The Supreme Court and the Trump Persecution
Join Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone tonight as he discusses the persecution of Trump and how the supreme court will react to …
Join Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone tonight as he discusses the persecution of Trump and how the supreme court will react to …
bribery you scratch my back I'll scratch yours',,,,,that is so sad, they say things that people want to hear, and then disregard that and do what they want…
So true. As soon as I followed His way to spread ✝️❤️ the Word on the streets in Holland or in other countries, to share the TRUE and REAL Gospel, Gal1:6-12, 3:1 —wow that thorn in the flesh was an immediate and free ‘present’ of the ‘liar from the beginning’. It. was. hor.ri.bly!. Family, friends became my enemies, accused me, hated me, gossiped and tried to put me down… and I was 100% innocent‼️ Jesus still gave me love for them, and I always blessed them as well, Matt5. More and more I understood, it’s just demonic 🐽 and also 2Tim3;12 was such a help for me; “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”.
Why is breaking the law in the name of politics not against the law
Save America from ID10TS in Office!
God Bless America!! Trump2024
If they get him under oath they will be asking him to testify about his favorite sex positions under oath!
I’m a Christian, and trump has proven beyond a doubt that he is blasphemous, and all of you who follow his lies are complicit in trump’s blasphemy!
God bless you FATHER PAVONE.
Anyone can see that we the people choose Trump. 🇺🇸
God is always in control.
All politicians are public SERVANTS! But they act like they think they're royalty. They're sick. Most of them are narcissists.
Mến chúc cha Frank ,và mọi người luôn khỏe mạnh, bình an!
Amen 🙏
God blessed DJT when he took his first breath. He is the appointed one by God!!
Not all Christians support Trump and his corruption.
Trump is a fraud and conman!
1. I am a devoted follower of my Savior, Jesus Christ, a Conservative Republican, who spent 24 years of active duty in the military.
2. I do not support the MAGA platform/agenda as it currently stands. It is ruining the Republican Party and America.
3. MAGA Republicans have not supported their constituents by passing legislation that is in the best interest of the American People as a whole.
4. MAGA Republicans haven’t lived up to the promises they’ve made during the last two elections.
5. MAGA Republicans are getting too involved in church and state and working to take away people’s free agency. Based on what the founding fathers set up, religion is not to interfere with the government, and there is supposed to be a division between church and state.
6. The MAGA Republicans Platform and Agenda is causing the United States of America Constitution to hang by a thread and could eventually cause the Constitution to dissolve and democracy to fail.
7. MAGA Republicans have not supported their constituents by passing legislation that is in the best interest of Americans as a whole.
8. MAGA Republicans haven’t lived up to the promises they’ve made during the last two elections.
9. MAGA Republicans are getting too involved in church and state and working to take away people’s free agency. Based on what the founding fathers set up, religion is not to interfere with the government, and there is supposed to be a division between church and state.
10. The MAGA Republicans Platform and Agenda is causing the United States of America Constitution to hang by a thread and could eventually cause the Constitution to dissolve and democracy to fail.
11. I do not support Donald Trump’s 47 plan. It does not put America first.
12. Concerning Donald Trump:
a. I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 or 2020. I will NOT vote for Donald Trump in 2024.
b. Donald Trump WASN'T the greatest president in American history. I believe he was the WORST president in American history.
c. America was NOT better off under Donald Trump’s leadership.
d. America’s economy was NOT stronger under Donald Trump’s leadership.
e. America was NOT safer under Donald Trump’s leadership.
f. I do not think Donald Trump is, or has ever been, unfairly censored by Big Tech.
g. Donald Trump didn’t secure the border as promised during his administration when he could have. Donald Trump’s past administration is just as much at fault for the immigration problems we’re having today.
h. I believe Donald Trump IS A TRAITOR to the United States because he violated US Law/Espionage Laws by stealing Highly Classified National Security documents and sharing the contents of those documents to uncleared individuals and non US nationals.
20. Therefore, I WON'T support any MAGA Republican Platform/Individuals. I will be voting against any MAGA Republican Platforms and/or individuals running for any office. I WILL ONLY VOTE FOR NON-MAGA REPUBLICANS.
21. Make America Great Again, DON’T vote for any MAGA Republicans. Only vote for other Republicans.
Trump and the other co-defendants were not indicted by Smith, Willis, or other prosecutors. They were indicted by Grand Jury's made up of private citizens based on evidence. Let the Constitutional judicial process prevail. 🇺🇲
❤President Trump 2024,
Thank you 🙏 😊
Exactly 💯 %
Donald Trump has broken every one of God's commandments. How can you, as a self- proclaimed man of God, support him? There is nothing Christian about Donald Trump. I'm offended that he is trying to corrupt my faith.
King Jesus is always in control.
You're awesome, Pastor ❤