29 thoughts on “This Didn’t End Well! Woman RECORDS HERSELF Getting Fired”
Your ignorance is astounding.
You said, "You don't interrupt people, especially in a serious discussion like this; close your mouth and use those two ears that God blessed you with."
You might want to take your own advice there, buddy and stop cutting off the video, especially when you're not making a point.
You didn't listen to what she was responding to. When someone makes a first wrong point, you don't let them drone on because by the end of it, there might be too many dominoes to knock down.
I can see ethics isn't your strong point.
Then you said, "Activity and success are different things; activity shows up, but participation trophies should not be a thing."
Stop deflecting with semantics.
Activity isn't just showing up. And what is this talk about participation trophies? You got too much wokeness on the brain.
See? Those of us with real jobs know activity and success are interchangeable. When you're active, you're successful, unless you're given more tasks than your activity can succeed in. In which case, that's the company's fault, not your own.
That might not be how it is in podcasting, but most of us have real jobs. We can't blather about participation trophies as if the inactive "success" in podcasting isn't a participation trophy.
You said, "You can't comprehend that you can't do your job well; you're getting fired because you can’t do it efficiently."
They never gave her a reason. See, in the real world, where we have real jobs, if your performance is poor, they can tell you. When they can't, there's a lot of shady BS.
You said, "I blame these public school systems for not instilling moral values anymore, leading to a culture of entitlement."
Instead of using all those words, just say public schools create podcasters. Most of you failed in public school, so it's not their fault, unless you attended public school in a red state because they're exactly what you described.
Hey! You actually made a point, "If someone shows true remorse for their past mistakes, they should be given an opportunity to prove that they've changed."
Besides, are you a Christian or do you just identify as one? You sound like one of those Christdolaters who use his name in vain instead of bearing the fruit of Christ: Matthew 7:16.
Crawl your way out of the brood of vipers and repent.
Bro has no clue what he's talking about. If it were a performance issue, they need to follow a process where the manager speaks to the person, comes with a plan of action etc. You wouldn't be blindsided by random HRs on a 10 minute call. Cost cutting due to the aggressive hiring looks like the primary reason and they should've the decency to tell her that. The fact that her manager was not included in this call is a major red flag and I would've asked the same questions. You need to do better
She was understandably upset… for good reason. They were letting her entire team go (laying off); and instead of saying that, they wanted to PRETEND that they knew what she wasn’t doing. She was prepared for there BS
Here is a different angle. The Corporation is a dead entity whose goal is to use your god-given talents for monetary gains. What's going through her head? I'll tell you. She knows the EFFORT level she has put in, and that's the has had NO indication she was lacking. This dead entity has a stolen her life evergy that she will not get back. The people on the phone who have chosen the represent the dead entity are mindlessly repeating a script. They should be able to answer the specific reason for termination. But they are clearly lying, saying first it her preformance then back tracking sayingit was 'the groups' performance. Good on her. Personally, I aplaud her for making them squirm.
Corporate America and international business is for those who see money in their day dreams, while they sleep, and in every conversation that they have. I will give them props they are difficult to hang with unless you think like them. Some have the vison and others don't and even if they have it, you have to maintain it. Old money is old for a reason
When I had reasons to go after my previous employer, I quit. My reasoning being I was not a good fit, they got something wrong with me, or I’ve got something wrong with them. Grow tf up people. Clearly with how prepared she was for this she KNEW she wasn’t doing good.
Your ignorance is astounding.
You said, "You don't interrupt people, especially in a serious discussion like this; close your mouth and use those two ears that God blessed you with."
You might want to take your own advice there, buddy and stop cutting off the video, especially when you're not making a point.
You didn't listen to what she was responding to. When someone makes a first wrong point, you don't let them drone on because by the end of it, there might be too many dominoes to knock down.
I can see ethics isn't your strong point.
Then you said, "Activity and success are different things; activity shows up, but participation trophies should not be a thing."
Stop deflecting with semantics.
Activity isn't just showing up. And what is this talk about participation trophies? You got too much wokeness on the brain.
