This makes the situation at the border more dangerous, warns Lt. Chris Olivarez
Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez discusses an incident between border agents and a migrant, the dangers of …
Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez discusses an incident between border agents and a migrant, the dangers of …
That's why you need to address the root of the problem. The government of their countries where they are coming from. These guys come from countries that are corrupted and they treat their people very bad. Their officials are in on ithe crime of drugs and human trafficking too. So the people retaliate and become rebels. Rebels behave like criminals but they are made like this by their corrupted country. These countries need to answer for their crimes to their people causing their people to come to the U.S. to deek asylum. But these rebels know they will be turned away. So they attack our officers.
It's your responsibility to unlearn behaviours that are holding you back from being your best self.
I can’t see how all these people fleeing their country seeking asylum here they all can’t organize themselves back home and fight to change their own country.. have the drug cartels gotten to the point where they’re causing these people’s lives to be destroyed?? Then it sounds like those countries need to be checked or they need to check the drug cartels bc it’s effectively hurting their economy.. we need to push up on the governments in those countries bc this is effecting our economy and not to mention the drugs pouring in our country and destroying our society and citizens. Mexico sounthern America and others needs to fix their own problems before we consider this to be an act of war invading international security laws …ect.
These idiot Border patrol are all talk like Biden. CLOZZZZZZZE THE BORDER.
We would have less immigrants crossing if Trump built the border wall like he promised eight years ago. Now he is promising to stop this again? How?
Under Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Closed borders!
No illegal invasion.
No giving 66 billion to criminals.
No woke agenda.
Everything was cheaper. No Wars.
Americans were safer!
Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Ge thanks Joe!!!😢😢
It was totally Justified. 👍
It's called FJB.
What Border, we don't have borders, with criminals in charge.
Thanks to Joe Biden. Absolute idiot and worst president in the history of any country. Career criminal punk thief
Do you remember being on Bunker Guard Duty in Vietnam? Your compound or Airfield was guarded by Razorwire and explosive landmines with fortified Bunkers dug along to perimeter.
What did the Guards do to the enemy sneaking into the compound through the razorwire? Why don't we do that to people sneaking through the perimeter along Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California?
Cartel and Mexico are getting rich off human dumping.
These invaders are working for Cartel.
On no worries, Biden, Obama, Clinton’s,MAYORKAS, Wray, Pelosi and the ENTIRE ANTI AMERICAN TRAITOR Democratic Party ARE SAFE, they have security and 10 ft walls PROTECTING THEM!!! Stop complaining you pheasants the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!
Why isn't hamas being held for war crimes? Hamas started this mess October 7, Israel has a duty and obligation to put a stop to them.
The Cartel do not respect their own law enforcement people, how can we expect them to respect ours? They ARE the govt of Mexico.. above the law..
Nonsense complaining.
This reporter is not a trump supporter he’s fake
Heres a thought; Border agents step aside and let WE THE PEOPLE deal with the INVASION
God bless Texas 🙏 ❤
Joe Biden, Mayorkas and American Democrats are guilty of treason for the invasion of America.
To this day, Biden still refuses to close the border. I support Texas, not this crooked Biden administration
America has lost its US Government Loyalty everyone knows this danger with illegal crossing this is why Countries have migration checkpoint This Danger has been known forever This is not news This is just the obvious DEM VOTERS ARE HAVE SO MUCH BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS 🤮
The illegal migrant surge is good news for Joe Biden he's going to celebrate with an ice cream cone
What a joke.
RIP America.