This ‘He Gets Us’ Super Bowl Ad Is A LIE! Here’s Why…
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Do you or agree or disagree with my take on this one? Would love to hear your thoughts!🤔
Don't worry, you are spot on brother. Keep bringing out the truth! May the Lord bless you.
We hate the sin.. JESUS hates the sin.. the only way HE will get that sexual immorality and evil sin.. is if it is them on their knees praying for forgiveness! Then HE will tell them they are forgiven.. go and sin no more!!
You’ve demonstrated and practiced hate throughout the earth for the last 2,500 years. Now you expect to be forgiven? Now “Jesus didn’t teach hate”? It’s almost laughable. Your the BEAST roaming the earth but your time is almost up praise the father 🙏🏾
The ADs are fantastic. Really good. Over and above everything, I got it. Wash people's feet. Hate them later. God bless
Jesus washed his disciples feet as an example of his love and humility for those who have taken up their cross and followed. This has nothing to do with accepting person's who are unrepentant and living in sin.
Yes, Jesus came to fulfill the Law. Jesus is Our Salvation!
I think you're wrong. The pictures in the commercial are those of reconciliation. Be humble enough to reestablish communications with your parents, with your children, with your neighbor. If you see behavior that you abhor, be in a relationship so that you can tell them in love. Stop shunning those that you are supposed to love and bring to Christ.
As a parent of adult children, I see this commercial as a golden opportunity to open a dialog with my children in a way that is unthreatening.
So many self-righteous Pharasees in the comments here!
Are you so stupid that you don't get the message of video is how we can be more Christ like? Do you not get the metaphor of the foot washing representing how we did serve our human brothers and sisters? There is no falsehood here.
It was on my heart to reach out in lieu of this more recent video. I know you often make mention to comment below, so ere goes. (This is a positive exchange, by the way, even if lengthy, please forgive that -lol.)
Peter is one of my favorite people in biblical history, specifically for his follies, believe it or not. I believe this is because I relate so well to him. He seemed to be impulsive, but usually with the purest and best intent, often finding his foot in his mouth.
I too often find my foot in my mouth instead of the basin where Jesus is wanting to wash them.
I hope I can lovingly and respectfully, say you remind me of Peter by way of his fervor, zeal, the fire in his belly he had for Christ, (Pre-denial of course, lol).
And, if I may, even the Peter who chopped off a guys ear in defense for Christ.
I believe the irony in that action, even if his aim was off, was that those coming for Christ weren’t or wouldn’t even listen (and accept) the Truth at that time anyways.
I also believe in that there is definite black and white, and then there is, what I like to refer to as, red. Not gray, but red as in the blood of Christ. The grace that covers those areas.
Oftentimes, I’m afraid we “throw out the baby with the bath water,” or sinner with the bath water, if we’re not careful. (pun intended – you know washing of feet and all)…
I celebrate in those beautiful wins where God is given all the glory in victories or when justice is served and goodness defeats evil, or when we see an unexpected turning to Christ.
I am a fellow sinner redeemed by the blood of Christ. I just felt the nudge, which some refer to, perhaps the Holy Spirit, to respond, specifically to how I interpreted the “Jesus Gets Us” (washing feet) commercial. Although, I’ll admit I don’t know much about this organization or specific movement?.
I do know that Jesus ate with sinners. Jesus sat next to Judus at the table. All were and are welcome. We should never make it difficult for people who want access to the Lord to have it.
In my perspective, the commercial shows going out into the world and by way of action showing/sharing the good news, the love of Christ. The Holy Trinity is 3 in 1. If anything, That tells us, by nature, our God is one of connection/community.
For those who have accepted Christ, we know the Ten Commandments/the Law are now to show us/remind us what is wrong, for we cannot be saved by our works, only through Jesus (Romans 3:20). I almost believe the “Fruits of the Spirit” run parallel to the Commandments. It’s almost like the commandments are the absolute “Don’t’s” and the Fruits are the “Please, Do’s.” (“…against such things there is no law.”) I see many “fruits” in the action of washing each others feet.
