The Sinicization of Southeast Asia

Today we’re going to talk about the former Sinicization of Southeast Asia, or the history of the Chinese merchants, kings and other …


21 thoughts on “The Sinicization of Southeast Asia

  1. chinese were buiding huge ships long before the europeans even set sail..ancient chinese ship wrecks found up to east africa,,,if you look at map, taiwan and philippines are first countries they will come many chinese immigrated this way via ships to philippines because travelling to SEA on foot is perilous, over mountains, swamps rivers filled with snakes, malaria, crcoddiles and wild elephants and tigers

  2. Nice video. I am from Indonesia part of malayan mongoloid race but i am respect with my fellow countrymen with different ethnic background like asiatic mongoloid race (chinese) and papuan/melanesian people. 😊

  3. Like what you said, Chinese in the Philippines have been assimilated in the archipelago for so many years that a lot of us don't even realize that we have some Chinese in our blood. I've seen some Filipinos who believe they're pure Southeast Asian austronesian, but turns out they still have some Chinese blood in them when they do a test. Even some of our new year traditions are Chinese, like putting round fruits in a bowl, eating sticky rice, keeping doors and windows open to allow good fortune, and even the eat long noodles = long life, all without realizing the traditions are originally Chinese. I believe there's a Cross adorned with jasmine, and right in front of it is a bowl with people burning sticks of incense on it, which to me seems like a big sign of how Chinese and Filipinos assimilated well all those centuries ago.

  4. 除了新加坡和马来西亚🇲🇾华人,我对其他的华人群体一无所知,大马华人在中国🇨🇳抗日战争时期做出了巨大贡献,这一点学校里面都有教。

  5. SouthAsian people maybe looks like Chinese but not. Chinese is too greed to conquer but this region have their own pride and historical. If SouthAsian people together, united, like Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines and Indonesia in great relationship, that's enough to stop the greed of Chinese and also have better independence fron Western influence also 🙏

  6. We ilocanos or some ilocanos in the North part of Philippines have slanted eyes not because of Chinese admixture, but because of high austronesian DNA derived like Igorots(mountain people of north Luzon). Need to remember that pure austronesians are also mongoloid race derived, its just happened that they intermix to negritos when they arrived in Philippines making the new facial features of lowlands Filipinos

  7. This video is wrong, Hoa in Vietnam did not arrive in Vietnam til much later. The first generation of Chinese in Vietnam were Han, specifically northern Chinese, then later southern Chinese.

  8. The Filipino with chinese ancestry are pretty much from an old chinese family, most of them are either 4th-5th generation nowadays and they already intermix with local filipinos, so they are now more identified as Filipinos. Their chinese bloodline is probably decreasing but their culture remains alive.

  9. pretty sure, amount of Chinese ethnic in Thailand in your reference is wrong. all of my grandparents come from China but me and my parents are Thai ethnic. this is what appear on official document id card and passport. we don't even speak Chinese or practice chinese culture so it's no point to consider us as an ethnic chinese.

  10. Don't worry, all Southeast Asians want to be Chinese, we recognize them as 1/2 Chinese or even 3/4 or 100%, but please exclude my Vietnam, Vietnam is not Chinese.

    Our Vietnamese people are a race equal to the Americans, British, French, Germans, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese,… all the powerful nations in the world.

    We can only be Vietnamese, we cannot be from any other country.👏👏👏👏

  11. Don't touch Vietnam, we do not share history, culture, language with any country!!!, thank all you, we are not related to Japan – Korea – China – Thailand – Cambodia – Indonesia – Malaysia, we I respect you, you respect us by not touching Vietnam, Vietnam is not the territory of Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, China since ancient times, don't let us have to talk a lot, ok?

    You must respect international law, everyone must be civilized, no country has relations since ancient times,

  12. There is one misleading event,Vietnamese people have never massacred Chinese people, We in Vietnam doubted the loyalty of the Chinese people in Vietnamese territory, so we expelled anyone who did not accept Vietnamese nationality, worshiping China's ambitions for Vietnamese territory, but absolutely not Massacre of Chinese people, Immediately after that was the war against the Chinese invasion of Vietnam that took place in 1979

    we are not like the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or Indonesia who massacred innocent Chinese people, that is a condemnable, barbaric, immoral, inhumane act. ……I hope that those actions will not be repeated,it does not bring a good image to your country.The bad reputation will be passed down for thousands of years,Just like China today is like a bad guy to Vietnamese people's impression,

    Vietnam has always been a country that puts ethical and humanitarian issues first, limiting negativity and extremism.

    All Chinese, American, French prisoners of war during the war were treated very kindly, without violence, this you can confirm for foreigners who were in prison in Vietnam in the past,

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