THIS Company Just Created the Body for AGI – AI Robot Climbs the Great Wall of China!

RobotEra’s humanoid robot, XBot-L, successfully navigated the Great Wall of China using advanced AI and perceptive …


24 thoughts on “THIS Company Just Created the Body for AGI – AI Robot Climbs the Great Wall of China!

  1. Bro you are just lusting for info.. how tf is this different than all the other walking robots that we have had for years. Boston dynamics robot is doing kartwheels and shit.. calm down bro .

  2. Heres the thing about people beeching that we're going to fast to be safe…….it doesn't matter how slow and safe you go, if every other country, and corporation is treating it like a race. What are you going to do go slow and steady create the only safe fully aligned A.I in the world, while there are a 1000 other models out there way more powerfull, and a coin toss on safety🤷🏾 See we are trying to create a safe A.I, while still thinking in terms of separation, and keeping other folk from having it, which is the key ingredient to an A.I arms race. If you are serious about safety, then share the tech to everybody, so you wont give people a reason to feel threatened, freeing up resources to pursue actual bad actors. We cant follow the same geopolitical template we have been following. There is not slow progress on this front, its full speed ahead, and many will have to come to terms with that.

  3. Another story that you over looked was Nvidia. When asked how Nvidia can develop new products so fast Jensen Huang openly embraced that they are using AI to create them. R&D is all AI now.

  4. The funny fact is that China could win the AI race as they are very limited on what they have to work with so anything they build will be much better than what we have in our over powered robots.

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