The WORST SNES Games with Stuttering Craig & DDayCobra

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41 thoughts on “The WORST SNES Games with Stuttering Craig & DDayCobra

  1. Cousin gave me his SNES years ago. Had EarthBound, Home Improvement and Virtual Bart. I would say that Virtual Bart was the worst one but Home Improvement is a close second.

  2. One of my favorite SNES games that most people don't like is Mohawk & Headphone Jack. Though, that's not a lot of people given how literally nobody talks about it. Shame too, considering how good the music in it is. Easily the best part of the game imo. I'd recommend looking up the ost on Youtube if you ever get the time.

  3. Pit Fighter was a giant stinker no matter what platform you played it on. The only version with any sort of redeeming value was the arcade, in that the graphics were impressive at the time with the digitized fighters and the scaling. But the game itself still sucked even there.

  4. I just remember Batman forever being so shitty and I opted for Batman returns instead because that’s the actual fun one. Also, Wayne’s World and Mario’s Time Machine were just the worse 😢😂

  5. Wolverine Adamantium Rage was one of the absolute worst SNES games I ever played. The gameplay was terrible and the controls were even worse. It was so bad that I returned it the same day I bought it.

  6. I got so good at Batman Forever I could beat it without losing continues at some point. Still remember how to pull off the gadgets, you had to use inputs like in MK lol. The end boss is the riddler in a white muscle suit. He breaks your back like Bane and insta-kills you.

  7. I never played SNES back in the days. My first console was NES and that is when my gamer journey started. But since I'm from Ukraine and we were a part of USSR in the past, after we became independent there were tons of NES chinese clone consoles on our market. And yeah, I had one of them. I don't remember it's name but it was like a this black square console, with rounded blue reset and power buttons, and along with it in package there was a lightgun that looked like some sci-fi futuristic black gun with red lines on the sides, two 4 buttons controller, a freaking antenna and the power supply. Antenna was used to actually transmit the signal from the console to other TV. And if you playing it and you had this old TV, then you can actually transmit the signal from your console to other TV and people in other room can see what you are playing. But I never used it because, at the time we had only one TV, so it was useless for me. And there was a cartridge along with the console that had a 9999 games in 1. But the reality was that, there was only like from 10 to 20 simple NES games, and the rest of them were the variations of those games that would start you on different level or with infinite lives and stuff like that. And the first game that I played was Battle City that was on that cartridge. But then I remember that there was games like Ice Climber, Track'n Field, Excitebike, F1 Race, Soccer, Tetris, Tennis, DuckHunt, Wild Gunman etc. But later when I got tired of those games, my older brother brought one of his friends and he brought the first REAL game that I played, which was Battletoads & Double Dragon The Ultimate Team. That was the real game that I played and it was one of my favorite video games since then. And then, since my brother was already working and I was maybe 6 or 7 years old, he started to buy different video games. And since they were cheap back then, I didn't had to ask him to buy one. Like, if I get pissed by a game that I played or if I got bored of some game, I can just ask him after he comes back from work, to buy a new game. And next thing you know, few days after that, he comes back home and brings a new cartridge with a new game. And back then I had like over million games, but when I got Sega Mega Drive later, I sold all of those NES games to one of my friends along with the console. Because, I didn't thought that it will be of any kind of value to me in the future, and that after years retro gaming will become popular again. If only I knew, I would still had all of those games and both consoles.

  8. Man those freakin' licensed games. What was the proposal like??
    "Hey! We want to make an uninspired game off of your property!"
    "We're gonna damage both of our reputations!"

  9. Rise of the Robots for SNES had to be the worst fighting game on the system, possibly ever made. It had good graphics and absolutely nothing else going for it

  10. This list needs more Metal Morph. Still angry about that game. Had to slog through a terrible action platformer to get to eye searing barely functional rail shooter segments (I like rail shooters).

  11. A Dutch gaming magazine called Final Fantasy 3(6) the worst game they ever played and said it was a good thing it wasn't being localized for the PAL region.
    Yeah, well, I already bought the game, but I stopped buying the magazine (Did you know that if you played THIS game as an import you'd get completely black inventory screens and the ending would stay black after the Gogo scene?)

  12. I’ll never forget the time my Mom rented Pit Fighter for me when I was a little kid.

    I had forgot the name of the game I actually wanted to rent so I gave her some very vague instructions (2 guys on the cover fighting). It’s the worst game I’ve ever played till this day.

  13. Sword of freaking Sodan!! shudders
    But it's such a piece o' crap that it's somehow entertaining to play? It's a stiff, broken thing, but somehow does have a wee but if nostalgia backed behind it?

    Now the Amiga version? Jesus.

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