Biden is withered. He can no longer think! Blinkin and others are running the Affairs of the Presidency. The day they cheated, was the day, they took themselves down. Nie it is only a matter of days, and God's words, His plans for The USA and Israel will come to pass. Praise be to God! Hallujah! His Glory will fill this earth!
Lets not forget why Iran got so messed up , yes US intervention. Iran wasn't this bad till US got involved, actually that includes many countries. Trump wanted to invade Venezuela so no different
Your assessment is mediocre and in more ways than one facetious and arrogant. Iran has shamed all the Arab countries by drawing up a strategy that has cost Israel far more than all the failed wars of the Arabs. The tragedy is that Arabs are the carpet beggars of the West. The Arab countries compete to own up to their Western masters. No wonder the Arabs are looked upon with disdain and contempt by friend and foe.
Leverage for Biden creates movement only.
Biden is withered. He can no longer think! Blinkin and others are running the Affairs of the Presidency. The day they cheated, was the day, they took themselves down. Nie it is only a matter of days, and God's words, His plans for The USA and Israel will come to pass. Praise be to God! Hallujah! His Glory will fill this earth!
Jamming Joe is lucky if he has leverage over his bowel movements!!! 🤣
Biden only has 6 months to go. Trump! Will win.
Biden doesn’t have leverage over anything 😅
Does anyone really think Biden leaves anyone shaking in their boots😅😅😅
All bid in see’s is his 10% for the big guy has now shot up to 20% from Iran.
No question about it.
The US government will screw it up.
Ha!. Expecting Biden to use it.
Raisi was little better than Bush
It's the mainstream media and its patrons that's in deep trouble for it complicit in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.
Lets not forget why Iran got so messed up , yes US intervention. Iran wasn't this bad till US got involved, actually that includes many countries. Trump wanted to invade Venezuela so no different
Let's see … how many virgins do they get? I wonder if the virgins will have goat legs and horns out the top of their heads
At what point do you stop listening to your own BS
Iran is not in trouble
Guaranteed, GUARANTEED, Joe Biden will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, that is if his administration is awake enough to notice.
But it would take brains to do this ,Something Joey lacks …sigh 😅
Biden gave Iran the money to support hamas!!! Yeah, so he's not gonna do anything.
The principle trouble maker in the Mideast is Israel
Maybe give them 8 billion instead of 6 billion this time to release Iranian nationals with American visa’s. So called American citizens
Absolute nonsense. Iran is not in trouble, these are American lies.
You have far too much confidence in Biden.
Trump, on the other hand…
Wasn't that the idea behind killing Raisi?
Your assessment is mediocre and in more ways than one facetious and arrogant. Iran has shamed all the Arab countries by drawing up a strategy that has cost Israel far more than all the failed wars of the Arabs. The tragedy is that Arabs are the carpet beggars of the West. The Arab countries compete to own up to their Western masters. No wonder the Arabs are looked upon with disdain and contempt by friend and foe.
Meanwhile, Joe 😴