This Ancient Discovery Should Have Been Kept A Secret

Top 20 ancient shocking discoveries that shouldn’t exist. The world has changed, and we’ve been here for a long time, unraveling …


43 thoughts on “This Ancient Discovery Should Have Been Kept A Secret

  1. Second example: Denderra light. THIS IS NOT TRUE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM! All light bulbs have a metal filament inside a glass enclosure, which is in a vacuum to prevent the metal filament from burning up. PLUS it needs a power source….NONE OF WHICH EXISTED IN ANCIENT EGYPT!

    Production of the glass is a maybe, but no tungsten – which has been used inside light bulbs for decades – has ever been found. No raw ore, no refined metal, nor the slag which is a byproduct of the HIGH TEMPERATURE process. And nothing resembling a vacuum pump either.

    In addition nothing resembling an ancient electric generator has ever been found in any archaeological dig. AND no insulated wires or switches either.

    And no, do NOT bring up the Bagdad Battery: As a kid we made similar batteries in science class, using copper wire and zinc: This is still a common science experiment today: And while it does produce electricity, the current is so small it's of no real use unless there are multiple batteries connected together in series.

    And wayyyyyyy back in science class twenty of these connected together couldn't light an incandescent tiny flashlight bulb: Much less this supposed "Giant Light Bulb"

  2. 0448 NO mysteries were deciphered !!!
    0455 covered with inscriptions… DEFINE 'covered' jeezuss
    0505 so, you show astrology stuff.?!?!?!?!
    0512 bla-bla-bla-yadda-yadda
    0522 WUT ?!?!?
    0601 WHAT unusual origins ?!?!?!?
    0626 REVERED pharaoh !!!!!
    0648 bla-bla-bla-yadda-yadda
    0825 look a lot like moki marbles
    0851 WUT ?!!?? de…what ?

  3. Note that extremely pure iron is naturally resistant to corrosion. Most of what we call iron is not very pure and it is the contaminants which allow corrosion to take place. Most of the ancient iron artifacts that are still in good shape are over 99.99% pure iron.

  4. Of course, there are is creatures in the universe with more advanced intelligence than humans, even modern humans who came to Earth in the Dark Ages who built archaeologically advanced structures on Earth during these ancient times.

  5. Sorry. Maggie has a dog in this fight now due to Cohen’s testimony about how she was a favorable journalist that he/Trump would go to for favorable coverage. Same with Mika & Morning Joe. We heard the hot mic moment when Mika & Joe were joking with Trump about going easy on him. They (main stream media) were socializing with him like it was the JFK era, but it wasn’t/isn’t. Trump goes against all courtesies & norms and will f*ck anyone if it benefits Trump in the moment. Ask Cohen. Ask Mika & Joe; Trump humiliated them too about refusing them an invite to the parties at Mar-a-Lago that they were accustomed to attend. Trump is a thug completely lacking any semblance of class. The members of the panel need to stop cutting of the judge & Toobin. Toobin was in the middle of his analysis when Maggie cut him off and he was too polite to cut her off to finish his expert legal analysis. Maggie is a great journalist but she is not a legal expert. She was walked into that shit by the bald defense attorney who seems more intent on deflection, outrage, and animation rather than addressing the admitted evidence. Is he hoping for a job in the potential Trump administration?

  6. I turn 53 this year and i shudder when i remember the outright lies i was taught High School compared to what is Still Considered Fringe Theories Today.
    You e Been Lied To became my catch phrase and still is now 30+ years later.

  7. Sea glass , half picture not even from area , these videos are full of rubbish, feel sorry for young people these days having this rubbish out there , lol Egyptians intelligent ! , killed children etc animals certainly inferior , find real history.

  8. i swear to fckin word my man dont u sit there n say that bullshit that things are still to be found out about the light bulb with the egyptian they all rdy sienticifly proved the stupid jar with water or w/e the fuck and some copper did genarate power so of course they had light plz plz dont shame humans by not sayin the turth….

  9. It's kind of strange how they can Annalise pollen grains in ancient artifacts and tell how old they are but they can't do it with the dinosaur figurines something's fishy about that to be exact

  10. Proof again of a pre-flood as disclosed by Bibleical history before the worldwide flood, And their superior psychic abilities which gave them would wide communication abilities. Not to mention superior abilities to control matter

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