See? Those of us with real jobs know activity and success are interchangeable. When you're active, you're successful, unless you're given more tasks than your activity can succeed in. In which case, that's the company's fault, not your own.
That might not be how it is in podcasting, but most of us have real jobs. We can't blather about participation trophies as if the inactive "success" in podcasting isn't a participation trophy.
You said, "You can't comprehend that you can't do your job well; you're getting fired because you can’t do it efficiently."
They never gave her a reason. See, in the real world, where we have real jobs, if your performance is poor, they can tell you. When they can't, there's a lot of shady BS.
You said, "I blame these public school systems for not instilling moral values anymore, leading to a culture of entitlement."
Instead of using all those words, just say public schools create podcasters. Most of you failed in public school, so it's not their fault, unless you attended public school in a red state because they're exactly what you described.
Hey! You actually made a point, "If someone shows true remorse for their past mistakes, they should be given an opportunity to prove that they've changed."
Besides, are you a Christian or do you just identify as one? You sound like one of those Christdolaters who use his name in vain instead of bearing the fruit of Christ: Matthew 7:16.
Crawl your way out of the brood of vipers and repent.
Bro has no clue what he's talking about. If it were a performance issue, they need to follow a process where the manager speaks to the person, comes with a plan of action etc. You wouldn't be blindsided by random HRs on a 10 minute call. Cost cutting due to the aggressive hiring looks like the primary reason and they should've the decency to tell her that. The fact that her manager was not included in this call is a major red flag and I would've asked the same questions. You need to do better
Wait, so…how did her recording herself getting fired affect anything? She was fired anyway? This makes zero sense.
Sales is a tough job, only the numbers matter
Surely this is fake.
Why does she think she has some control in this situation? No one owes you anything.
This video is clearly fake
What’s scary is how many people are defending her.
She must be a democrat, the only ones not doing their jobs and still in office. It doesn't make sense to me and MILLIONS of other Americans.
She must have come from the same school as the FRATTY Bud Light Marketing gal
I think she was just trying to get some honesty so she could learn from what she did wrong.
She was understandably upset… for good reason. They were letting her entire team go (laying off); and instead of saying that, they wanted to PRETEND that they knew what she wasn’t doing. She was prepared for there BS
Truth.,.. That company fired 25 people including her with the same bs but they really ran out of money
I’m baby boomers
my 2 oldest son’are millennium generation – my youngest son is GenZWhat’s after that ?Here is a different angle. The Corporation is a dead entity whose goal is to use your god-given talents for monetary gains. What's going through her head? I'll tell you. She knows the EFFORT level she has put in, and that's the has had NO indication she was lacking. This dead entity has a stolen her life evergy that she will not get back. The people on the phone who have chosen the represent the dead entity are mindlessly repeating a script. They should be able to answer the specific reason for termination. But they are clearly lying, saying first it her preformance then back tracking sayingit was 'the groups' performance. Good on her. Personally, I aplaud her for making them squirm.
the key word was blindsidedthe…..
the lord is our redeemer…..
sounds like she's a temporary job and sounds like DEI may be happening……
McDonalds is waiting for you little girl😮😅😂
She can go and stand at the corner, she is probably good at that
Responsibility try it!!! You might find it easier!!! Avoid the tears!
Typical Gen Z! Dumb as a Rock!
As soon as she said “I’m gonna stop you right there” I knew she deserved to be canned lol
You have to leave the job you have in order to move into a better job…
Good to know there are still some solid Americans
Apparently, this dude has her performance review because he's telling us how bad she is at her job. 😂
Corporate America and international business is for those who see money in their day dreams, while they sleep, and in every conversation that they have. I will give them props they are difficult to hang with unless you think like them. Some have the vison and others don't and even if they have it, you have to maintain it. Old money is old for a reason
She knew she was getting canned. Thats why she recorded the session.
When I had reasons to go after my previous employer, I quit. My reasoning being I was not a good fit, they got something wrong with me, or I’ve got something wrong with them. Grow tf up people. Clearly with how prepared she was for this she KNEW she wasn’t doing good.