Every time I watch your videos there is no doubt in my mind that you are reporting factual information. This adds to your reputation of being impartial, unlike some who twist the facts to suit their ideology and belief in order to favor persons that interest them.
Democrats accuse others of all the shit they are actively doing. That party needs to be cancelled. The communist have infiltrated the DNC and people are too stupid to see the obvious.
I said it before, and Ill say it again, Demoncraps will try every dirty, underhanded, trick they can, lawfare, and even murder, to retain the power they have over our lives. I expect the election to be stolen by any means possible, like they did in 2020.
Going to the courts to legally question an election is not an insurrection. Having back up electorates for if the lawsuit proved that the election had enough fraudulent votes to overturn some of the wins is not insurrection or fraud, Trump told them to protest peacefully and because people have argued he was disingenuous because “he wanted it to happen” even if true wanting a bank to be robbed but you told people not to rob the bank isn’t a crime regardless if his tone made it sound like he wanted it especially if their is no evidence he set it up. I did not vote for trump in 2016, I agree with him on many policies but he also behaves like a bully even if many if most of those people aren’t people I’m a fan of either: as for a tyrant how many Democratic opponents have been charged with crimes that had evidence of. The supreme court’s ruling was simply the next administration cannot criminalize differences in how they use power they legally have. He may have committed misdemeanors in trying to pay Stormy to shut up and go away but that should not be targeted when you think you might loose that’s why their is a statue of limitation and if you believe their is a felony that elevated those charges that needs to be alleged and evidence presented to a jury that is beyond s reasonable doubt ect. This law fair is probably more of an attempt at a insurrection than Jan 6 or his lawsuits but I actually think he lost legit in 2020. I know this was about his opponent but the claim of 14th amendment violation is BS.
Is the old pot Calling the kettle black?! Only the criminals could be talked into filing false charges for political gain, now they must pay if Americans are ever going to have trust in our justice system again! Otherwise there can be none.
Democrats will cheat. Democrats cheating tells you that they cheated to get where they're at. It tells you they cheated from the beginning and all the way through
didnt trump need to be actually convicted of an uprising to have this work. He sounds like he is another Democrat trying to use the law for election interferance.
I have two questions of Trump supporters: what will your reaction be to Trumps election loss and sentencing day on November 26th? Or what will it be when Trump is tried on 8 more cases, of which he will be certainly (according to insurmountable evidence) be found guilty and sent to prison? What then? Insurrection? Civil War? No……I think not. Justice will be done and you will live with it.
Castro is the epidimy of what's wrong in the American Judicial System. Very "dumb", Left Wing antics that show just how corrupt they affect the Laws of our Country. Biden, do you think Castro should pay his "Fair Share" in taxes (like You, HUNTER, and the rest of your crooked Family and Friends do)? The hypocrisy of the Left is unbelievably "sickening"
🧶Flash Sale👉https://ept.ms/3Df4yM6
He is delusional.
The hunters are hunted. When will people learn?
Don't throw rock's when you are living in a glass house. Karma is a bitch
Yep President Elect Donald J TRUMP, my birthday, Christmas and 4th of july all rolled up into one! I'm happy as I can possibly be ❤💪🇺🇸
Ensurrection, not true…. Pelosi had Jan 6 planned.
I like facts
Needs to go to relative in cuba
yes. never never make God mad . revenge is mine sayith the Lord
What a two time loser
Hillary's spy
As if Trump had any influence over the deep state…
Every time I watch your videos there is no doubt in my mind that you are reporting factual information. This adds to your reputation of being impartial, unlike some who twist the facts to suit their ideology and belief in order to favor persons that interest them.
Is that Fidel Castro?
This is really old news and a waste of time thanks to some jerk it wants to have a video on the YouTube
God bless former Pres. D. J. Trump always! 🙏✝️🕎🎉⭐️
Put him on devils Island !
But Trump never performed or took [art in an insurrection. He would first need to prove that, but the facts are it just did not happen.
lol he guilty
Hmm, if he is from Texas, there is no party registration here.
What a shocker
Democrats accuse others of all the shit they are actively doing. That party needs to be cancelled. The communist have infiltrated the DNC and people are too stupid to see the obvious.
Castro doesnt have a viable legal argument PERIOD
I said it before, and Ill say it again, Demoncraps will try every dirty, underhanded, trick they can, lawfare, and even murder, to retain the power they have over our lives. I expect the election to be stolen by any means possible, like they did in 2020.
Pathetic little man!!!
Going to the courts to legally question an election is not an insurrection. Having back up electorates for if the lawsuit proved that the election had enough fraudulent votes to overturn some of the wins is not insurrection or fraud, Trump told them to protest peacefully and because people have argued he was disingenuous because “he wanted it to happen” even if true wanting a bank to be robbed but you told people not to rob the bank isn’t a crime regardless if his tone made it sound like he wanted it especially if their is no evidence he set it up. I did not vote for trump in 2016, I agree with him on many policies but he also behaves like a bully even if many if most of those people aren’t people I’m a fan of either: as for a tyrant how many Democratic opponents have been charged with crimes that had evidence of. The supreme court’s ruling was simply the next administration cannot criminalize differences in how they use power they legally have. He may have committed misdemeanors in trying to pay Stormy to shut up and go away but that should not be targeted when you think you might loose that’s why their is a statue of limitation and if you believe their is a felony that elevated those charges that needs to be alleged and evidence presented to a jury that is beyond s reasonable doubt ect. This law fair is probably more of an attempt at a insurrection than Jan 6 or his lawsuits but I actually think he lost legit in 2020. I know this was about his opponent but the claim of 14th amendment violation is BS.
Thats what you get bozo.What comes around goes around..
With the name Castro he should not be allowed to run. I wonder who his Grandfather is?
I hope the Virginia Judge is next to be arrested for Federal Crimes for allowing 1,600 Illegals on the Ballot.
If this guy has done wrong.. then he should face jail time…
Wouldn't it be nice to see the lawfare pendulum swing?
Effing hurray
What a crook. I hope he serves several, several years behind bars. He was, is, stealing from our government.
Is the old pot Calling the kettle black?! Only the criminals could be talked into filing false charges for political gain, now they must pay if Americans are ever going to have trust in our justice system again! Otherwise there can be none.
Democrats will cheat.
Democrats cheating tells you that they cheated to get where they're at.
It tells you they cheated from the beginning and all the way through
didnt trump need to be actually convicted of an uprising to have this work. He sounds like he is another Democrat trying to use the law for election interferance.
🤖 Imagine that, another crook going after president Trump. 💯
I have two questions of Trump supporters: what will your reaction be to Trumps election loss and sentencing day on November 26th? Or what will it be when Trump is tried on 8 more cases, of which he will be certainly (according to insurmountable evidence) be found guilty and sent to prison? What then? Insurrection? Civil War? No……I think not. Justice will be done and you will live with it.
Castro is the epidimy of what's wrong in the American Judicial System. Very "dumb", Left Wing antics that show just how corrupt they affect the Laws of our Country. Biden, do you think Castro should pay his "Fair Share" in taxes (like You, HUNTER, and the rest of your crooked Family and Friends do)?
The hypocrisy of the Left is unbelievably "sickening"
Castro? Righhhhht.