Truck Destroys Bridge (Really)


40 thoughts on “Truck Destroys Bridge (Really)

  1. Yeah there’s the type of person you want behind the wheel of a possibly 80,000 lb truck.Either he had no clue he hit the pedestrian bridge or he did and displayed a reckless disregard for public and vehicle safety for everyone else around him.Either way he needs his CDL revoked.

  2. I’ve seen a similar situation, an overpacked dump truck caught a power line and it came down right in front of me, I know the truck driver had to realize he hit it because I noticed it jump when his windshield smacked into it first and then caught the load he was carrying

  3. I just don’t understand why they build the bridges low enough for things like this to happen when truck have a regulated height, like 16 ft is more than enough clearance for 99% of trucks

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