The Witcher was terrible don't bother, the books are much better because the writer decided she was apparently more intelligent than him, and you ended with a few memberberries for fans and a dumb Feminist narrative that makes no sense(well it does actually and shows why modern feminism is rooted in stupidity) they changed so much of the show for an overly contrived point that goes nowhere making the main focus a side character barely in the first couple books. Despite the Actors and actresses being great despite reservations about the choices they end up trying to carry half baked fanfiction, If you want to see a Witcher TV series "The Hexer" from Poland is what you want to watch it follows the book lore. Personally you are better off reading the books and forgetting this show, Cavil by the end was disgusted with Netflix and their butchery of the material as he is an avid fan of it.
The rings of power The wheel of time (much better than shadow and bone). True blood The dark cristal I love geeny Evil Just to mention a few missing from this list…
1 always will be till the day i die will be xena warrior princess 2 once upon a time 3 grimm 4 buffy the vampire slayer (tho every fight scene you saw buffys stunt double 5 tho not mentioned Angel 6 sabrina the teenage witch 7 supernatural (season 1-7) 8 charmed 2018 9 bewitched 10 the secret circle 11 once upon a time in wonderland 12 supernatural season 8-15 since got boring after season 7)
Why is Lucifer not in this list? That was a great show that should be on this list for show the the Devil does care and his like every one else in the world.
1)Twin peaks is my favourite fantasy show, combining with another genre that I love, namely crime/thrillers. 2)Penny Dreadful is one of the best gothic fantasies ever put to screen. 3) Carnivàle was a fantasy show that delved deeply into the psyche of depression era USA. 4) GOT is still great entertainment even if it strayed towards the end. 5) The Nevers is another fantasy show that impressed me. I still have hope that it might be renewed.
Other honourable mentions include: The OA, His Dark Materials, The Sandman, The Fades, Britannia, Frontera Verde, Carnival Row, The Frankenstein Chronicles, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell, and Camelot.
There's also a show out there that was never properly finished but showed great promise, called Happy Town. If we had included shows that are primarily sci-fi in nature, I would have included the absolutely incredible show "Dark."
IF we're guaranteeing that game of thrones is #1, buffy should have been #2 – 25+ years later and we STILL actively talk about it – no offense to the good place, but…just can't compare
Which magical show filled you with wonder? Head to those comments and let us know!
Bewitched is my favorite
A Discovery of Witches
The Witcher was terrible don't bother, the books are much better because the writer decided she was apparently more intelligent than him, and you ended with a few memberberries for fans and a dumb Feminist narrative that makes no sense(well it does actually and shows why modern feminism is rooted in stupidity) they changed so much of the show for an overly contrived point that goes nowhere making the main focus a side character barely in the first couple books. Despite the Actors and actresses being great despite reservations about the choices they end up trying to carry half baked fanfiction, If you want to see a Witcher TV series "The Hexer" from Poland is what you want to watch it follows the book lore. Personally you are better off reading the books and forgetting this show, Cavil by the end was disgusted with Netflix and their butchery of the material as he is an avid fan of it.
Cool list, agree with some, but its illegal to not to add one of the best fantasy and romance shows ever, the vampire diaries.
The nerve to sneak in shows like outlander! I'm saddened beyond disbelief!
18:18 it literally was, it didnt feel, it was
More advertisements please?
all the Neil Gaimen shows should be on the list, Neverwhere,
Sandman Mirrormask
How is Buffy not #1? I’m sorry but what? GOT might have beaten it if it had stuck the ending but they blew it. Buffy definitely should have been #1
How about doing a top urban fantasy list?
Oh, wait. You already did.
How is the X-Files not on this list.
How can you talk about What We Do in the Shadows without mentioning Guillermo. Blasphemy!
It's a fcking sin that Lucifer isn't al least on top 3… Hell it didn't even appear!
Guys please suggest me something good like carnival row and stranger things something like thats vibes
Teen wolf is not the best show. It’s cool at best. But not the best
No love for I Dream of Jeannie or Dr. Who?
The rings of power
The wheel of time (much better than shadow and bone).
True blood
The dark cristal
I love geeny
Just to mention a few missing from this list…
1 always will be till the day i die will be xena warrior princess
2 once upon a time
3 grimm
4 buffy the vampire slayer (tho every fight scene you saw buffys stunt double
5 tho not mentioned Angel
6 sabrina the teenage witch
7 supernatural (season 1-7)
8 charmed 2018
9 bewitched
10 the secret circle
11 once upon a time in wonderland
12 supernatural season 8-15 since got boring after season 7)
And many many more
Magicians is a shit show
You forgot a lot of honorable mentions, such as the somewhat Buffy the vampire spinoff called Angel. & Vampire Diaries.
Man not cookin a bit
Please, no wheel of time. That's been the best fantasy show in years, without cringe and mature enough, unlike The Witcher and the new Rings of Power.
Why is Lucifer not in this list? That was a great show that should be on this list for show the the Devil does care and his like every one else in the world.
The Witcher and GOT shouldn't be on this list cuz they're terrible.
Shouldn't you put friend between commas when talking about Xena and Gabrielle????
We all know they were more, MUCH more than just friends
How is Angel not on this list?
I feel Vampire diaries is missed on this list
Everyone needs to check out Legend of the Seeker series
No X-files?
"Very close friend" lmaooooo
That you for not including the abominations that are Wheel of Time and Rings of Power.
Glad to see Supernatural get its credit
Grimm was so good man. First few seasons were incredible before it went a little off the rails
The Dark Crsytal: Age of resistance ???
And Legend of the Seeker?
WWDITS is one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
True Blood was great fun, as well!!
Please make more videos about Fantasy Shows and Fantasy Movies. Just fantasy in general.
Worst list ever!!
is vampire diaries a jioke to you?
FELT like the biggest show on the planet? Hahaha.
WAS the biggest thing on Earth across any medium at the time.
Legend of the Seeker…
Penny Dreadful was the worst Fantasy Show i ever seen…
What happened to Merlin? Horrible list without it.
1)Twin peaks is my favourite fantasy show, combining with another genre that I love, namely crime/thrillers. 2)Penny Dreadful is one of the best gothic fantasies ever put to screen. 3) Carnivàle was a fantasy show that delved deeply into the psyche of depression era USA. 4) GOT is still great entertainment even if it strayed towards the end. 5) The Nevers is another fantasy show that impressed me. I still have hope that it might be renewed.
Other honourable mentions include: The OA, His Dark Materials, The Sandman, The Fades, Britannia, Frontera Verde, Carnival Row, The Frankenstein Chronicles, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell, and Camelot.
There's also a show out there that was never properly finished but showed great promise, called Happy Town. If we had included shows that are primarily sci-fi in nature, I would have included the absolutely incredible show "Dark."
IF we're guaranteeing that game of thrones is #1, buffy should have been #2 – 25+ years later and we STILL actively talk about it – no offense to the good place, but…just can't compare