The Shift | Full Length | Award Winning Movie | HD | Drama Film

The Shift – THE SHIFT is the story of one 12 hour night shift in the ER where a veteran nurse, who struggles with the haunting guilt …


36 thoughts on “The Shift | Full Length | Award Winning Movie | HD | Drama Film

  1. The more we realize that this life is fleeting and everyone must leave this planet at some point, the more I pray that people realize that Christ died, so that death would not be their final destination. I'm sorry for each person who has lost a loved one and/or who is going through an illness. Yet, please know that Christ is a REFUGE & STRENGTH (read Psalm 46).

    The more we learn about the disturbing events going on in the U.S (and around the world), the more clear it becomes that we're in a SERIOUS BATTLE between good & evil. The more people understand that we're not fighting against flesh and blood, but principalities, rulers, & powers of this dark world (read Ephesians 6:10-18), the more we'll realize that we need Christ.

    Our salvation is the #1 most important decision we can make in this life, as Christ brings PEACE, HOPE, & SALVATION in a fleeting world.  If you do not know Christ, may you make Him Lord of your life today. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
    In Yeshua, the U.S.

    The more we learn about the disturbing events going on in the U.S (and around the world), the more clear it becomes that we're in a SERIOUS BATTLE between good & evil. The more people understand that we're not fighting against flesh and blood, but principalities, rulers, & powers of this dark world (read Ephesians 6:10-18), the more we'll realize that we need Christ.

    Our salvation is the #1 most important decision we can make in this life, as Christ brings PEACE, HOPE, & SALVATION in a fleeting world.  If you do not know Christ, may you make Him Lord of your life today. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
    In Yeshua, the U.S.

  2. Dr’s & nurses all think they are “GOD “ no .. there’s only one King ..& it was a wake up call for all those watching this movie ..! Pray 🙏🏻 pray 🙏🏻 keep praying 🙏🏻 for the Lord’s answer ! He will answer your prayer 🙏🏻 Amen

  3. God bless you and your daughter! It’s the worst thing to loose a child I know. And I do know they are ok now. And we will see them again. Where there is only happiness for eternity ❤ never give up

  4. this must have been made when kavorkian was still contreversial. Now, in spite of the Hypocratic Oath, "docotrs" can recommend human neutering because it is "P C "

  5. My Mother began as an Army corp nurse.
    Then she put in 52 yrs in ICU and then as regular floor nurse.
    She died of cancer and was badly treated in her last days.
    Very few actually care about the patient nowadays.
    She was a stellar mother and excellent nurse.
    I miss her much.

  6. I understand this perspective. Sometimes you gotta let them go. It's not giving up. Keeping someone alive with machines and repetitive cpr after coding multiple times just increases medical bills and causes undue pain for patient. Heartbreaking but true. When the body is ready to go let it go. That said I'm not a fan of euthanasia and think that is wrong. Letting them go and euthanizing are not the same thing.

  7. That was difficult and different and a decision of life and death should it be decided by the individual suffering or those who suffer watching you in pain? For every difficulty there's relief ✨

  8. Im very selective when it comes to the movies I watch. THIS MOVIE makes us see the importance of keeping an UPDATED DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY so as to prevent any miscommunication between the medical staff & family.

  9. My mother was a hospice nurse. She said it was unbelievable of the families that wanted their cancer family members to hang on for them. She was amazing at talking with the family and making the patient feel safe and loved.

  10. My dad had a heart attack at age 52 they resuscitated him and he had a breathing tube- he woke up but they never took the tube out, my grandma did a DNR and they slowly injected him with morphine and put him to sleep like an animal. It was only 9 days I wanted him to have more time, this world is cruel.

  11. Death is the ONLY certainty in life. It can be beautiful and peaceful or horrible. Every person has their own individual beliefs and values; quality vs quantity. It’s not about the survivors and how said they are if they lose a loved one. It should be only be about the person who is dying!!!!!! Eff our own personal beliefs and wishes. It’s not about us. It’s about the person who is dying.
    Question: When you are on your death bed would you want the survivors to go against your wishes?
    Then why go against the dying person’s wishes! Do unto others….
    Although I agree with the nurse about preventing suffering he should realise it was not his decision to make, albeit I agree with him about preventing suffering and pain. Medicine and nursing are inundated with horrible things that make us cry about the horribles and that sucks, but it’s not the way to handle ending their suffering. And it goes against every code of ethics and practice regarding medical practice. It makes me sad when I see people suffering and that sucks. But it is never the nurses decision to end a life because it’s the sympathetic thing to do. He doing what Dr Kavorken did. I agree with the concept to help end suffering. BUT Not only is it illegal to ‘kill’ people but it goes against the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. I feel for the terminals who are suffering. I can’t imagine what those’d sufferers have to go though. It’s so sad and I hurt inside just hearing about these type of situations. This nurse in the movie was doing the WRONG things even if was for the RIGHT reasons. ❤ 😢

