This Is What The World Looked Like Before The Flood
They say that the land here was cursed and that a vengeful and violent God was never too far away. They say there were …
They say that the land here was cursed and that a vengeful and violent God was never too far away. They say there were …
Any One Piece's fans here? Understand every words and sentences, sounds familiar like on the 1:26 he said that the deity who's followed by humans is the one who'll drown them.
What a loving god. Non capital used on purpose
The Mongols and Tibetans have no great flood myths.
That’s God
That's clickbait if I ever seen it an upside down cross well before the crucifixion
Anyone ever wonder if we evolved from Tadpoles and Monkeys then why are they still here?
wtf so god got tired of us and flooded the earth killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people (probably mostly at least half way good) Gotcha, what an awesome god he is , he really loves us
It's starting to look that way, now…
Yeah no, he’s speaking stuff there’s not a backing for. I wouldn’t listen to this. There is better truth else where. Better yet just read the Scripture. What anyone needs in in there anything else is simply a distraction from what you should be doing.
I can tell you right now they did not all die. And are still here.
"THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD LOOKED LIKE BEFORE THE FLOOD" ….. yea because we know the christian/catholic "flood" was THE flood that is mentioned in pretty much every other ancient religion of the world, and not only that, YOU your SELF have went back in time to draw these specific illustrations from REAL sources… mhm
I'm no timelord but that doesnt check out
Multiple languages would have cause confusion and separate us, therefore we would be easier to manipulate and control. One language one people would have unified us. One can draw several thoughts on this.
God destroyed the world because of the Nephilim. They were trying to dirty up the gene pool so Christ could not come. God HAD to destroy everything because everything and everyone was evil. These nasty beings were even have sex with animals!
The Bible also warns us that right before the 2nd coming of Jesus, “it will be like in the days of Noah.” So it will get bad. Notice all these so called “aliens” and UFOs showing up. These are from another dimension not from another planet or solar system. Cryptids and other mystical beings that roam this world are probably the same, nephilim or demons. Like dogman and Sasquatch.
First thing God, wasn't and not a bad God he's righteous, true and just, this is why he couldn't leave the wickedness to continue in those days, or he wouldn't be a righteous God, is the same way he will not leave all the wickedness to go on in these days and eras, he's going to bring them to and end once and for all, this is why Jesus Christ came so we are without excuses if we have to continue and die in our sins and wickedness.
God flooded the earth partly due to the nephilim. But also because the fallen angels who were to watch over us, instead portrayed themselves as deities to worship. We also worshipped the nephilim. This is where our Greek and Roman mythologies come from, Hercules and the titans etc. Hercules was most likely a nephilim.
We didn't age like we do now. Alligators for instance, don't age as fast as we do. A 50 year old alligator could look just like a 15 year old alligator, just bigger and maybe more scars. So an 300 year old man may have looked like a 30 year old man and 400 year old > 40, etc. I'm not exact on the age equivalence, but yeah, we didn't age as rapidly as we do today. This is most likely due to things that affected us do to the damage caused by the flood such as, first and foremost, the genetic bottleneck. Due to the gene pool being severely reduced because 99% of the human population was destroyed. The next would be oxygen. The oxygen in our atmosphere is something like 72% less than it was preload. In turn and related, sun radiation.
Also, diet. We didn't eat meat preload. Post flood, we eat meat and scientific studies have shown that consumption of meat speeds up aging in the DNA of humans.
Actually, the cherubim had the faces of a man, a lion, an ox , and an eagle. The video says the first face is a cherub…..well, to those who don't know what a cherub looks like, "face of a cherub" is kind of redundant as they have 4 faces…., a man, an ox, an eagle and a lion. Not "the face of a cherub" as the face of a cherub consists of those 4 aforementioned thngs.
The man is the same in all 3 accounts. He's just known by those different names due to culture and language. Just like Michael is the equivalent to Miguel in Spanish, but in Russia it would be Mikhael or Mikhail. And José is the Spanish equivalent to Joe or joseph.
1 thing i believe in period of Noahs Preaching, is it must have been abit Like todays world, in which 1 could tell them, that God Praise Him is a judging God an uses things Like heat floods or whatever disaster it is as a Judgement, an they will just-say Like a former neighbour woman, of a religion i wont name, that it wa-not God, that done it because He is a Loving God.!
True but also a Judging God Praise Him. 21 to 4 pm gmt.
I wouldn't be surprised if the common flood myths are all related to the formation of the Mediterranean Sea. Geologists have already worked out that it happened quickly, when the barrier wall at Gibraltar eroded away. For those living in that massive sub-sea-level area, seeing a massive wave of water wash over the area must have seemed like a divine punishment.
and everything that was in the days of Noah is going to come back and we are going to live it, so prepare because it's coming.
I sure don’t wsnt no pure evil but Jesus erp things in line o pray
The myth of the flood is many believes, i wonder if we could create a pre flood world map
Of course they were probably going by dog years during that time.
And it seems the world is slipping back into that type of environment
I think by the time Noah was told to build the Ark the Nephilim blood was so prevalent that nearly all mankind was tainted by this blood to one degree or another. I think this was an attempt to prevent the birth of Christ by trying to taint the entire gene pool with Angelic DNA. The flood and Noah and his family's survival may have been a way to cleanse the gene pool and allow Christ to be born when his time came.
Wow this sounds like the internet.
Why does the woman have an upside down cross on her head if she pre-flood?
Bogus and just isn't plausible. Dinosaurs….. really…. existing in baron lands and not lush tropical areas WTH….oops sorry! 😑
I don't get the chick with the inverted crucifix in the thumbnail. Jesus's crucifixion wouldn't have happened for many thousands of years after the flood….. supposedly!
Who would have thought that the collective tripping of some people few thousand years ago would end up being religions of today. Goes to show you how you shouldn't eat too many shrooms 😂
Awesome video
How a inverted crucifix when the crucification hadn't took place at the time of the flood..?
Animals were not eaten until AFTER the flood
I honestly believe the world right now is much much darker than it was back then
Much darker…
Interesting vid and great animations. Makes me wonder why the god of most bibles would have allowed things like the giants to exist to begin with when he knew there wasn't no food source for them.
a god who wants to sleep is not a god….lol
IF Noah existed it was late stone age to early bronze the world was relatively a normal place back then life was hard and only a king would have resources like that to build any goddam thing that large .Its a yarn the flood theory is simply untrue .Learn geology for chissakes .So all the theists clamber on with religious BS time to grow up kiddies ,santa ,the tooth fairy and god aint real .Its ridiculous but that's the unlearned for ya !
World seems worse now day tbh
If evil and corruption existed in the Antedeluvian time period, then the destruction of civilization was not thorough enough. That means our current civilization must also be ended. The logical conclusion is that no existing life at all, would mean no evil. 💀
a lot of the early bible and genesis must be symbolic and allegorical. It can't be exact truth. there is no evidence or proof of it.
Why couldnt there have been more than one "ark"? After all, Satan is always imitating the Most High…maybe the fallen ones heard plans for the Ark being made whilst they hovered outside the gates of heaven. It wouldve been no problem for Satan to go to each of his thriving civilization's and pick survivor's for the Ark! The major discrepancy between all the flood myths is based on the Arks contents. Some of those stories tell us the passengers were theyre elite of the day. Its just an idea.
Oh it did happen causing a cutting up of the land as we know it today .
why does the lady in the thumbnail have an upside down cruz?
Trees are just a symbols , knowledge we seek and gain, while immortality we have from our Lord ,Jesus Christ .AMEN