A lot of people on here talking about how the perpetrator should be locked up, but seem to miss the real point of this. The real point is that the Supreme court has upheld and underscored the double jeopardy clause in the Fifth Amendment. This is a good thing. It keeps rogue prosecutors from endlessly retrying a person found not guilty. The mentally disturbed man in this case will still get locked up, either in a prison, or an insane asylum.
Did you no that satan takeover the unitedstatesof america …and donald trump and his supporters them .. i would like allof you to nothis . Judgment day is coming ..
This kind of case, with these kinds of arguments, are why lawyers get such a bad reputation with most of us. The verdicts were not inconsistent or incompatible. The jury judged that the young man's mental illness was severe enough that he did not commit murder with malice aforethought, but that he was not so far gone as to be in a place where he didn't understand that killing his mom was wrong. Ergo, he was guilty of the lesser charges but not of the highest murder charge. The resulting sentence – incarceration for life in a facility where he can be treated and monitored and prevented from harming anyone else – was just and appropriate. The arguments that follow from that are exactly the kinds of things that need to be stopped. Unfortunately, that would require defense attorneys with actual ethics and with an actual duty to seek justice, not just a desire to get a "win". Which, again, is why no one trusts or believes lawyers. Probably why lawyers go into politics so often as well. Its the same skillset – game the rules and have zero concern for the actual truth or justice of the matter.
BUT WAIT, There is MUCH MORE to the Story! Seems our society is not doing a good job of dealing with these problems. There's a lot of contributing history. In 1968 bits of the suppressed but "leaked" film "Titicut Follies" the documentary by Howard Wiseman were beginning to reveal terrible conditions for inmates of Massachusetts' Bridgewater correctional hospital for the criminally insane. Only a couple of years later, news of decades of horrific abuse and mistreatment of patients in Virginia State-operated psychiatric hospitals came to light — patients held for decades with out court orders, forced sterilizations and lobotomies without notification or consent from relatives, and more. And the abuse seemingly resulted from atrociously LAX laws in place PLUS Negligible Monitoring NOR Enforcement of the Laws and Penalties! The revelations inflamed public outrage around the nation, building eventually to spur Congress (Dem Majority w Speaker "Tip" O'Neal under President Ronald Reagan) to close permanently almost 100 State-operated psychiatric hospitals more or less immediately. The inmates were released without provision being passed or anywise provided for access to "halfway houses" or outpatient drug support for the newly released patients. Many patients had nowhere to go, no job, no self-reliance skills and were "addicted" to drugs given to them sometimes for years at a stretch. _This was the BIRTH of America's Homeless Crisis. Regardless of which party has held a majority, NO Congress since then has managed to pass any comprehensive support legislation. Looking at the Latin Motto shown at 9:24 "FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT CAELEM," The phrase roughly translates to, "Let Justice be Done, Though the Heavens Fall…" Sure fits the rotten circumstances here, where the mental health "Professionals" did NOT have sufficient concern for the safety of the family or the larger community.
Roman, it was, ”such verdicts are a “logical”,(not “illogical” as you stated), and legal impossibility “. Not quite the wording you verbally gave out! If you like, I can be hired to check your wording against your videos stated facts? What do you think?
I learned a long time ago that convoluted verdicts should always be remanded and reconsidered in the best for the person who was the perpetrator. Just like a reasonable explanation of an act that the prosecutor has claimed shows guilt, must always by the jury be looked at as the better option. Sadly, that is rarely the case. I disagree with the term inconsistent verdicts. Inconsistent realities cannot exist. But sometimes juries can be convoluted in their thinking. So you must err on the side of the defendant. You may not like it, but that's the facts. The people who should have been charged would have been those that were stupid enough to release this clearly dangerous person back into society where it was a foregone conclusion what was going to happen. And most of these professionals who do such things are doing it because they're too lazy or they're too incompetent to be in the position they are in. But that does not make them not guilty of their crime
To be fair sir, gold and silver will not be beyond their reach. They will simply place a tax on its sale and or use. An out of control government can get to whatever they wish. I hope it never comes to that day, but……….
We need to understand the difficult position our mental health systems are in. A patient like this would be on Medicaid at best, very little pay. So how can the hospital, probably a State hospital too, afford to treat him properly? And, they cannot force him to take medication or even lock him up, unless a Judge orders it. That means having the personnel and time to go to court. And Judges are reluctant to order involuntary hospitalization. Something needs to be done about this.
🧶Flash Sale👉https://ept.ms/3Df4yM6
Katanji should never be in the suprem court for do not know what a woman is. Her ignorance should disqualify her in the highest court of the USA.
💬 Trump is not playing with mischief 👺
Phony clown!!!
A lot of people on here talking about how the perpetrator should be locked up, but seem to miss the real point of this. The real point is that the Supreme court has upheld and underscored the double jeopardy clause in the Fifth Amendment. This is a good thing. It keeps rogue prosecutors from endlessly retrying a person found not guilty. The mentally disturbed man in this case will still get locked up, either in a prison, or an insane asylum.
