The Tesla Semi Take Over Has Begun

Something Is Happening With The Tesla Semi – Good news or too little too late? Last video: Neuralink Reveals Major NEW …


38 thoughts on “The Tesla Semi Take Over Has Begun

  1. These would be great if they could haul something,could charge quickly,had a little range and people wanted them but if you think they save any CO2 production, you don’t understand anything about construction of batteries, mining, or physics

  2. i seen these big rigs in person that past month or so, maybe 3 total. i drive up and down the i5 freeway from so cal to portland as my route. and near the corning california area i seen them. but i also saw telsa big rigs at a truck stop in stockton, 3 bobtail tesla trucks was there maybe a factory near by in stockton california. but the ones i saw near corning california and orland california, these were the frito lay orange ones and they was pulling trailers.

  3. Too little, too late for Elon as CEO of Tesla. Like Telsa semis do not create a huge amount of CO2 and pollution to manufacture and operate more than other trucks? Tesla is not saving the planet any more than any other vehicle manufacturer. They are still being by carbon-based fuels. Scale does not matter. Get real! You are losing any credibility you may have had as a mouth-piece for Tesla.

  4. What poor reporting. I know what Martin Brower does, it is not a secret. Also, Costco does not have its own trucking company, they use other companies to deliver their goods (in our area anyways). So it would be those companies that would be buying trucks. A little research goes a long way!!!

  5. @2:24 Ok, I get it, you have no math skills, economic knowledge or common sense; this is typical for young liberals, let me help you. $20 million divided by 32 trucks is $625,000 per truck, plus federal subsidies of $40,000 per truck brings the cost to the taxpayers to $665,000 per truck.
    A two second google search gives the following prices for a new Tesla Semi, 300-mile version: $150,000 & 500-mile version: $180,000. I know all this math is boggling your mind by now so I will cut to the final numbers. We the taxpayers bought PepsiCo 32 shiny new trucks, and then gave them at least an additional $15.2 million according to the numbers in your video.
    I have no idea whether the numbers you reported were accurate, but in this day and age I would not doubt it. For you it does not matter, you believe the numbers and think this will save the world, you have a problem. I think we may have an epidemic of brain worms going around. I am beginning to wonder if the 💉causes brain worms, you didn't by any chance let them 💉 you, did you?

  6. Is the Tesla semi the first of what I believe will be many promises and sort of promises that Elon made to get the $56 billion that will be proved to not be true? Is this the first of many Elon $56 billion lies?

  7. The takeaway here is: the govt should never subsidize anything. They ruin the free market economy. Ever wonder why corn syrup is in everything? It's because of govt corn subsidies. They are always good for a few and bad for the rest of us.

  8. Parking these trucks to charge next to nuclear or hydro electric power generating station is currently the only way to make these 'reusables' feasible. Wind and solar are scams to keep the CCP financially sound.

  9. 1:50 Pepsi operates 36 tesla semi so far
    2:17 Pepsi secured over 20m in govt grants to cover the cost of 32 of the semi's. plus federal subsidies of 40k per vehicle.
    40k * 36 = 1.44m. so it is a total of 21.44m in subsidies and grants.
    20m/36 = 555k per vehicle
    so… Pepsi got 36 semis and taxpayer paid for 35 out of those 36? this is some wild deal for pepsi.

  10. As a retired expert in the GM/Grocery logistics field (I've been deposed multiple times as an expert witness) it's amazing how little people really know.
    And companies like Walmart are VERY, VERY tight-lipped about what they are doing, but I expect they will start buying other electric Class 8 tractors soon if Tesla doesn't get on with it …
    Elon time only works so far, and all of the distractions Tesla is pursuing will be just annoying.
    Robotaxi or not, FOOD moves on trucks. Electric trucks will be BETTER. And drivers don't just "drive"; FSD for trucks will be greatly appreciated but won't remove the driver from the cab anytime soon (although it might open the profession up to more women, which may be important given the possible "retirement" crisis).

  11. Massive pollution….Thats what DEF is for to reduce all of the soot that might have gone into the atmosphere. Maybe old trucks that dont use DEF, but most companies now days, have adopted automatic transmissions and require DEF fluid to run. Cars pollute more than current Semi's do. As more old cars and trucks are on the road with lackluster maintenance intervals. No such case with current Semi's which require strick PM's in order not to void their warranty.

  12. I'm sure all those companies that received funding to build charging stations (that are NOT Tesla) had arrangements that financially benefited members of the Biden family…

  13. What a JOKE!

    Pepsi ordered 100 of these 2 years ago and to date has received only 36. Of those 8 have already broken down requiring major repairs. In ideal conditions they barely get 400 miles and even that is with a light load. They are forced to use them only for local runs of things like potato chips.

    They haven't even broken ground on their dedicated factory and just laid off 700 Semi workers.

    Tesla Semi is just another example of Musk BS to keep Tesla's worthless stock at a high value.

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