Viral origins Senate hearing

Senate Homeland Security Committee Holds Hearing on the Origins of COVID-19 …


26 thoughts on “Viral origins Senate hearing

  1. Sadly in the world of public opinion identifying as a "Republican" member of congress today deligitimises the believability of anything said – sigh !

  2. Doctor or not, Rand Paul did not understand the two different terms used in NSABB and other US advisory bodies: 'Gain of Function' and 'Gain of Function Research of Concern'. If you are going to start using USA political ammunition instead of science, please try to get it right. Rand Paul was conflating the two:

    [Moreover, even if those viruses had previously been shown to infect humans, for which there was no evidence, the design of the experiments was not to enhance transmissibility or pathogenesis in humans or any other species, nor were the anticipated outcomes of these experiments expected to alter those attributes. Therefore, according to the P3CO framework, which was then the operative definition of GoF research of concern, those experiments clearly were not GoF research of concern. Senator Paul was using a different definition of GoF research, and not the operative definition of GoF research of concern as established under the P3CO framework. These facts formed the basis of my response to him on July 20, 2021, and I stand by these facts today. If at a future date it is determined by the NSABB or other advisory bodies to modify the P3CO framework and/or broaden the operative definition of GoF research of concern, then I am certain that the NIH will comply with those changes.]

    Fauci, Anthony. On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service (p. 422). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

    [This fact led the NIH director, Francis Collins, an internationally renowned geneticist, to publish on the NIH website the following statement: “Analysis of published genomic data and other documents from the grantee demonstrate that the naturally occurring bat coronaviruses studied under the NIH grant are genetically far distant from SARS-CoV-2 and could not possibly have caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Any claims to the contrary are demonstrably false.”]

    Fauci, Anthony. On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service (pp. 422-423). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

  3. These people running things have been lying for a long time. This is just the Tip of the Iceberg. Healthcare is a big money making Fraud. And experimenting with deadly diseases is wrecklessly dangerous. Any bio-weapon some nation releases on another will also eventually come back on the perpetrators. To want to do that to others that is a sign of having an Evil & Twisted Criminal Mind.

  4. Powerful groups silenced the most probable origin of this pandemic to dodge their responsibility and limit their liability. And none of these groups have been held accountable for their actions to date.

  5. I watched" the next video" but there was nothing connclusive about it… is there Another Video in thi series… they are important… today is 6/26/2024.. PLEASE TELL US WHEN THE "NEXT OR LAST" video in this series will play, Dr. CAMPBELL? GHIS series

  6. They can test ALL the animals on the PLANET and I would bet…they NEVER find the host animal. You CAN'T FIND something that DOESN'T EXIST!! KISS is a good system to use and the data points in ONLY one direction. Was it an accident or on purpose we can debate that….but it ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE. Like MOST now….when does Nuremburg 2.0 start??

  7. That is why the W H O wants their Global Health Treaty signed, like YESTERDAY, so unelected people can control YOUR health, with the signatories of Gubberments world wide.

  8. Do we ever know for sure who is good and who is bad. By being part of the group financing the scientists, you would or. Should be privy to all the results. Hence both good and bad. That should be beneficial otherwise your in the dark. But should the tests or experiment ge even done at all? Having access will help with your own thoughts , and of course , survival. But we know now, and even back then, it was wrong , big time , what happened in China and with the scientists, like Fauci, that lies were being told and still are for money, fame and future of civilizations. Lies told to the World leaders affected all of us . Covid19 was a "test" about the World would deal with a major health occurrence, because the next one will be worse. Scr e w the elite!

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