The Rolling Stones – Sucking Since 1973? – (Including Audience Poll)

The Rolling Stones have sucked since 1973? Is this a fair comment? I discuss this and list some of the great tracks since 1973 If …


32 thoughts on “The Rolling Stones – Sucking Since 1973? – (Including Audience Poll)

  1. All the Stones songs seem to have devolved into I-IV-I-IV. Yeah, they rock, but damn this ain't nowhere near Exile On Main Street. And there's nothing close to "Satisfaction" — i.e., nothing to grab anyone for the first time.

  2. I don’t see why people get so mad when everyone doesn’t like a band, I love the stones but music is all subjective
    it is time for them to retire though

  3. Steel Wheels contained "ALMOST HEAR YOU SIGH", THIS STONES freaks second fav to "Moon light mile".
    "Never make a Saint of Me" as good as "Sympathy" to me as well. Tatoo you a great unmentioned album.

  4. There is not one single second of music that has ever come from the Rolling Stones. They make a lot of noise, and they are full of theatrical antics on stage, and their lead singer is a ridiculous narcissistic mannekin , but music is more than what you see, it happens to be what enters the eardrums and registers with the informed mind as harmonic, inventive, structured, lyrical, and relevent. There is not a single note from the studio, or live performances of the Rolling Stones Group, that is not plagiarised from another source, and dressed up as something new. They deserve an award for being consistently irritating, and sadly forgettable zeros.

  5. The Stones bear the same resemblance to "cutting edge" that a basketball does to a scalpel. Only the most pathetic of fanboys have ever referred to them as great musicians. They are the world's most overrated rock 'n roll band.

  6. No, the Stones have not sucked since 1973. Their last MUST-HAVE album is 1978's Some Girls. Their last REALLY GREAT album was 1981's Tattoo You (yes, I know where much of the material came from). I would say 1994's Voodoo Lounge and 2005's A Bigger Bang are very good, albeit bloated. Steel Wheels, Bridges to Babylon, Undercover are in the meh category. Dirty Work however… flat-out bad.

    Great video!

  7. They haven't sucked, but they did peak in their youth. I'd never say they sucked as a band, but to paraphrase you, there were many albums that sucked overall yet contained memorable songs. I think they were just a (great) singles band until a really great 4-album run from Beggars Banquet through Exile, with Some Girls and Tattoo You being comebacks I enjoyed and Goat's Head Soup and Emotional Rescue being albums I regretted purchasing back in the 70's. So I differ on the details, but agree with the gist of everything you say, and I guess that in spirit I'm with that 30% that thinks they haven't recorded a great album for a lot of decades. Hackney Diamonds is the first one I've enjoyed since 1981. Not a masterpiece, not still the Stones to me without Wyman and Watts, but a nice listen.

  8. “Tatoo You” has many good tracks. Not much since – let’s face it. The Beatles went out with a damn good final album; which is how you keep a legend building. The Stones just keep chipping away at their’s unfortunately. It’s just a celebrity-gawking touring operation now. Does ANYONE listen to a live Stones show recorded in the last 40 years???

  9. Although I liked their early music I was not a hardcore Stones fan like my buddies, since I was more into progressive rock. But when I heard about this album and sampled "Angry" on Apple Music I immediately ordered the album. I think it's great and I'm amazed they are so good after all these decades. I don't understand the haters.

  10. yes, Goats, only R n R is a Great album, every track is good. For some reason those two got knocked, Black and Blue is good, clean production, Hey Negrita, Hotstuff, Memory Motel etc, Some Girls Great, albeit more commercial, I think tattoo you had material from the 70s? theres just something special about those 70s albums, a sound they captured

  11. The Stones sucking since 1973? Nonsense! Goats Head Soup, Some Girls and Tattoo You are genuinely brilliant albums and aside for Dirty Work, all of their albums are incredibly enjoyable, if spotty. Black and Blue is pretty underrated and had they whittled it down to 10 songs, Voodoo Lounge would easily stand alongside the best Stones albums outside of the Big 4. So yeah, they sucked for a bit in the '80s but beyond that they're seldom less than good and often really damn great. Literally no other band in history has had a career like theirs. No one has kept the torch alive for genuine rock and roll to the extent that they have over these past 60-odd years.

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