The NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE Has MAJOR GOLD & Money Farming Methods.. (RDR2)
The NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE Has Incredibly FAST GOLD & Money Farming Methods.. (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A …
The NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE Has Incredibly FAST GOLD & Money Farming Methods.. (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A …
I love the videos and your the best hazard
Well… me as a not native english speaker I still understand english pretty good. But I didn't understand a word from the video. Everything was explained too fast.
Hey Hazard
I got an question:
I saw on the monthly rewards that there is Times two? For normal bounty hunting?
What’s the point if you have everything you can buy already 😢
Would be nice if the game didn't freeze when entering a stable.
Is Red Dead Online have AMD FSR 2.0 ?
They shouldve added cars to online
Just do the lake Isabella glitch
So do all the updates from past 3 weeks stack? Or do last weeks change with this weeks?
People grinding shit meanwhile im litteraly just fucking around in this game
After story mode tried online. 1lvl, no items in the start. Well, okay. Started to do simple delivery missions 10-15$ bounty. But didn't finshed none of them cuz was always killed by another players.
This game(online mod) have the worst community i've ever seen before. Was killed a couple of times in town, just because why not. Tried to escape to another town by fast travel and you know what? Train killed my horse while catscene was.
The stables are glitched in red dead Rockstar needs to fix this asap
So, I bought the game back when it got released, and basically NEVER played it. Not by choice, I just didn’t have access.
Fast forward, I started playing one two years ago and I got overwhelmed by the number of things you need to know to play online correctly.
Stopped playing again. And then I discovered this channel and I have been enjoying my time since.
It’s a one of a kind game, where you can’t « rush » into anything like modern games when it’s non stop stimuli. You need to immerse yourself and slow down to enjoy it I guess
It’s time to let go bro
dunno what rockstar thinking for abandon this game lol, there’s literally so much potential this game can have train robbery all heist type shit or a myth hunter role where you hunt myth creatures like wendigo or anything theres fcking a lot, money does change people….
i love red dead 2 it's my fav game
I just started and I can’t find the god daym clothes store can anybody help me out here haha I went to a city and could not see one I dint have much time to play so I dint have time to look everywere anybody know and also do I lose everything if I die I can’t tell cause I have nothing lol
Hey guys just wondering how do I see my level I know I’m retarted for starting now but something pops up I’m level 7 on something but I was playing for like 20 minutes so it dint make sense to me anybody know thsi don’t make sense but hopefully somebdoy gets it lol
can i play RDO without ps plus?
But after wave 5 is when it just starts getting fun. The best thing to do is enjoy yourself and just get money passively, there’s not enough things in game for people to need to grind so hard that they lose the fun aspect of it.
FUK THIS GAME DOOD — I legit hope who ever is in charge of making sure bugs get fixed – dies in REAL LIFE.
This is legitimately ridiculous. . . Swear R* is actively sabotaging this game.
I get a ton of griefers in my severs anyone else having that problem
do you have a video showing where to find all of these different missions in the menus? i'm level 43 but don't do a lot of these because the menus/telegrams/letters regarding these things are so confusing.
Is there still a camp and stable fee and insane store prices?
What is recommended lvl for hardcore telegram and regular telegram missions?
Hi Hazard and unfortunantly nothing again for veteran players….😢
Holy shit, set playback speed to .75 and he speaks clearly!
People build up RP servers so much, but i find normal online much more fun, MOST RP servers are run by a bunch of kids who own the server for their own content and $$ gain
Did someone know how to i fix unknown error ffff in RDO 2?
Of course all that gold and money means nothing when there is nothing left to buy. They screwed up making online before the main story. It's stuck in the past. If it was after they could add things like getting gatling gun for your camp, maybe hot air balloon transpo, newer guns.
Is anyone having the issue where madam nassar isn’t on the map ?
There’s nothing left to do in this game
I'm new to this game, anyone know when does the outlaw pass open again?! 👾
Is the morning tail coat coming back
Want to play RDO, but have concerns about the hackers i've heard of.
I am going to play tonight, that tip about the call to arms is very useful, I will do that tonight! Thank you!
has the RCE exploit been fixed for RDR2 PC yet?
is the stable bug fixed?
At 5:55 can i also do it with a friend or do i have to do it on my own?
Can someone Say. the Telegram Mission, are they count on Time like bounty? On Bountys you get more if you left the Timer end nearly 0:30 Sek.