These 10 Exercises Build the MOST Strength

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22 thoughts on “These 10 Exercises Build the MOST Strength

  1. Already seen this video a cuple times but now makes sense to me, my pushing movements where stuck especialy my bench at 220×5 for a year. So this year i started doing push press and went from a 165 pr to a 190 pr and my bench now is 315×1 😅 😅😅 off course i did other things like working on the skill adding mass etc but the biggest factor whas the push press. So now im gonna do all this fucking exercixes 😂😂😂

  2. We really need to change it to the BIG 4, including the weighted neutral grip pull up, its a true upper body strength exercise with great importance related to real-life aspects.

  3. I'll be that guy:
    Pin Press – Bench & Overhead
    Push Press
    Zercher Squat
    Front Squat
    Trap Bar Deadlift
    Deficit Stiff Leg Deadlift
    Romanian Deadlift
    Strict Bent Row
    Kroc Row

    But watch the video for the details, its super good.

  4. I find it kind of crazy that this list does not include LOADED CARRIES of any kind or any shouldering movements.

    If you are not at least proficient in some variants of these movements, I refuse to call you strong. Only being able to move weight when it’s a perfectly positioned barbell automatically makes you somewhat non-funtional, ergo weak.

    I would also include stone lifts and rope/sled pulls, even sprints and box jumps.

  5. Barbell rows are imo the best row because it uses the whole back as one unit. No other one strengthens the erectors along with the rowing movement nearly as much. The problem is once you start getting strong and can load your body weight or more, it becomes impossible to have good form because the weight will just tip your whole body over. That’s why when you see ppl like Ronnie do them, it looks like an abomination. They use so much weight they have to row it to their center of gravity. And then you see weak noobs in the gym copying that form with 95lb ! I personally don’t understand why anyone uses row machines when you can just one arm dumbbell row.

  6. The overhead press deserves so much more respect than it gets in the online fitness space, much like squats, because it’s hard it feels like people are always coming up with reasons not to do it

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