These headphones are.. STUNNING! – Warwick Acoustic Bravura

Warwick Acoustics Bravura:


27 thoughts on “These headphones are.. STUNNING! – Warwick Acoustic Bravura

  1. What noone of this payed reviewers is telling you. The Bravura has no punch and slam in the bass and it dissorts at louder volumes very fast. Among that, it sounds like he described it.

  2. Ah yes. A 1K bump and 2K recess with a large hump around 4k. Planar/e-stat classic features. Funny how those specific traits are a constant that very few get away from with planar/e-stats.

  3. Curious, … How would the Dan Clark Audio Expanse stack up? I have a Burson Soloist GM that I use as a pre amp for a pair of AHB2s, and a nearfield setup with a Questyle CMA Fifteen dac amp so was looking to Expanse as my end game. This throws a wrinkle 🙂… The Expanse could be used on both the Burson and Questyle, or even with my iFi Diablo so a big advantage (and less $). But my goal is really endgame headphone so priority is how it will play. Any feedback would help and ideally if you can do a review of the Expanse and compare to the Bravura system, using the Expanse w the Burson Soloist GT 🙂, that'd be very interesting! Thanks!

  4. This is the part of the hobby that I do not enjoy, these are 7k with the amp Jesus my last car was 6k and I have had it 7 years now. Im sure they sound so great and anything thats this price damn well better. Got the Meze 109s and now the new Focal BT headphones on my list and thats 1500.

  5. I'm CTO of xMEMS. Just wondering would you be interested in reviewing a "complete IEM system" based on xMEMS driver?

    As you know, we can EQ our response to any target curve you fancy, although I'm not sure whether forcing an IEM to have the same frequency response measurements of an over-the-ear headphones is the right thing to do?

  6. Am I reading this wrong or is it a shit show under 60 Hz? Bass boosted at 70 Hz? It’s barely above target there. Just a sliver. I must not be understanding something about the interpretation here because other than the fact that there’s no obvious low frequency roll off, this thing is seriously anemic in the sub bass region.

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