THE Most Entitled Campus Protestor

0:00 – The incident
24:00 – Oh the Irony
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46 thoughts on “THE Most Entitled Campus Protestor

  1. I never did understand this form of protesting.
    shouldnt it be happening somewhere where it would make a difference, instead of just doing this.
    like what does this help exactly.
    it often does also feel like its the well to do middle class that does this stuff. they sure wont volunteer at a soup kitchen but they are willing to do this all day.
    other is actually productive and helpful and this is just wasting everyones time.

  2. Ill never understand the logic of these Palestinian protesters. You are achieving nothing, you are only making the public dislike you and your cause more. Intentionally stopping normal people from going about their daily business solves nothing.

  3. i love how the officers talking about lunch start talking about good things they did. it just shows they know what to do. and there bonds are so wholesome. love this channel. ❤

  4. why are they complaining about palestine to the police? like what the police is going to do about it xDDDDD

    and what makes them think that protesting give them the right to commit crimes?

  5. I'm convinced that protestors like these are pretending they are in the 1960s and larping as Kent state protestors or something. What does the administrative office of this University have to do with Palestine 😆

  6. glad i dont have to put with that kind of shit ,,,that is a perfect example of how violent those people are,,Israel got enough of it and u see what's going on over there ,,they think America is a free ride ,,the hate is obvious ,,we are all gods children ,,but they have turned on the world and now we see with our own eyes ,,i wish we could all just get along ,,,

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