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Trish Regan: Stay optimistic, don’t give up
FOX Business’ Trish Regan gives advice on how to best navigate a career path amid the inevitable ups and downs of life.
Much Respect For Trish Regan ❤
I'm really glad that you didn't go Opera and if you're doing what you're doing cuz you are the best at what you do and I love watching your reports keep it up go for it the number one is the only thing you can be
you are great
Trish, ur smart. Dnt giv up. U hav a better place under the sun, better than the wicked people of Fox. They are in the pockets of lunatic liberals.
She’s a graduate of Columbia? Wow!! 😳 That’s really sad because she exhibits absolutely No critical thinking skills and has No objectivity whatsoever. Everything she spews is biased and partisan.
Stay optimistic. During the pandemic we didnt prepare for…
A great story of a true American who now continuously delivers the facts God bless her and her family
I wanna work for you Trish.
How can we connect
A beautiful person all around….
Beautiful family, Trish is beautiful and and smart , i watch her and i get a real down to earth feeling when listening to her .She doesn't sugar coat or spectacularize a story and this is calming to me because it is everywhere in the news these days, so Trish should know we really do enjoy her for her down to earth approach and her calming voice, she is truly a wonderful reporter and i watch her every chance i get.
Awesomely wonderful !
I liked the naturalness of that bio piece! You should have more of that attitude in your broadcasting. It feels to me there is just a wee bit too much sexiness. Maybe it is because I am a woman… So don't listen to me if it is working best with our male counterparts, lol! I guess it feels weird to me if it seems like you are flirting with me! Anyway, I related to the very natural you in that piece…no hint of acting! Whatever works, works, though, and I wish you great success with FOX!!!
Also being pretty helps alot in your business
NH is not a small state
Of course, it never helps to be rich, beautiful, intelligent, connected and a WOMAN.
Trish Reagan is a golden TV host….thank you Trish for telling us the truth unlike some today.
Trish is really beautiful in and out, and she speaks so well and so simple. God bless her.
I tuned out after I saw she was happily married…..lol.. no offense….lucky guy….wow…
Trish, stop interruptin the guest, we want to hear their 1st hand information, not you showing that you believe that you know it all.
Trish Regan doesn't get enough credit as an American deplorable. The left hates her, just as much as they do us. The hate her, because she tells the truth. Trish Regan and Fox Business ROCK.*
(*cut & paste from earlier comment- because it fit's even better, here, imo)
How tall is her husband lol I thought she was tall , or at least looks tall ?
Trish, you are a beautiful lady! Thank you in your story of optimistic, in never giving up! Blessings to you, and your family this Thanksgiving!
Not a fan of hers. Very fake.
You miss the most important point ….GOD IF YOU HAVE GOD IN YOURE LIFE …
☺😊😀😁😂5 Smile's
Thank you Trish. Sometimes we lose sight of the positive and get buried n the darkness. I’m going to focus on the good that is all around me and not let the negative pul me down. This is a time of year to be thankful and to carry that forward throughout the coming year.
Blessed. I love to see these stories.
I think shes overly dramatic… i find her kind of annoying to be honest 😂
That's my life: "Every day, something goes wrong…" LOL!
You can tell her mom was hot
What a lovely woman, very nice.
I love this
You're very Blessed by the LORD of Hosts. Let's be thankful. Good people deserve good things.
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Journalists are responsible for accurate statistics, and sources, not select poles,,, Trish, can you tell us what Opera has to do with any of your qualifications, other than reapplying and falling into a slot ? – congratulations, but it seems you should be working more for T.V. Guide, at least you would have a solid Almanac.
Beautiful piece. Great to know a little about you. You're correct about getting it right when choosing a spouse. It makes all the difference. Congrats on the successes of your life, and having 3 precious children. You had positive parenting, which instills deep confidence in a child and the ability to keep trying. You have been greatly blessed.