The Worst Diet Mistakes KILLING Your Muscle Gains (must avoid!)

When it comes to our nutrition goals, we often think in terms of absolutes. If we want to get leaner, we reduce our calories and cut …


41 thoughts on “The Worst Diet Mistakes KILLING Your Muscle Gains (must avoid!)

  1. People also don’t understand if you eat right before workout, your body will direct a lot of blood to your stomach to assist in the digestion process. If you workout right after eating, blood is going to be directed to your muscles so now your stomach doesn’t have enough blood. That’s when you’ll get upset stomach.

  2. I have two 15 lbs dumbbells I do squats, deadlifts, hammer curls, triceps extensions, side lunges. I jog to warm up when I feel ready I start side lunges & squats no resistance, then I move into the 15 lbs resistance. Im doing this 30 minutes to an hour a day or near daily. What do I roughly burn in calories? Im trying to get an rough estimate of what I burn doing this? It is light to moderate intensity.

  3. nice video overall, but why so many fitness channel talk about "trying to reach your daily calorie intake" . shittt i think 99% people got that part locked down haha

  4. I have recently joined the Gym and I came across your channel. I am loving the content mate. I have learnt a lot over the last few weeks. I was wondering if you still have any copies of the book you produced? I live across the pond in the UK

  5. Love the guy doing the workouts in your videos, such a natural talent. The contrast with the serious narrator is hilarious. Never expected exercise videos to be so funny. Simply awesome.

  6. LOVED the broccoli in the toilet ! 😂 Want to do that every time my loving wife keeps on the right path with that stuff 😐. Thanks for another great video. Really enjoying the new production that you've incorporated.

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