The ULTIMATE No Tonic Build.. The BEST Ability Cards in Red Dead Online (RDR2 Best Loadouts)
The ULTIMATE No Tonic Build.. The BEST Ability Cards in Red Dead Online (RDR2 Best Loadouts) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A …
The ULTIMATE No Tonic Build.. The BEST Ability Cards in Red Dead Online (RDR2 Best Loadouts) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A …
I absolutely love this build! Hopefully you enjoy it and find it helpful as well. Also big tip since some of you asked, it works GREAT for hand to hand combat and fist fights as well! Thanks for watching folks!
0:00 – The Best Ability Cards in Red Dead Online
1:00 – Dead Eye Card
2:38 – Passive Ability Card 1
3:33 – Passive Ability Card 2
4:12 – Passive Ability Card 3
4:57 – The Complete Ability Card Loadout
8:29 – Best Ability Cards Roundup.
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Alot of these ability cards are not available for me
I’d rather have come back stronger than the first card
I use Paint it Black , Eye for an Eye , Strange Medicine and Coke Blooded. IMO it’s the best ability card for being a straight up tank. Great offence and defence , definitely give it a try
Live for the fight is bad. It takes like 5+ minutes to fill dead eye from empty. Eye for an eye is so much better. Headshots give you like 20% dead eye.
I have another one that works decently slow and steady for dead eye and never without one, to fight another day, and fool me once so I take a lot less damage while sprinting and every time I get shot I take less damage and I can take a headshot or instead of to fight another day you could use strange medicine to add extra healing
Dead eye is completely broken, I started using it after 2 years and I just shred griefers. but I use paint it black. Also, people; use tonics, they are broken af. And you can craft as much as you want thanks to madam nazar
Missions are not problem, biggest problem in RDR online are asholes who shoot you without any reason. I understand if there is benefit, internet to attack, but shooting people without any reason is bullshit.
If anybody plays red dead I'm level 53 with a bounty wagon, add me; KillMattic95.
Let's play red dead. 🙏🏼
I get enough tonics from looting bodies.
Dead Eye Card – Quite an Inspiration – Regen health over time for you and allies
Card 1: Live for the Fight – Regen Deadeye over time
Card 2: Kick in the Butt – Get Deadeye recovery when you take damage
Card 3: The Unblinking eye – Deadeye and Eagle eye drain slower
How does this compare to the minty big game and health pamphlet load out the god mode load out
been focusing on headshots for deadeye and the moment of respite as an active heal but i might invest in this setup instead, just because of how easy it looks to manage (I hate having to use abilities in shooting games)
I wonder if this will work with Slow and Steady? I don’t have QAI yet as I’m only level 38.
You have like 5 best abilities vids bro make up you’re mind 🤦♂️
This does not work
you ever just wait 5 minutes to wait for someone to show ypu 4 cards in 5 seconds
Do you need yellow core to get the healing and recovery speed like in your video? thanks.
So just interested to know once you've bought every single weapon you bought every single upgrade you can possibly buy why would you need to spend your money on anything else other than bullets and tonics and Gun oil? I mean really dude come on now
Hey hazard, are those cards good for PvP too in free roam cause just the other day I was fighting someone who was lvl 377 & I shot him with an explosive bullet & he didn't die. When he got up he turned invisible & shot me & killed me idk WTH that was but I definitely let the lobby after that lol
This is one of the worst load outs I’ve ever seen come on Hazard get a grip man, you’re supposed to be “influencing” players are you not!
That’s the worst build I’ve ever seen people don’t use this build😂😂