TIL: We Have Lost 50% of Wildlife Since 1970 | Today I Learned

In less than two generations, population sizes of vertebrate species have dropped by more than 50 percent. According to 2014’s …


20 thoughts on “TIL: We Have Lost 50% of Wildlife Since 1970 | Today I Learned

  1. It's pretty crazy how we're TRYING to save the species and they're still declining. Like if we just stopped existing it would help more than if we keep on trying to help. Like we're pretty shit at taking care of this earth. Like we shouldn't have to take care of the earth. We fucked up an entire planet. A fucking planet! You have to try to fuck up this bad. Ecosystems shouldn't need help. They have been taking care of themselves for the past billion or so years.

  2. We MUST allow developing countries to develop. We cannot insist on stupid libtard ideas like that they don't want roads and wells and stuff. Okay, let's just get that out of the way. Because… Just, fine, if you believe that stuff, don't just pretend like you're working for their best interests… can you be honest about it? Probably not, right… That's why I just move on to more productive conversations.

  3. How many mass extinctions have happened since the beginning of time? With no human interaction, but I guess that's just fine because it's nature man. I always thought that was called survival of the fittest and/or natural selection.

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