The Nightmare World of Gang Stalking
More than 10000 people worldwide claim they’re the victims of a vast organized surveillance effort designed to ruin their lives, …
More than 10000 people worldwide claim they’re the victims of a vast organized surveillance effort designed to ruin their lives, …
I’m with you .. Godspeed
They asked me to join the music dark art movement I’m with. Berklee music I rejected the offer yesterday today and forevermore
This happened to me in 2012 when I cursed Obama administration for painting the White House rainbow that rainbow is YHWH covenant not to destroy the world by flood left behind food movement Sierra club
Left handed and sober it’s a huge problems they used to burn left handers gang them only 10 percent of the population in Latin Ot means Sinister Left means sinister look it up 9 versus one is bullying Obama Bush sr and Clinton all left handers .. we are the talented tenth even nuns apologized to me in the pharmacy for the atrocities of hitting and abusing catholic school kids … it’s real
Dallas Fort Worth has been stalking me since 2010 up to and including an assignation attempt in 2010 detective Inman. Addison Texas had to get involved a pornstat from Florida tired to drown me I had to take her to court in the colon by Texas also a bangbus pornstar was physically assaulted me my soon to be ex wife Facebook stalked me as I was getting out of MHMR recovery and manipulated me to help raise her two sons while still in love within her baby daddy’s never put them on child support he ex foster baby dad tried to influence his son to kill me by getting him drunk and giving him a gun when I was a stricken victim from COVID-19 operation warp speed I’m a FEMA provider Desoto police tried to kill me amd West Plano police almost killed me as they ambushed me a police officer came from behind the car as I was talking to the other officer and told me not to move my hands they changed there attitude once they found out I was with the USO veteran United March Navy Seal Team 6 affiliated with the coaches council Forbes an exclusive class of elite performers and with the Marines Semper Fi Human rights educator youth human rights educator World health organization I am a man XY chromosome I am the Kingian Scholar inner and global Visio of reverend doctor Martin Luther king jr Tel Avic University how to beat viruses cells immunity and vaccines the call us Whistleblowers we are gatekeepers Massachusetts Institute of Technology Theory of Change no cash for kids no clear alerts
Mine started 7 years ago not sure if i am being gang stocked or hit with energy weapons but they are using voice2skull technology voice on me.
This happens to me too, and they do this to distroy your qualities, and keep you enslave at the bottom of your bloodline so that they can move forward and be rich. I was working to delivery this lady follows still she had arguement with me if i have return the aguement i could have been shot. I have went through this for a long time and i had to try and live day by day. I sent a tip on fbi wbsite i didnt get a response, the response was did u report to police? Police ask where are all the eveidence. It had left me runing around taken pictures of everything. I couldn't forcus. The next thing i know is my home ac in on and off. Oven is turn on and off, lights on and off, bathroom flash and not flash. I order item and they are not delivered, my bursing school exams fail with computer cut off an on. It is a nightmere. They had children laughing at me where where i walk in thw neighborhood, cashiers saying your brother is helping you let him. Principal saying when are u moving out. Neighbors going back and forth, i was threaten with cps and i didnt even do nothing to my daughter. My id got lost serial times even though i put it at the right places. My bank account statement was erase and more.
😂😂 yo don't get me wrong us government tracks everyone. But like this is over board. Like come on what makes u so special that they only track u and what's the reason. Most people are criminals who get tracked for doing criminal activities. This is idk people can believe what they want it's free world to do that. But I just don't believe that someone is spending all their money and TIME to track someone who is homeless or not doing anything at all.
Stalking makes people uncomfortable
Who's here after hearing the case of Yoshi?
VICE is the worst for creating a gaslighting narrative like this about Organised gang stalking. VICE is a controlled media platform that push the agenda of the Elites. The way they manipulated and mocked these victims that are 100 percent being gang stalked is beyond comprehension. What a nasty media outlet you are.
Yeah to share that i am a victim to
whats the dudes youtube channel?
They are lucky is all i will say
They are pathetic cowards
I now realise that "it is done" to make an individual appear crazy..but this is just the start! The rest of the journey is awful! I was a non believer, now I know! These crazy people have their uses! Experimentation being one! Who is going to believe someone labelled as being delusional? This will all come to light! When it does, people will be shocked! Five Eyes.!!!
33 745 comments…we know who is behind it!
President Trump has been warning about the government coming for us for years. He said ' they're not coming for me.. They're coming for you'.. wake up and pay attention. I see them everyday. Good luck. Stand up be counted..
Enjoy your life and to hell with haters. I mean think of it this way these people are spending their free time wanting to know where you go and what you’re doing. As long as they don’t interfere with your ability to earn a living and do not ruin relationships then just ignore them. Live like they are not there Be kind to others and respectful don’t tell everyone what they are doing . If you do not acknowledge it then they cannot be satisfied. Set up your own surveillance inside . Start a YouTube channel about something that is interesting to yourself and ignore them !
People can be stalked but sometimes things are not actually someone being stalked. Usually stalking starts by one individual that has mental issues and they want their victim to suffer with them. There are people who meet the wrong person and that bad person can convince others or even pay them to keep tabs on you . There are several ways a person can be under surveillance. But you have to have proof. I do believe that sometimes wealthy people get bored and they have too much time on their hands . Usually it starts with one person A jealous person or just psychopath. People bully online to the point it’s literally a form of “gang stalking “ And teens and kids have unalived themselves because of it. But they can do something about it because it is direct harassment. They can find their assailants. But what these other people are describing is a form of harassment that is more subtle . . . You never know what’s going on with the dark web. I mean there have been conspiracies against political figures and celebrities. So there are probably hate groups that do these things to all kinds of people.
In a small town it would be unusual to see several cars at once with no tag or temporary paper tags. On more than one occasion sometimes dealers do need to relocate vehicles or they sell them to an auction where that are driven to.
The guy explaining that suddenly a parking lot filling up with all couples holding hands does seem unusual. Not many people hold hands anymore but perhaps there was an event that attracted couples who just started dating. Perhaps it was a group marriage counseling nearby and couples in trouble always try to hold hands and if one couple was holding hands going in then others would copy that. The helicopters hovering all the time would be strange. I think the guy living in an area he was forewarned about moving to should just move . Also if they are not invading his home then he could just try to ignore it. As long as they are not causing him income loss or going into his home then don’t worry about them.
Why are they so interesting to spend so much money watching??? You live near L.A. and near the airport you’re going to get planes and helicopters Driving by. And the guy in the RV, try driving outside of the city
btw, I defeated them by turning my life over to Christ🙏
The dealer tags thing….wow. I guess I’m an official victim of #gangstalking 😅 – all the cars that followed me were either out of state license plates or paper dealership plates. Police said the couldn’t find the owners of those vehicles lol
Is it so prevalent because organizations security companies, and other legal entities , are using resources illegally??? Call it what it is , homegrown terrorism.
What if this is the church or Christians trying to convert you to christ? If you think about it. They aren't breaking any laws but they annoyed you to the point of changing your ways? I thought I was gangstalked but I was also in addiction and doing bad things when this happened to me. Now that I'm sober I watched this video again and it screams Christianity.
I think gang stalking is kind of symptom of having too much of self obsession or narcissism. They think everything happening around them is about them and them only!
no thissss is literally the definition of my life i am being threatened to confess to crime/s ive not committed due to busybodies believing my actions innocent actions are criminal