TRIGGERED New Yorker Keys Trump Supporter’s Car & THIS HAPPENS



33 thoughts on “TRIGGERED New Yorker Keys Trump Supporter’s Car & THIS HAPPENS

  1. I don't really think they're liberals but they are definitely either soft weak and crying and then they get raging mad because I think half of them have mental problems in the others are just arrogant narcissists. I want America to do great and I want every American in this country to live a comfortable lifestyle where they don't have to live foot to mouth and rob peter the Paul & and have started skipping one or two meals a day and going hungry and usually it's a single mama or a veteran or a poor person because they given everything which is our tax money to every illegal immigrant coming into this country and it is part of George Soros working with the globalist the Democrats and some of the globalist Republicans though they are few. the sex trafficking in human child trafficking is the most disgusting along with the drugs ..

  2. Im sure he will pay the restitution in full and get his charges dropped down to a misdemenor charge unless he has a huge rap sheet which he probably doesn't but he could given how irrational and idiotic he is. In the end he wont be a felon but he will damn sure never hear the end of it from his wife and hopefully learn a lesson. Trump has eyes all over lol

  3. COPS WILL HELP YOU, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEY GET THEIR COLLAR. I don't think that's a Black or white thing. A racist person is just a racist person… but good people are good people. He was just being a good person. Just my opinion.

  4. like what the dude did was dum but this man gave respect didn't fight, argue, run an was treated w/ respect because of that. Man new its better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6

  5. Stop calling these people liberals they are not liberals. Its like me calling u a n@zi for being conservative or a religous fanatic for being christian. Americans for god sake stop being so partisan also being a socialist is different from being a communist, stop being ingnorant.

  6. Imminence with Songs from the new album “The Black.”

    MV= Music Video
    Vis= Visualizer

    1. Come Hell or Highwater (MV & Vis)
    2. Desolation (MV & Vis)
    3. Heaven Shall Burn(MV & Vis)
    4. Beyond the Pale (Vis)
    5. Come What May (Vis)
    6. Death by a Thousand Cuts (MV & Vis)
    7. The Call of the Void (Vis)
    8. Continuum (MV & Vis)
    9. The Black (Vis)

    Instrumental songs
    1. Cul-de-Sac (Vis)
    2. L’ appel Du Vide (Vis)
    3. Le Noir (Vis)

    Please feel free to pick a song. This is for the band IMMINENCE from Sweden. The lead singer, Eddie Berg, plays violin at the same time as he sings and screams.

    This is the storyline of videos that go together.

    Storyline w/ music videos….

    1. Come Hell or Highwater
    2. Desolation
    3. Heaven Shall Burn
    4. Death by a Thousand Cuts
    5. Continuum

    No Storyline w/ visualizers…:

    1. Beyond the Pale
    2. The Call of the Void
    3. Come What May
    4. The Black

    You won’t be sorry!

  7. I saw a few of your videos from 2 years ago, I think you look much healthier today than you did back then and I wanted to say it's nice to see that you're doing well 😊

  8. I have been trying to share your video from this morning with Kirk. College campus. Apparently removed by NBC, for copyright. Is there anywhere to view it? Even on NBC would be okay. Stay you Van!
    From Texas

  9. There's a part of me thinks that he's still feeling like it was worth it. The way he copped to it immediately he probably thought they would just laugh and say "justified bro, have a good day".

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