Viking Expert Breaks Down Famous Viking Movies & TV Shows

Archaeologist and leading Viking specialist, Neil Price looks at how Vikings are portrayed in popular films and TV shows. You can …


45 thoughts on “Viking Expert Breaks Down Famous Viking Movies & TV Shows

  1. I think in a way the Vikings were hero’s, they were brutal invaders but they were also brave explorers and most definitely it’s believed now that they discovered North America 500 years before Columbus. In fact most likely Columbus received information from his Knight Templar connections that America existed. The most recent theory is Templars were told by Vikings that North America existed.

  2. For EVERYONE Interested In Viking Age And Medieval Swords They MUST SEE Peter Johnsson's "THE VIKING SWORD WHAT IT WAS AND WAS NOT'' This Video Should Go VIRAL !!! But Read The Newest Comments To REALLY Understand Peter Johnsson's KNOWLEDGE Of These Matters.

  3. Come on, dude, that clearly GREEK in the 13th warrior!
    Hells, even in the Roman world, Greek was still the Lingua Franca.
    That's not necessarily relevant, though. Due to the existence of the Varangian Guard in Byzantium, the arabs should have had a MUCH better knowledge of these 'Northmen.'
    Nevertheless, I have a strong affinity for this movie and for how it tries to "accurately" represent the account of whats-his-face the Arab who lived with Vikings…

  4. In the movie, Odin lost his eye in battle. This kinda trashes the way Odin lost his eye in the actual mythologies, making an insult of his 'actual' actions – voluntarily giving up his eye to Mimir (who at that time was just a head in a well, due to a 'diplomatic incident' with the Vanir, after the deadlocked Aesir-Vanir war), in exchange for wisdom!

  5. I'm really glad you said they are not heroes. If people really knew what they were like, I doubt they would idolize them so much. R*ping, killing, stealing, and always went after the most innocent and defenseless first. They were not by any means good people.

  6. I heard that Viking men weren’t as dirty as we see in movies they actually have more fem facial features I don’t get why we don’t see that in that but honestly I like the show Vikings they did pretty good in my opinion

  7. Interesting title, Viking Expert. There is not one single piece of writing or record that they were ever termed as vikings. They were known as the Northern men, or north men. Which is why when they settle in northern France, the area became known as Normandy.

  8. I recently got this guy’s book, “The Children Of Ash And Elm”. Would DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone who is interested in the Viking Age. It’s one of the most thoroughly researched and well-written books on the subject that I’ve ever read.

  9. uh… I've seen many historian explaining how there is no historical record of a "shield wall" being anything more than a line of people raising their shield, not mounting their shield on top of eachosers…
    I've seen historians specifically debunk the firt fight that happens in england in "vikings" and insists on how the shield wall as depicted in the show is absolutely unrealistic.
    I mean… the first definitions of a shield wall explain that it's men standing next to each other with their shield raised. Not whatever this is.

  10. I'm disabled; my family knows to put my knife in my hand if I die in the middle of the night. I will go to Val Halla. I read The Havamal every day. Not every war is against an external enemy.

  11. I kept finding myself in the middle of an indigenous peoples book. Finally I found your book about my history. So proud to be of Viking heritage. My people were converted to Mormonism by 1860. We crossed the Atlantic from Denmark, found ourselves on the Atlantic coast, made our way to the Mississippi River where we were given a handcart, and told to join the group we are seeking by crossing the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. Then we were sent to Central Utah To-Face hostile Indians. Here I still am to tell the story. You can't kill a Viking

  12. The show Vikings got away way too well… so much in that show is just bad. From clothing to locations, mixing of people through decades, nah.. also I am still convinced that the Vikings were not the first Europeans to encounter native Americans. The red headed southamericans, and the stories from the Amazon region, Peruvian chachapoya etc

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