TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)
Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/melodysheep | Get the soundtrack: https://bit.ly/2HKl9fi | How’s it all gonna …
Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/melodysheep | Get the soundtrack: https://bit.ly/2HKl9fi | How’s it all gonna …
hey guys – thanks for all the love on this piece. just posted my follow up film, LIFE BEYOND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUelbSa-OkA hope ya dig!
Man, it’s that old? I remember watching it when this video first appeared!
All of the "notable" future years:
1:19 2525
1:27 3535
1:31 4545
1:33 5555
1:35 6565
1:37 7510
1:38 8510
1:39 9595/10,000
1:57 105,105
2:04 252,525
2:07 351,120
2:14 1,000,000½
2:26 5,000,000
2:31 10,000,000
2:42 5,000,000
3:04 1,000,000,000 (Futurama was spot on here)
I feel like everyone who watched this got humbled so legitimately!! My heart was racing like it was a scary movie, but felt safety in the fact that my children and myself won't have to face it. Incredible film!!
N'ayons pas peur de la mort.
watching this at 5am in 2160p with no lights around like a movie with my headphones makes me question my existence and if my homework is even significant enough to finish considering the grand scheme of things
Watching in 2025 March
Read carefully
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
I swear by the Day of Resurrection and I swear by the self-reproaching soul Does man think that We will not assemble his bones Yes indeed We are able to put together even his fingertips But man desires to continue committing sin He asks "When is the Day of Resurrection So when the sight is dazzled and the moon is eclipsed and the sun and the moon are brought together Man will say on that Day Where is the escape No There is no refuge To your Lord that Day is the final return" Man will be informed that Day of what he sent ahead and what he left behind Rather man will be a witness against himself Even if he presents excuses O Prophet do not move your tongue with it the Quran to hasten its recitation Indeed upon Us is its collection and its recitation So when We have recited it follow its recitation Then upon Us is its clarification No But you love the fleeting world And you neglect the Hereafter Faces on that Day will be radiant Looking at their Lord And faces that Day will be gloomy Expecting that a crushing calamity will befall them No When the soul reaches the collarbone And it is said Who can cure him And he realizes it is the time of departure And the leg is wound around the other leg To your Lord that Day is the drive But he the disbeliever neither affirmed the truth nor prayed But instead he denied and turned away Then he walked arrogantly to his people Woe to you and woe again Again woe to you and woe again Does man think that he will be left neglected Was he not a drop of semen emitted Then he became a clinging clot and Allah created and fashioned him And made from him two mates the male and the female Is not that Creator able to give life to the dead
Al Quran
Best Video in Internet ♥
The chance we got of living, learning and predicting it all.
EDIT: i came back to this video after 4 years!
19:17 looks like fireworks new year🎉
I’m beyond sad that humans have advanced so much as a species that we can deny things like this just because it hurts our feelings
bro i dont have words to say about your video
Happy 6th anniversary of this film !!! 🥳 🎉 (march 20 ,2025)
Why anyone would be warped enough to think that the universe is a limited system is beyond me. There is no end to the universe in space or time. It has always been here and it will always be here. And there is no end to it. The fact that they say they have found the edge of the universe was my first clue that "they" didn't have a clue about what they were talking about. If you look out far enough you will reach the limits of your technology. That doesn't that there is nothing there that just means you can't detect it. That makes more sense than thinking you found the edge of a universe that up until that point had continued pretty much the same for a vary large distance. Why would you think that it stop being a universe just because you can't see it. That makes no sense.
Major spoiler
Proud to be a Muslim
I hope that nasa and or scientists can find another planet or exoplanet like earth that also has the right temperature and the right oxygen and the right life like earth When The Sun dies.
or That is Just like Mars that can be terraformed and that It also had the right temperature and the right oxygen and the right life like mars When The Sun dies.
“Remember the day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls by a scribe. As We began the first creation, so shall We repeat it — a promise binding upon Us; We shall certainly perform it.” (Surah al-Anbiya’, Ch.21:V.105)
In this verse, we can clearly see the end of the universe will be due to gravity pulling all matter into a point of singularity. This is because it states, “We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls by a scribe”. This is a similar visualisation of a black hole, as when matter falls into a black hole, it orbits around the black hole just before falling in and it looks like a scroll from the side.
3:185: "Every soul shall taste death, and you will be paid in full only on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is kept away from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have triumphed. The present world is only an illusory pleasure.
Remember the day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls.”
The secrets of the cosmos are locked away forever
Out of this 29 minute video that sentence stood out the most, I truly believe mankind's next revolutionary step is hidden within the cosmos
This video officially turned 6 years old 22 hours and 15minutes ago or 1335 minutes ago or 80100 seconds ago
22:15 Thursday 20/3/2025
This is why humans created religions, to make some sense out of our short and insignificant lives. Believing that we live for some reason, to be the center of the universe and to believe that there is more after death, is just some comfort for our short lifespan in a reality a octillion-bigger than us.
But deep inside, everyone knows the truth, there is nothing.
6 years…
2:32 Mars commits infanticide 🙂
Allah o Akbar!
Wooo 😮
I stopped watching at the 5 minute mark when I realized that this was b***** Neil deGrasse Tyson. black holes absorb matter and disperse them in clouds surrounding them and there are many, yeah that's how stars are born. Stars die and black holes reform them. There is no end to the age of starlight, That's nonsense.
Don’t worry. Celestials will be creative.
The fact that the last black hole will die out in a visible way on film – means that our life will really end. It looks like fertilization – but in the opposite way. There is an egg and of course material for fertilization. But this material, resembling the real male (semen) to the core, escapes from the egg. Until everything explodes. It looks like a combination of both materials, but not fertilizing, causing emptiness. The last black hole disappeared. I am a believer. I believe in the God and the Lord Jesus. This shows the beauty of creation even more. Eventually we will disappear, but in a beautiful way, showing us hope, the miracle that was our life, created in its likeness. In this world, in this universe, we will be gone. But there is a place where we will be forever. With the Creator, who gave us this beautiful gift of life. There will be a place where life will remain forever.
Hey bro where am I , unable to find myself 😅
One of my favorite memories was the night I showed this to my ex and we laid in bed watching it. Sometimes I revisit this video to remember how that night felt.
8:31 This screams "IT LIVES!" it's so epic
Muslims believe in qayamat❤❤❤
It has come to my attention that existance is EVER so slightly weird.
Most amazing thing about this is the Camera man survived throughout trillions of years and provided this video footage! 👏👏🎥😁
If universe and nature God takes my place and position and we take God's place then God will understand what kind of life we are living and what life is.