Although, I do feel it “fruitless” to hold the world to the same standards of Christianity, a world who has not accepted Christ. And I’ve never seen anyone accept Christ by, at first, being told that they were condemned by their ways. It takes building connection/relationship – a trinity, if you will. With the examples of Christ’s interactions with sinners in the Bible. He went to them. He shared a meal, a cup of water, performed miracles on the outcasts/unclean of society, and forgave sin alongside physical healing. There is where the example for us lies.
We don’t have to warp the Truth in order to share the good news or to call out evil. But when we engage, because that is what we’re called to do, we must be like Jesus. Lovingly engage. Wash those feet in hopes that they will then someday, somehow allow Jesus to cleanse their souls with His blood, His Grace.
When I think about the washing of one’s feet, I imagine the cleansing of one’s life journey, the dirt build up. This action, in a way, is meeting one where they’re at on their journey through this difficult life. (Whether at an abortion clinic or with someone battling identity/orientation.) It’s a selfless/humbling act. I think of the sinful woman washing Jesus’s feet with expensive perfume and her hair. It’s as if she was placing her crown at His feet in this beautiful display. (At least that’s how I like to view it.)
To me this act is a welcoming invitation to come to Jesus. All we have to do is let the King of Kings wash away our sin. Metaphorically, “Stick our feet in the basin.”
Considering the different facets of Peter, I think we need to be careful and not cut off the ears of those who choose not to listen anyway.
And be like Jesus who lowers Himself, literally gets on our level, by way of coming down from Heaven to live as man to reach people.
I hope, we in Christ, live and love boldly in Truth and not become subordinate to the world, nor live snuffed out by woke-ism.
I know this is long. I know I am very wordy. I appreciate your time and the boldness you live through Christ! Please continue your great work in glorifying Him.
Am 30 years old father of 3 kids one daughter and two sons my daughter’s oldest she’s 9 and already playing basketball for school am not ok with these boys so call trans playing in female /women sport so please keep fighting for our kids future
I’ve never seen so many Christians offended by the idea of loving your neighbor. Jesus washed the feet of the son of perdition.
THANK YOU, Devin! They tried to play us. Keep on giving the truth, my brother!!!
My issue is its easy for people to misread this commercial. It definitely teaches "love your neighbor as yourself" and "come as you are". The problem arises where people can see this and jump to the assumption that these things are all OK. God loves all people and he wants to free them from their sin. The sins themselves are still sins and separate us from God
Spit that fire fam. Amen
Thx y'all. Right on!
Blessings, julie
100% agree
Amen. Truth spoken!
I agree 100% And every time I see this group posting these ads I get sick at how unscriptural it is. But people sure buy into it. WOKE…ALL THE WAY. I saw on Facebook how they were just so excited that Jesus name was brought up during the Super bowl. Where are these Christians heads? Are you not reading the Word????
I believe Jesus would wash anyone's feet. But I will guarantee you He would say go and sin no more.
In the last days the mockers of God will become more and more obvious, what else can we expect from Satan and his followers, the blue states, democrats and the snowflakes, what else can you expect from pawns. Also people just like Satan are the ones that choose to be pawns, and they play their role well and exactly how they are expected to behave.
Devin, you expressed perfectly what I think of that ad. God bless you.
PREACH!!! AaaaaaaaaaMEN!!!
Jesus did put the Old Testament to rest. He said no longer an eye for an eye. He said “he among you without sin shall cast the first stone” I don’t disagree that the add was twisted and disgusting, but the new testament put the Old Testament to bed. The new way is charity forgiveness and love. It is “judge no man by the flesh” it’s if someone smites your right cheek turn to them your left cheek” if they steal your coat give them your shoes. Hate and judgement is NOT the way of Jesus… it’s the perversion of the Catholic Church which ruined every other Christian religion. Christmas, Valentine’s Day etc. are all pagan holidays tweeted to be Christian holidays.