They Won’t Like Seeing This!
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Merch: Discord Link: Original Video: To Donate And Support The Channel …
You are spot on DOC Rich
May God help save America – our Home, our Freedom, our Children Generations Future,.. and watch over our True American President Donald John Trump AND all Real American Citizens + Patriots! 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏#Trump2024
"We won't organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party." – Malcolm X
Doc, You are probably right for some of us BUT, I thing many are USED to certain habits…including party votes. How many vote because their grandmother or mom TOLD them who to vote for — Democrat. I hear that so often. I talk with neighbors and they don't wish to break decades old habits. The Dems have been dangerous for black and white folks in cities for those decades. Thanks
They don't show Malcolm x any more because he would counter act what they say.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way toward true peace.
Diddy. Is. Gay. Unlce tom
Im so sick of blatant lies from media n politicians! They dont even care if its obvious anymore. Sad thing is , some ppl believe their BS. Guess its Pelosis ," Wrap up smear"
trump 2024
It hurts me to hear people talking about color of skin. We are all in the same boat. We are born and we all die. We have to make the most of the short life we have. Malcolm X could see right through liberal propaganda. Liberals hate conservatives as much or more than anyone, because we want peace.
It’s not social media,it what older black people was taught back in the day.
About time the blacks wake up. Now where is the backbone from AMERICANS.
You grow old. You do not grow dumber. That is a personal choice. Like kids not caring about school while growing up.
Where is white ENTITLEMENTS NOW….
Malcolm X had to be a hard liner to be heard and when people were willing to speak, he spoke the truth.
The only ones judging by color is the democrats. They are judging by anything other than the character of a person. MLK said character and content of a person not their color.
Excellent presentation, please keep it coming. Somebody may wake up.
Malcolm X spoke the Whole Truth when he said liberal White folks are the most dangerous and deceitful people in the western hemisphere. I have known that since I was a teenager which was many years ago.
Doc, you ARE NOT on an island by yourself.
So the diddler is a democrat, the pedo party? Who would have thought that the party that puts porn in grade school would be morally bankrupt.
Malcom X was correct. He was also correct when he said black people should not integrate, that we should form our own nation here in there states. That's what the illegals are doing now. How ironic 😏
Its a wrap for Biden come November , Trump by a Landslide 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Stupidity!!! How is voting REPUBLICAN going to help black people!!!???? Democrats are the lesser of two evils, whether we like it or not. The thing we need to do is ORGANIZE and make sure they deal with us to our benefit. A strong economic and social block of consumer / voters. They only respect strength. TRUMP is NOT the answer in any way shape or form. But you will LEARN when you go down that road.
The polls are fake brother black people aren't going vote for Biden or Trump we would be dam fools to vote for Trump or Biden.