The Most BRUTAL Sport In The World | Rugby’s Hardest Hits, Biggest Tackles & Crazy Skills
If you aren’t a rugby fan, you will be by the end of this brutal video! This rugby compilation showcases big hits, crazy skills, bone …
If you aren’t a rugby fan, you will be by the end of this brutal video! This rugby compilation showcases big hits, crazy skills, bone …
T-Shirts For Real Men:
Its so rediculous seeing the pshycopathes fighting in the comment section and trying to proove that their sport is more brutal and inhumanne as if living in the stone age i am just laughing at their ignorance how inhumane can nfl and rugby fans be like all the pshycopathes of the world watch only soccer,nfl and rugby so much ignorant are they the world should watch sports which gives happiness and enjoyment like cricket not violent and aggressive feeling and attitude like nfl, soccer,rugby,mma, boxing gives
So proud of being a cricket fan feeling proud of cricket after watching this video best sport should be like athletes showing their strength, fitness, skills, atleticism without hurting anyone and sports should also be for physical fitness and cricket is the best sport in the world for it and sports like basketball, tennis, badminton, soccer requires some running which helps in calorie burn but it doesn't requires brutal strength and sports like nfl,rugby needs brutal strength but its the sport of pshycopathe and cricket needs both brutal strength, atleticism , speed and power (in bowling)and agility(fielders)especially shorter formats and cricket requires so much skills and variety which no other sport in the world demands cricket is for humans and nfl,rugby, soccer is for pshycopathes cricket is the best sport in the world ever
The only rule is there are no rules
I did it for the first time today. I dislocated my shoulder in 10 minutes, and my friend will walk all week with crutches. This sport is very cruel, and as masculine as possible. I wish them all only good health.
How come rugby doesn’t have some gay ass rules about hits? Football is a joke
Quite Impressive Man
Not the nfl girls league
This sport was invented in the stone age with how absolutely brutal it is. Lol
mma:hold my gloves
Hard as fucking nails. Puts mincing, overpaid football players to shame.
imaginem o bitelo nesse esporte
El futbol americano es un circo, un ridiculo al lado del rugby, y los idiotas dicen que es mas rudo pq al usar protectores golpean mas fuerte, si pero con protección al fin. Tanto usar casco los hace mas vulnerables al los traumatismos craneales
Did you heard something about Chronical Traumatic Encephalopathy ???
im pretty the hardest sport is russian rulette or gladator fighting or group b.
0:30 Spanish rugby players aren't heavy but they act like if they were Jonah Lomu
you need balls of steel just to stand on that field out there !!!!!
As tiny filipino guy, this sport will obliterate me into particle
0:47 what game???
You have rugby league and Rugby in this vid … Its Fckn disgrace. Wake the fck up.
For context, this is VERY similar to American Football, but with a few differences that change the dynamic of the game, making it more cursive, with less interruptions, but also a lot slower. You can only pass behind, you are only allowed to tackle below the chest line (no arm grabbing or shoulder pushing) and you are not allowed to tackle opponents who don't have the ball. The player holding the ball IS allowed to push and tackle above, but only with the hand holding the ball(for example if he tucks the ball in his armpit, he can use that shoulder as a battering ram). For a touch down, the player has to place the ball on the ground, not toss it down, that's why you see them diving so much. Well, also a lot less protective gear and it's played by real men, but that's another discussion. You might not be able to tell, because they are all big and there's no reference, but they are all built like tanks.
I saw France play Italy in 2022, I just went because I wanted to experience everything I could when I was in France. One of the best experiences! I’m a football fan through and through but you could feel those hits.
va faire du bare knuckle 5 minutes et se seras plus violente que toute une carrière de rugbyman / boxe anglaise / mma / kick boxing / muay thaï
now thats what i would call a contact sport 😂
Damn… I wish I wasnt 5'5
A bunch of guys with CTE
Spot Bob Ross, 2min 42sec in.
It’s not have you ever heard of ozzy rules rules
None of these are as bad as American football hits
Cte victims 😢
This is the kind of stuff I expect from NFL. It would be sooo much more interesting to watch. An arena of gladiators with a ball
people in tiktok comments weee arguing with me saying that their ‘tackles’ were harder than rugby 😂 i tried watching american ‘football’ the other day and it was the most boring thing ever.
0:27 you fucking GOD!
This sport should be played by the whole world… It's a real MAN's sport…
Some of these guys enjoy.
Bodyguards, fuck that
We make it difficult to compete.
❤these are my brothers
aint no way rugby is the most brutal sport its mma
How is this not the most popular sport on Earth?
I'm really impressed with the quality of the jerseys… 😀
just want to point out, the first one was AMATUER
I'm an American, so I can talk the shit I'm about to talk. The Australians actually look like men playing a real sport. In America, our guys look like a bunch of men who prefer the company of other men. The undertones in our country is shocking with the shared showers, tight pants, butt touching, roughing each other up. the Australians clearly are just normal dudes kicking the living shit out of each other with no pads or helmets. Respect.
the most brutal sports are muay thai and mma.