improved.
She not lying. Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow throughout the body. Before sex you will have a better erection, when you are tired this will give you an energy boost, after a few weeks you will have better mental clarity. I take a multivitamin, ginkgo biloba and fish oil once a day
My blood flow started as she spoke
I wish i could just see you without any makeup to see the natural beauty God gave to all women but especially you
What's the recommended dose ?
I love her ❤
ok, now as guys, if the dose is 40 to 80 milligrams or something, you do realize we are going to be tempted to take a couple ounces a day….its just how we are….. please recommend a safe dose range of this product that gives the new blood vessel effects. ….or else you just might see men out chopping down ginkgo trees and dragging them home caveman style….
I was just reading up on this earlier today and ordered some and now here it is 8hrs later and this is a Verily Verily 💪🏽💜
I feel more blood flow, just watching her in this video
Would this help women too or just men?
Nice! Good to know.😉 Thanks Dr. Rachael!🍆❤️👍
Hardness 💥 stiffness 💥😂
Why she pounded her fists like that when she said hard dick tho 😂
Yup! Thats what she said to me, Whoa… what's goin on here 😉
Forming new blood vessels? I need to see the studys that shows that.
according to experts or personal experience?
Ginko can grow new Blood Vessel's in the Penis?! thats crazy!
How Many Months do you have to take it for these effects?
Is this stuff safe
It works
I read it’s good for vision issues too.
Should you take it if you have high blood count?
Blood flow to the penis ✅
I’m 13, should I be drinking this
Idk why I laugh at the last part 😂😭
I take ginkgo blob for memory. I didn't know it was good for that as well
neuro ps also
This seals the deal
Yes .This is true
I just did not know that before I started taking it .
Noticed it about two months after taking it daily .
You are the best remedy Dr Rachel Ross !!! ❤
I'll remember this 🤯
So it produces strong blood flow throughout the body as well? Like legs because I find that a lot of people are suffering from varicose veins forming including myself.
Thanks for the advice kamala
Where can you buy this product?
Obsessed with erections 😊