Uncovering the Signs of Fatty Liver: Are You at Risk?
Clearly FATTY LIVER is something many people have heard of, but it’s time to make sure that you know how to find out about what …
Clearly FATTY LIVER is something many people have heard of, but it’s time to make sure that you know how to find out about what …
You're the best
Thx a bunch
I'm now binging on your fatty liver and choline videos. I need to be consistent and implement these lifestyle changes. Been looking at last years blood test and numbers aren't great. I want to improve my health. Have to take a stand and get this sorted.
I had NAFLD for years. On my first scan , 5 years ago my cancer doc made no mention of it. I asked and she said it is what it is. Fast forward a bit I looked into it myself in depth. Low and behold…I fixed it under 3 months with carnivore diet.
I work with dementia patients. I am 76 so most of them are my peers. Its horrifying to say the least. I’m supremely motivated to avoid loss of cognitive ability. Thank you so much for giving detailed information to assist in my quest for mental wellbeing.
I’m due for labs from my checkup. The only things that bugs me is that when I get lab draws through my doctor, they then want to give me only the Standard Of Care, like a statin and Pat my head and out the door. How do I work with my doctor generally when I have my win opinions and research on things? I’m a retired RN but was never a doctors office assistant, that’s often different training. You’d think I’d know how to handle my doctor for things like supplements, and can I test before and after (no), etc.,although your labs are very mainstream, I think I want to try these supplements BEFORE my blood draw. All I need to add is choline. I already take D3, fish oil, I even have NAC. I can increase my eggs, try liver, get a choline supplement. How many weeks could choline increase need to work to lower trigs, say from 240?
Hi Dr Goldkamp, thank you for this great info! Question (maybe a stupid one)… would cholinesterase deficiency affect choline levels? And if so, what to do?
Thanks so much for your eye-opening information for health. I have learned a great deal to help control my t2 diabetes. As I am slim, I need to establish whether I'm insulin resistant – or not producing enough insulin. Diet wise, I am on the right track with low carb (keto) diet.
Thanks for this. Checked my Triglyceride/HDL ration—51/49. My ALT is 14. I am 81 years old. My age alone guarantees I won't die prematurely. 🙂
I found the link to HOMA IR. Could you show me how the patient in the first column has an Insulin Resistance value of 7.74 with a F.Glucose of 71 and a F Triglyceride of 65?
I watched your podcast 3 times and took detailed notes and made a spreadsheet for a friend of mine who us quite sick i will ask her to get all the blood test that you recomend. I am not able to read the link for the HOMA IR formula. Could you send in text?
So what I am looking for locally is a German sausage. I think called Braunshwager. Liver sausage.
You know it’s weird you start out by saying you’re allowed to have alcohol certain amount Miranchuk amount for woman, and here is an agent and chemical, a toxin and poison literally destroys the brain and neurons and we’re “allowed “to have it. ridiculous!!
How long does it take to eliminate fatty liver?
So glad to find you here, Uncle Karl! This is very helpful as my doc recently dropped the statement that I have a fatty liver (but did not go into details) and I was in such a stupor that I did not dig deeper. Now I will start to work through my known numbers and figure out how to get the labs you recommend here (insulin for one).
Whoa…in the U.S., we can order those labs for ourselves without having to go through our doctor? I had no idea. Thank you for that!!!
Any idea where in London o could do all that states. When o asked my GP for fasting insulin test , he asked me what it is. And then he said we don't do it, we look at blood sugar. 🙈
Hello, Dr. Goldkamp. Thank you for your time giving us this information. I'll apply it to the following;
I recently scored a 456 for triglycerides (fasting). A1C was 6.2. (My previous GP determined that I most likely have a genetic issue and prescribed 1,000 mg. MetFormin daily). Family history of heart disease/diabetes, but most were consistent wine drinkers, farm type foods – no smokers. Mom died of pancreatic cancer (63), her brother died at 50 – heart attack (I'm 53). My father died of a heart attack (early 60s).
My blood test said my HDL/LDL couldn't be configured due to my extreme triglyceride report.
I'm physically active (Orange Theory and gym). I don't consume processed sugars, and my sleep is fairly good (English teacher and off for the summer). No alcohol/smoking.
That being said, I have stopped eating bread/steel cut oats/other lectins (2 weeks so far). I've upped my olive oil, fatty fish/veggie intake (no potatoes, per Dr. Steven Gundry's info). I eat eggs for breakfast. Mostly chicken for my previous protein intake.
I'm hoping to see some improvements. I want to avoid the statin path.
I'm now considering intermittent fasting (18/6).
Thank you.
Clusterfuck @ 34.51
Very helpful, thank you.
My hdl was 0.9 and triglyceride was 8.2. My hdl is now 1.1 and triglyceride is now 1.5. My hba1c was 5.5% now 5.4%. Does that mean my liver is failing. No nutrient deficiency
Yes this is a good topic!
Can you write some more Fruits for it please 🙏
Love your content ,i have learnt so much from you!Thank you
Thank u so much Doctor❤❤❤❤
Thank you so much for sharing this!
I can tell you from experience that choline works for fatty liver. My father was a biochemistry professor who taught medical and grad school for forty years. We looked at choline literature regarding fatty liver when I was diagnosed with it about 25 years ago. I took lethicin with choline for three weeks before liver biopsy. Results were that liver cells were not fatty but not quite normal. Apparently the pathologist had never seen a fatty liver that was being cured by choline. You are the first doctor I have ever encountered who has found out that choline is a cure for fatty liver. I eat lots of eggs which are loaded with it. Obviously you know about Dr. Bickman and Triglycerides/HDL ratio. My triglycerides and HDL average about 70 to 75 each.
I had an alt and ast score of over 300. Soooo i went to amazon and bought B1 complex 500 mg tabs. Alt and Ast now under 30. A research scientist told that B1 was found to be impactful in a study over 40 years ago. Modern medicine is very questioanble.
Thanks Doc. Good talk.
I share this information with anyone that will listen.
What is alpha GPC?
Very interesting talk. Lab information is so useful, thank you. Our healthcare system is so expensive and difficult to use, this is a great work around. I was told I have fatty liver and was told to ‘eat better’. The information you are sharing is so applicable. Dementia runs in my family and I am better able to understand why. Choline supplements, do you have recommendations? I like eggs, but can only cope with them a couple times a week.