USF student Palestine protest leads to tear gas, arrests – Documentary Footage

Police deployed tear gas Tuesday afternoon against a circle of University of South Florida students attempting to set up a …


40 thoughts on “USF student Palestine protest leads to tear gas, arrests – Documentary Footage

  1. Ok I’m confused r they on drugs…. October 7th is when HAMAS ATTACKED ISRAEL NOT ISRAEL ATTACKING HAMAS. Do these people even know what’s is going on and WHAT HAMAS IS AND MEANS?????
    I will pray for y’all to come to the TRUTH. Please Lord Jesus Christ take them out of there ignorance

  2. I'm not sure why students think that their student status gives them a say in how their university is operated. You're there to get an education. If you don't like how they run your school, then transfer to a school that you like more

  3. It's always the same type of people.. The weird losers with nothing else to do in their lives. Now they think they are relevant but they aren't they just prove they are idiots.

  4. sorry kids, there's evil stuff going on all over the planet. none are more important than another… most see these actions as cultish, too.

    cannot support anyone who tells me to conform or die… lol. the federal government already tried that with attempting to 'mandate' things.

  5. I think three is big picture here that’s being missed and that Is that all these gen z kids, as I am a boomer so I can call them kids, these folks are going to show this footage and remember it as an over reaction police event on a 30 person protest. The protest means nothing. Now it does. I remember KentState, this is no Kent State agreed, but for 30 years, every soldier that came back from Vietnam was vilified with the same Kent state paintbrush. Expect this to happen with the police as well. The hyper sensitive people in charge need to pay attention to what’s happening tomorrow with discernment with what’s happening today.

  6. Look at this adult simpleton! It is evident that history has been ignored in elite institutions. Take time to read the truth. 😂 why are they praying after having cursed 0ver a million times!

  7. I graduated from USF, class of 1977. Shame on USF. These people think they are important and are making a difference. In fact, they are uneducated and juvenile in their actions.

  8. As for the demands- no, no, no, no and no. Palestine does not exist. 75% of the people who identify as "palestinians" support Hamas. No Arab country will take them in.

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