Too many rules. Makes NO difference WHY you take someone's life, you should forfeit yours.
Im so ashamed of the supremely unjustices 😢
Did you no that satan takeover the unitedstatesof america …and donald trump and his supporters them .. i would like allof you to nothis . Judgment day is coming ..
Then just charge him with the 2 that he was found guilty. Those could be tried again.
I like your effort but just get to the point Roman
good stuff
Women don't belong on the Supreme Court.
Damian? Nice example of Price's Theory of Nomenclature.
This kind of case, with these kinds of arguments, are why lawyers get such a bad reputation with most of us. The verdicts were not inconsistent or incompatible. The jury judged that the young man's mental illness was severe enough that he did not commit murder with malice aforethought, but that he was not so far gone as to be in a place where he didn't understand that killing his mom was wrong. Ergo, he was guilty of the lesser charges but not of the highest murder charge. The resulting sentence – incarceration for life in a facility where he can be treated and monitored and prevented from harming anyone else – was just and appropriate. The arguments that follow from that are exactly the kinds of things that need to be stopped. Unfortunately, that would require defense attorneys with actual ethics and with an actual duty to seek justice, not just a desire to get a "win". Which, again, is why no one trusts or believes lawyers. Probably why lawyers go into politics so often as well. Its the same skillset – game the rules and have zero concern for the actual truth or justice of the matter.
BUT WAIT, There is MUCH MORE to the Story!
Seems our society is not doing a good job of dealing with these problems.
There's a lot of contributing history.
In 1968 bits of the suppressed but "leaked" film "Titicut Follies" the documentary by Howard Wiseman were beginning to reveal terrible conditions for inmates of Massachusetts' Bridgewater correctional hospital for the criminally insane.
Only a couple of years later, news of decades of horrific abuse and mistreatment of patients in Virginia State-operated psychiatric hospitals came to light — patients held for decades with out court orders, forced sterilizations and lobotomies without notification or consent from relatives, and more. And the abuse seemingly resulted from atrociously LAX laws in place PLUS Negligible Monitoring NOR Enforcement of the Laws and Penalties!
The revelations inflamed public outrage around the nation, building eventually to spur Congress (Dem Majority w Speaker "Tip" O'Neal under President Ronald Reagan) to close permanently almost 100 State-operated psychiatric hospitals more or less immediately. The inmates were released without provision being passed or anywise provided for access to "halfway houses" or outpatient drug support for the newly released patients. Many patients had nowhere to go, no job, no self-reliance skills and were "addicted" to drugs given to them sometimes for years at a stretch.
_This was the BIRTH of America's Homeless Crisis.
Regardless of which party has held a majority, NO Congress since then has managed to pass any comprehensive support legislation.
Looking at the Latin Motto shown at 9:24 "FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT CAELEM,"
The phrase roughly translates to, "Let Justice be Done, Though the Heavens Fall…"
Sure fits the rotten circumstances here, where the mental health "Professionals" did NOT have sufficient concern for the safety of the family or the larger community.
Roman, it was, ”such verdicts are a “logical”,(not “illogical” as you stated), and legal impossibility “. Not quite the wording you verbally gave out! If you like, I can be hired to check your wording against your videos stated facts? What do you think?
The medical monters are guilty of destroying this young man. They used him as an experiment.
For the algorithm
I learned a long time ago that convoluted verdicts should always be remanded and reconsidered in the best for the person who was the perpetrator. Just like a reasonable explanation of an act that the prosecutor has claimed shows guilt, must always by the jury be looked at as the better option. Sadly, that is rarely the case.
I disagree with the term inconsistent verdicts. Inconsistent realities cannot exist. But sometimes juries can be convoluted in their thinking. So you must err on the side of the defendant. You may not like it, but that's the facts. The people who should have been charged would have been those that were stupid enough to release this clearly dangerous person back into society where it was a foregone conclusion what was going to happen. And most of these professionals who do such things are doing it because they're too lazy or they're too incompetent to be in the position they are in. But that does not make them not guilty of their crime
That young man needs help and shouldn't be released to the public. Danger to himself and others.
Whats killery Clintons body count up to! 45/46 !
So would this mean a civil trial ; say for wrongful death, can't be done if the defendant was found not guilty of murder? Like how they did OJ.
oh come on, name him Damian and supprised he acts like the devils seed???
To be fair sir, gold and silver will not be beyond their reach. They will simply place a tax on its sale and or use. An out of control government can get to whatever they wish. I hope it never comes to that day, but……….
We need to understand the difficult position our mental health systems are in. A patient like this would be on Medicaid at best, very little pay. So how can the hospital, probably a State hospital too, afford to treat him properly? And, they cannot force him to take medication or even lock him up, unless a Judge orders it. That means having the personnel and time to go to court. And Judges are reluctant to order involuntary hospitalization. Something needs to be done about this.
Another republican propaganda blog.