The Master Of Fire || Chinese Old Action Kung Fu Movie In English

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38 thoughts on “The Master Of Fire || Chinese Old Action Kung Fu Movie In English

  1. Martial arts attracts me and I love it too. Though how old it may be, it is our great inheritance that our fore-fathers discovered long ago. Most of the arts and crafts that we see today is the hardwork of MONGOLIANS and their legacy, advancement and qualities. This film serves as the right example to it…

  2. Hate groups hmmm love groups are you going to program me to isolate me from the public with this introver extrover s*it
    I love groups and I will join groups if I was meant to be here alone God would have create me by myself so don't be shy join groups son and communicate communicate with people.

  3. Nice movie with a lesson sometimes in life the people you trust so much are the ones who betray you he stabbed his uncle thinking he was the one who murdered his parents not knowing it was a best friend to his father who was responsible for that sent an assassin to deceive him that it was his uncle I love the way he left the girl with her dead wicked father

  4. I had to laugh when the woman said my name is hi hoe Did she mean she was the highest hoe But, anyway, Kung Fu movies should always have a good mystery.
    Along with excellent fighting, this fits the bill.

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