The meteorite crashed onto the ranch! | Best Sci-Fi Movie | Thriller | Full Movie in English HD
The meteorite crashed onto the ranch! | Best Sci-Fi Movie | Thriller | Full Movie in English HD Meteor After the unexpected …
The meteorite crashed onto the ranch! | Best Sci-Fi Movie | Thriller | Full Movie in English HD Meteor After the unexpected …
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Why shoot the guy he when he should have shot the boss man?😮
🌾 please don't mind me at some times I could be a critic, poor dead guy couldn't leave the poor guy's head along oh humanity 😮 at least have the dignity to burry him😅 from your critic movie bloopers have a nice day time he took his head off 8:30 😱
crap the old man should of had her as his wife
Another stupid flick. But u know gitta have drama.
This girl horribleacting directungvscript.
And she says nothing about her ugly infected wound.
Mow u guys enjoying esobu like big thighs. Akways ni matter subject ginna have tight pants on the girls. So tacky.
Whycwould cars be neatly stacked? Cime on.
This movie I'm watching right after devastating fires in S ca. Devastation like atom bomb. Or meteor.
25:20 Texas flag on the wall. 😊
Thank you for saving this precious baby from a terrible life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Who in the hell made this movie. They could have trained monkeys as actors.
When I see pictures and I am don't andested 🤔🤔
Im from South Africa
Decent acting for a low budget pic. 😊
The single swing moving is indicative that somebody is alive.
The hung says somebody has had enough.
The guy walking around with a rifle in his hand does nothing to inspire any neighbourly feeling other than shoot HIM before saying "hello".
Consider how long anybody would last on their own after a major event anyway.
Those with diabetes would be running from pharmacy to pharmacy until the insulin ran out.
Unless you have an isolated independent drinking water supply you are going to be looking at cholera and various other bugs in and around any town,city particularly if you are near the coast(cos this means you are downstream of every bit of goo now going into the water.
Get any kind of infection from a cut or a rusty nail etcetera….you are looking at lockjaw….I can just here those bones breaking from the spasms.
Point I am making is that the idiot with the rifle simply needs to conceal himself because anybody he actually could meet and shoot is probably a figment of his imagination.
Similarly,the redhead is way to clean and tidy.
For my money she is bait for an ambush.
So his best bet is to lock her in the outhouse,cellar,or hand her a gun with its firing pin removed and turn his back.🤗👉🐀cos sending her out means that the 3 guys will know his set-up almost immediately anyway.
The actor tried to kill himself. Unfortunately, he has to suffer and remain in this movie. 😭😭😭
I was watching this movie with some snails. The snails told me that this movie was too slow for them. They left. Looks like I’m going to have to bounce or wind up like the dead man under the tree.🌴
That meteor looks just like one of Elon’s space rockets! Oops! 🔥
the truck no problem he says. it`s gas thats the trick. I see Ford is still making nice pickups after the meteor,
Where is the mysterious material that will unlock the secrets of the meteorites fall?
Disappointing unbelievable, and poor ending. Easy made storyline. Usual guns, The Good and the Bad. A waste of my time watching this movie.
What a pathetic movie. I quit at the 15 ish minute mark. Even free is to much.
I thought it was woeful. Too slow and at times, just ridiculous.
Nice Weatherby rifle.
Too many ads
worst movie ever.
6:34 – Who's dog is that?
Never realized back ground music made a big difference. Pic seems slow.
This movie was stupid
This movie was worse than the movie The Obamas made about the end of the world🙃🙃⚠⚠
When the older guy with the cowboy hat, shot that first guy and then his two friends just stood there. That cowboy had time to reload and get another shot off. Very, very poor movie.
Darn good movie.
Lameness abouds.
Shooting your handgun up in the air to announce your "secret arrival" at his doctor friends house??? I thought there were mercenaries in the area looking for you a few hours ago? That sound will travel miles. Who wrote this?
This guy still has a fresh loaf or store bought bread…. home many years ago did the "world end" anyway.
I wouldn't be walking around my property with a big white hat and a colorful red and white shirt if I thought bad guys were in the area looking to kill people. How about some camo hunting type gear.
with that old guys attitude; she can take her chances to keep running!
Watching from ❤Cape Cod Massachusetts
Not much
After such a catastrophy there would be no cars, no petrol, no clothes, no food. Because the whole chain of industry would fall apart. This film is ridiculously naive as practically all "postapocaliptic" films.
For all those who don’t understand the water situation given there’s water on site; when meteors strike, depending on location and meteor content along with the soil content, groundwater can become acidic or toxic, so when she asked about water he was referring to CLEAN drinkable waters. An argument can be made about why he can’t distill some, well yes maybe he could but distilled water has no flavor or minerals for nourishment. I’ve seen where water was purified to the point that unpurified raw water had to mixed back in to be able to use it.
من البداية والنهاية غير مفهوم
Horribly constructed "story" with preposterous human actions and reactions given the minimal knowledge of the "post disaster" situation.
If you’re looking for a disaster action movie, this one’s a yawn a minute.