  12. I agree with Kyle’s philosophy regarding respecting the patients wishes whatever they maybe, even if it contradicts your own personal values and beliefs . But he is a horrible AWFUL crappy teacher and mentor, the worst I have ever seen or had!! It’s Her 1st shift ever out of NSG school. He needs to perform every thing on this day as if she wasn’t there to do the ‘ditch work’ and she should following him, listening to him, and ask questions when needed. She should his shadow. He should be teaching ER specifics and give her a tour of the unit. He should be verbalising everything outloud along with the rationales. How are we suppose to make sure the next generation of RN become as awesome as us veteran RNs. A good nurse is not always a good teacher. We have all had bad teachers and great teachers. And having a great teacher vs a crappy not only creates more positive outcomes but it can makes all the difference in the world. Anyone remember your favourite teacher? I am a RN supervisor educator and case manager for 25 year and I would never do what he is doing to the new RN. The saying is watch 1, do 1, teach one. When she gives her eval to the director of nursing she should give him an extremely poor evaluation. How can he grow and be a better RN mentor if he never hears that he sucks as a teacher. It is in our code of ethics and nurse practice act.
    He didn’t even give her a tour. How is she supposed to know door codes for the med room staff room or supply room. What if she needs something that’s they are out of in the supply room or med room???
    I could go on and on and not even 15 minutes into the movie. But I just want to pass on my knowledge so that one day you may think of this if you ever have to train someone or teach something to someone one day.
    P.s. I have never forgotten my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Malone, in 1983. because she was such a great and awesome teacher that I will never forget her. I might look her up and write her a letter informing her how she is my #1 favourite teacher of all time. Best wishes to all who reads this.
    AND AND and I really do like this movie it’s very good and it’s also very accurate medically.

  13. My 92 year old daddy had a little heart attack back in summer of 2022, he didn't want to go to the hospital, he was living at an assisted living facility, they called me and asked if they wanted me or them to take him to the hospital. I took him to hospital at 9:30pm, at 12 midnight er nurse gave him lorezapam/Ativan, he kept asking to place his feet on the ground. At 5am, they moved him to a room, we were told the dr would make his rounds between 7am and 10am, dr never showed up, I told my dad I had to go home for a little while had to run home take care of my dogs, he asked me not to go. I came back by 1pm, my dad was unresponsive, they had administered more Ativan. They witheld food and water for 14 hrs, he was asking for food and water, I demanded they feed him. Dr. showed up at 4pm, by that time my dad was gasping for air, I asked if he was dying, the dr said 'yes the dying process has begun'. Dr. says 'you know he's 92 years old, he's lived a good life, let him go'. I called family, I researched Ativan, it is not to be given to geriatric patients with heart disease, it supresses the respiratory system. I stayed with my dad thru the night at hospital, by 9am he was talking to his sister on the phone, drs come in the room says 'that's not the man I saw yesterday', I said 'no it's not, and now I know how ya'll are taking people out'. Dr. says 'I don't think he will be here by Christmas', I said 'he probably won't, but it will be on his terms not because you think it's time for him to go'. I said 'I know someone in this room doesn't believe in God, and you're looking a divine f#@king intervention right there'. We moved my dad back home, he lived three weeks past Christmas, he said he was going to do that just to show that dr who was in charge. His dr was an Atheist. I have family members who said I was selfish for letting our dad suffer for 6 months, I was one of his seven 24/7 caregivers, noone else in the family ever helped, I know I did the right thing and respected my dad's wishes, he enjoyed his time left on earth, sure some days were hard, he had Alzheimer's and diabetes, and we let him eat whatever he wanted, he had the best male live-in caregiver that God could have sent us, I think they had a platonic bromance going on. I am now estranged from my family, and that's ok, I have friends who truly care about me and love me unconditionally.

  14. Had surgery for breast cancer. Cancer runs in my family. The 5yr monitoring is so stressful. I have a DNR. And live in a state with Death with Dignity for terminal disease. My choice to not feaster in a facility.

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